{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : Anders Claesson 2015, 2016
-- Maintainer  : Anders Claesson <anders.claesson@gmail.com>
-- License     : BSD-3

module HOPS.GF
    ( module HOPS.GF.Series
    , module HOPS.GF.Transform
    , module HOPS.Pretty
    , Expr0 (..)
    , Expr1 (..)
    , Expr2 (..)
    , Expr3 (..)
    , Cmd (..)
    , PackedPrg (..)
    , Prg (..)
    , Name
    , nameSupply
    , packPrg
    , vars
    , anums
    , insertVar
    , aNumPrg
    , tagPrg
    -- Core
    , Core (..)
    , CorePrg
    , core
    -- Eval
    , Env (..)
    , emptyEnv
    , evalCorePrg
    , evalCorePrgs
    -- Parse
    , parsePrg
    , parsePrgErr
    ) where

import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON(..), Value (..))
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8)
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!?))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (take, takeWhile)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Applicative
import HOPS.Pretty
import HOPS.Utils.Parse
import HOPS.OEIS
import HOPS.GF.Series
import HOPS.GF.Transform
import qualified HOPS.GF.Rats as R

-- | A compact `ByteString` representation of a `Prg`.
newtype PackedPrg = PPrg ByteString deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToJSON PackedPrg where
    toJSON (PPrg bs) = String (decodeUtf8 bs)

instance FromJSON PackedPrg where
    parseJSON (String s) = pure $ PPrg (encodeUtf8 s)
    parseJSON _ = mzero

-- | An environment holds a mapping from A-numbers to series, and a
-- mapping from names to series (assignments).
data Env (n :: Nat) = Env
    { aNumEnv :: Vector (Series n)
    , varEnv  :: Map Name (Series n)

type Name = ByteString -- Variable name

type Subs = Name -> Name

data Expr0
    = EAdd Expr0 Expr0
    | ESub Expr0 Expr0
    | Expr1 Expr1
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Expr1
    = EMul Expr1 Expr1
    | EDiv Expr1 Expr1
    | EBDP Expr1 Expr1
    | EPtMul Expr1 Expr1
    | EPtDiv Expr1 Expr1
    | Expr2 Expr2
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Expr2
    = ENeg Expr2
    | EPos Expr2
    | EFac Expr3
    | EPow Expr3 Expr3
    | EComp Expr3 Expr3
    | ECoef Expr3 Expr3
    | Expr3 Expr3
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Expr3
    = EX
    | EDZ
    | EIndet
    | EA Int -- An A-number
    | ETag Int
    | EVar Name
    | ELit Integer
    | EApp Name [Expr0] -- A named transform
    | ERats R.Rats
    | Expr0 Expr0
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Cmd                -- A command is
    = Expr Expr0        -- an expression, or
    | Asgmt Name Expr0  -- an assignment
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Core
    = App !Name ![Core]
    | X
    | A   {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    | Tag {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    | Var {-# UNPACK #-} !Name
    | Lit !Rat
    | Rats !R.Core
    | Let {-# UNPACK #-} !Name !Core
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Pretty Core where
    pretty (App f es) = f <> paren (foldl' (<>) "" $ intersperse "," $ map pretty es)
    pretty X = "x"
    pretty (A i) = B.cons 'A' (pad 6 i)
    pretty (Tag i) = "TAG" <> pad 6 i
    pretty (Var s) = s
    pretty (Lit t) = maybe (pretty t) pretty $ maybeInteger t
    pretty (Rats r) = pretty r
    pretty (Let s e) = s <> "=" <> pretty e

instance Num Core where
    (+) x y = App "add" [x,y]
    (-) x y = App "sub" [x,y]
    (*) x y = App "mul" [x,y]
    abs x = App "abs" [x]
    signum x = App "sgn" [x]
    fromInteger = Lit . fromInteger

instance Fractional Core where
    fromRational = Lit . fromRational
    (/) x y = App "div" [x,y]

instance Floating Core where
    pi = Lit pi
    exp x = App "exp" [x]
    log x = App "log" [x]
    sin x = App "sin" [x]
    cos x = App "cos" [x]
    asin x = App "arcsin" [x]
    acos x = App "arccos" [x]
    atan x = App "arctan" [x]
    sinh x = App "sinh" [x]
    cosh x = App "cosh" [x]
    asinh x = App "arsinh" [x]
    acosh x = App "arcosh" [x]
    atanh x = App "artanh" [x]

type CorePrg = [Core]

-- | A program is a list of commands, where a command is either a power
-- series expression or an assignment.
newtype Prg = Prg { commands :: [Cmd] } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance ToJSON Prg where
    toJSON = toJSON . decodeUtf8 . pretty

instance FromJSON Prg where
    parseJSON (String t) = fromMaybe mzero (return <$> parsePrg (encodeUtf8 t))
    parseJSON _ = mzero

instance Monoid Prg where
    mempty = Prg []
    mappend (Prg []) q = q
    mappend p (Prg []) = p
    mappend p q = snd $ rename nameSupply (Prg $ commands p'' ++ commands q'')
        (vs, p' ) = nfEnd nameSupply p
        (us, p'') = rename vs p'
        ( _, q' ) = rename us q
        Asgmt ident _ = last (commands p'')
        q'' = subs [("stdin", ident)] q'

instance Pretty Expr0 where
    pretty (EAdd e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> "+" <> pretty e2
    pretty (ESub e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> "-" <> pretty e2
    pretty (Expr1 e)    = pretty e

instance Pretty Expr1 where
    pretty (EMul e1 e2)   = pretty e1 <> "*"  <> pretty e2
    pretty (EDiv e1 e2)   = pretty e1 <> "/"  <> pretty e2
    pretty (EBDP e1 e2)   = pretty e1 <> "<>" <> pretty e2
    pretty (EPtMul e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> ".*" <> pretty e2
    pretty (EPtDiv e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> "./" <> pretty e2
    pretty (Expr2 e)      = pretty e

instance Pretty Expr2 where
    pretty (ENeg e) = "-" <> pretty e
    pretty (EPos e) = pretty e
    pretty (EFac e) = pretty e <> "!"
    pretty (EPow e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> "^" <> pretty e2
    pretty (EComp e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> "@" <> pretty e2
    pretty (ECoef e1 e2) = pretty e1 <> "?" <> pretty e2
    pretty (Expr3 e) = pretty e

instance Pretty Expr3 where
    pretty EX = "x"
    pretty EDZ = "DZ"
    pretty EIndet = "Indet"
    pretty (EA i) = B.cons 'A' (pad 6 i)
    pretty (ETag i) = "TAG" <> pad 6 i
    pretty (EVar s) = s
    pretty (ELit t) = pretty t
    pretty (EApp s es) = s <> paren (foldl' (<>) "" $ intersperse "," $ map pretty es)
    pretty (ERats r) = pretty r
    pretty (Expr0 e) = paren $ pretty e

instance Pretty Cmd where
    pretty (Expr e) = pretty e
    pretty (Asgmt s e) = s <> "=" <> pretty e

instance Pretty Prg where
    pretty = B.intercalate ";" . map pretty . commands

-- | @pad d n@ packs the integer @n@ into a `ByteString` padding with
-- \'0\' on the right to achieve length @d@.
-- > pad 6 123 = "000123"
pad :: Int -> Int -> ByteString
pad d n = B.replicate (d - B.length s) '0' <> s where s = B.pack (show n)

-- | A compact representation of a `Prg` as a wrapped `ByteString`.
packPrg :: Prg -> PackedPrg
packPrg = PPrg . pretty

-- | The list of variables in a program.
vars :: CorePrg -> [Name]
vars = varsCorePrg

-- | The list of A-numbers in a program.
anums :: CorePrg -> [Int]
anums = anumsCorePrg

subsExpr0 :: Subs -> Expr0 -> Expr0
subsExpr0 f (EAdd e1 e2) = EAdd (subsExpr0 f e1) (subsExpr0 f e2)
subsExpr0 f (ESub e1 e2) = ESub (subsExpr0 f e1) (subsExpr0 f e2)
subsExpr0 f (Expr1 e)    = Expr1 (subsExpr1 f e)

subsExpr1 :: Subs -> Expr1 -> Expr1
subsExpr1 f (EMul e1 e2)   = EMul (subsExpr1 f e1) (subsExpr1 f e2)
subsExpr1 f (EDiv e1 e2)   = EDiv (subsExpr1 f e1) (subsExpr1 f e2)
subsExpr1 f (EBDP e1 e2)   = EBDP (subsExpr1 f e1) (subsExpr1 f e2)
subsExpr1 f (EPtMul e1 e2) = EPtMul (subsExpr1 f e1) (subsExpr1 f e2)
subsExpr1 f (EPtDiv e1 e2) = EPtDiv (subsExpr1 f e1) (subsExpr1 f e2)
subsExpr1 f (Expr2 e)      = Expr2 (subsExpr2 f e)

subsExpr2 :: Subs -> Expr2 -> Expr2
subsExpr2 f (ENeg e) = ENeg (subsExpr2 f e)
subsExpr2 f (EPos e) = EPos (subsExpr2 f e)
subsExpr2 f (EFac e) = EFac (subsExpr3 f e)
subsExpr2 f (EPow e1 e2) = EPow (subsExpr3 f e1) (subsExpr3 f e2)
subsExpr2 f (EComp e1 e2) = EComp (subsExpr3 f e1) (subsExpr3 f e2)
subsExpr2 f (ECoef e1 e2) = ECoef (subsExpr3 f e1) (subsExpr3 f e2)
subsExpr2 f (Expr3 e) = Expr3 (subsExpr3 f e)

subsExpr3 :: Subs -> Expr3 -> Expr3
subsExpr3 f (EVar s) = EVar (f s)
subsExpr3 f (EApp s es) = EApp s (map (subsExpr0 f) es)
subsExpr3 f (Expr0 e) = Expr0 (subsExpr0 f e)
subsExpr3 _ e = e

subsCmd :: Subs -> Cmd -> Cmd
subsCmd f (Expr e) = Expr (subsExpr0 f e)
subsCmd f (Asgmt s e) = Asgmt (f s) (subsExpr0 f e)

subsPrg :: Subs -> Prg -> Prg
subsPrg f = Prg . map (subsCmd f) . commands

subs :: [(Name, Name)] -> Prg -> Prg
subs assoc = subsPrg f
    f k = let d = M.fromList assoc in M.findWithDefault k k d

vars' :: Prg -> [Name]
vars' prog = vars (core prog) \\ ["stdin"]

nameSupply :: [Name]
nameSupply = B.words "f g h p q r s t u v w"
          ++ [ B.pack ('f':show i) | i <- [0::Int ..] ]

nfEnd :: [Name] -> Prg -> ([Name], Prg)
nfEnd vs prog@(Prg cmds) = (ws, Prg cmds')
    (ws, cmds') = nfEnd' cmds
    nfEnd' []       = (vs, [])
    nfEnd' [Expr e] = let u:us = vs \\ vars' prog in (us, [Asgmt u e])
    nfEnd' [a]      = (vs, [a])
    nfEnd' (c:cs)   = let (us, cs') = nfEnd' cs in (us, c:cs')

rename :: [Name] -> Prg -> ([Name], Prg)
rename vs p = (names, subs assoc p)
    names = vs \\ map snd assoc
    assoc = zip (vars' p) vs

lookupANum :: Int -> Env n -> Maybe (Series n)
lookupANum i env = aNumEnv env !? (i-1)

lookupVar :: ByteString -> Env n -> Maybe (Series n)
lookupVar v env = M.lookup v (varEnv env)

-- | Insert a variable binding into the given environment.
insertVar :: ByteString -> Series n -> Env n -> Env n
insertVar v f (Env a vs) = Env a (M.insert v f vs)

aNumPrg :: Int -> Prg
aNumPrg m = Prg [Expr (Expr1 (Expr2 (Expr3 (EA m))))]

tagPrg :: Int -> Prg
tagPrg m = Prg [Expr (Expr1 (Expr2 (Expr3 (ETag m))))]

-- Core

core :: Prg -> CorePrg
core = map coreCmd . commands

coreCmd :: Cmd -> Core
coreCmd (Expr e) = coreExpr0 e
coreCmd (Asgmt s e) = Let s (coreExpr0 e)

coreExpr0 :: Expr0 -> Core
coreExpr0 (EAdd e1 e2) = App "add" [coreExpr0 e1, coreExpr0 e2]
coreExpr0 (ESub e1 e2) = App "sub" [coreExpr0 e1, coreExpr0 e2]
coreExpr0 (Expr1 e) = coreExpr1 e

coreExpr1 :: Expr1 -> Core
coreExpr1 (EMul e1 e2) = App "mul" [coreExpr1 e1, coreExpr1 e2]
coreExpr1 (EDiv e1 e2) = App "div" [coreExpr1 e1, coreExpr1 e2]
coreExpr1 (EBDP e1 e2) = App "bdp" [coreExpr1 e1, coreExpr1 e2]
coreExpr1 (EPtMul e1 e2) = App "ptmul" [coreExpr1 e1, coreExpr1 e2]
coreExpr1 (EPtDiv e1 e2) = App "ptdiv" [coreExpr1 e1, coreExpr1 e2]
coreExpr1 (Expr2 e) = coreExpr2 e

coreExpr2 :: Expr2 -> Core
coreExpr2 (ENeg e) = App "neg" [coreExpr2 e]
coreExpr2 (EPos e) = coreExpr2 e
coreExpr2 (EFac e) = App "fac" [coreExpr3 e]
coreExpr2 (EPow e1 e2) = App "pow" [coreExpr3 e1, coreExpr3 e2]
coreExpr2 (EComp e1 e2) = App "comp" [coreExpr3 e1, coreExpr3 e2]
coreExpr2 (ECoef e1 e2) = App "coef" [coreExpr3 e1, coreExpr3 e2]
coreExpr2 (Expr3 e) = coreExpr3 e

coreExpr3 :: Expr3 -> Core
coreExpr3 EX = X
coreExpr3 EDZ = Lit DZ
coreExpr3 EIndet = Lit Indet
coreExpr3 (EA i) = A i
coreExpr3 (ETag i) = Tag i
coreExpr3 (EVar s) = Var s
coreExpr3 (ELit t) = Lit $ fromInteger t
coreExpr3 (EApp s es) = App s (map coreExpr0 es)
coreExpr3 (ERats r) = Rats (R.core r)
coreExpr3 (Expr0 e) = coreExpr0 e

varsCorePrg :: CorePrg -> [Name]
varsCorePrg = nub . (>>= varsCore)

varsCore :: Core -> [Name]
varsCore (App _ es) = varsCore =<< es
varsCore (Var s) = [s]
varsCore (Let s e) = s : varsCore e
varsCore _ = []

anumsCorePrg :: CorePrg -> [Int]
anumsCorePrg = nub . (anumsCore =<<)

anumsCore :: Core -> [Int]
anumsCore (App _ es) = anumsCore =<< es
anumsCore (A i) = [i]
anumsCore (Let _ e) = anumsCore e
anumsCore _ = []

-- Eval

emptyEnv :: Env n
emptyEnv = Env V.empty M.empty

evalName :: KnownNat n => Name -> Env n -> [Series n] -> Series n
evalName t env ss =
  case lookupTransform t of
    Nothing -> case ss of
                 [s] -> fromMaybe nil (lookupVar t env) `o` s
                 _   -> nil
    Just (Transform1 f) -> case ss of
                             [s] -> f s
                             _   -> nil
    Just (TransformAny f) -> f ss
    Just (TransformK k f) -> if length ss == k then f ss else nil

evalCore :: KnownNat n => Core -> State (Env n) (Series n)
evalCore (App f es) = evalName f <$> get <*> mapM evalCore es
evalCore X = return $ polynomial (Proxy :: Proxy n) [0,1]
evalCore (A i) = fromMaybe nil . lookupANum i <$> get
evalCore (Tag _) = return nil
evalCore (Var v) = fromMaybe nil . lookupVar v <$> get
evalCore (Lit c) = return $ polynomial (Proxy :: Proxy n) [c]
evalCore (Rats r) = return $ R.evalCore r
evalCore (Let v e) = do
    (f, env) <- runState (evalCore e) <$> get
    put (insertVar v f env)
    return f

evalCorePrgNext :: KnownNat n => CorePrg -> (Series n, Env n) -> (Series n, Env n)
evalCorePrgNext prog (env, f) =
    foldl' (\(_, ev) c -> runState (evalCore c) ev) (env, f) prog
{-# INLINE evalCorePrgNext #-}

-- | Evaluate a program in a given environment. E.g.
-- > evalCorePrg (emptyEnv :: Env 4) [ log (1/(1-X)) ]
-- series (Proxy :: Proxy 4) [Val (0 % 1),Val (1 % 1),Val (1 % 2),Val (1 % 3)]
evalCorePrg :: KnownNat n => Env n -> CorePrg -> Series n
evalCorePrg env prog = fst (trail !! precision f0)
    f0 = nil
    trail = iterate (evalCorePrgNext prog) (f0, env)

-- | Evaluate a list of programs in a given environment.
evalCorePrgs :: KnownNat n => Env n -> [CorePrg] -> [Series n]
evalCorePrgs env = map (evalCorePrg env)

-- Parse

expr0 :: Parser Expr0
expr0 = chainl1 (Expr1 <$> expr1) (op <$> oneOf "+ -") <?> "expr0"
    op "+" = EAdd
    op "-" = ESub
    op _   = error "internal error"

expr1 :: Parser Expr1
expr1 = chainl1 (Expr2 <$> expr2) (op <$> oneOf ".* ./ * / <>") <?> "expr1"
    op "*"  = EMul
    op "/"  = EDiv
    op ".*" = EPtMul
    op "./" = EPtDiv
    op "<>" = EBDP
    op _    = error "internal error"

expr2 :: Parser Expr2
     =  pm <$> oneOf "+ -" <*> expr2
    <|> (expr3 >>= \g ->
                EPow  g <$> (string "^" *> expr3)
            <|> EComp g <$> (string "@" *> expr3)
            <|> ECoef g <$> (string "?" *> expr3)
            <|> pure (EFac g) <* string "!"
            <|> pure (Expr3 g))
    <?> "expr2"
    pm "+" = EPos
    pm "-" = ENeg
    pm _   = error "internal error"

expr3 :: Parser Expr3
     =  EApp     <$> name <*> parens (sepBy expr0 (char ','))
    <|> ELit     <$> decimal
    <|> const EDZ <$> string "DZ"
    <|> const EIndet <$> string "Indet"
    <|> EA       <$> aNumInt
    <|> ETag     <$> tag
    <|> EApp     <$> name <*> ((pure . Expr1 . Expr2 . Expr3) <$> expr3)
    <|> EVar     <$> var
    <|> const EX <$> string "x"
    <|> ERats    <$> R.rats
    <|> Expr0    <$> parens expr0
    <?> "expr3"

assignment :: Parser (ByteString, Expr0)
assignment = (,) <$> var <*> (string "=" >> expr0)

cmd :: Parser Cmd
cmd = uncurry Asgmt <$> assignment <|> Expr <$> expr0

reserved :: [Name]
reserved = "x" : transforms

name :: Parser Name
name = mappend <$> takeWhile1 isAlpha_ascii
               <*> A.takeWhile (\c -> isAlpha_ascii c || isDigit c || c == '_')

var :: Parser ByteString
var = name >>= \s -> if s `elem` reserved then mzero else return s

prg :: Parser Prg
prg = Prg <$> cmd `sepBy'` string ";"
          <*  (string ";" <|> pure "")
          <*  endOfInput

-- | Parse a program.
parsePrg :: ByteString -> Maybe Prg
parsePrg = parse_ prg . B.takeWhile (/='#') . B.filter f
    f '\t' = False
    f ' '  = False
    f _    = True

-- | Parse a program and possibly fail with an error.
parsePrgErr :: ByteString -> Prg
parsePrgErr = fromMaybe (error "error parsing program") . parsePrg