{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, CPP, ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards #-} module General.Web( Input(..), Output(..), readInput, server ) where -- #define PROFILE -- For some reason, profiling stops working if I import warp -- Tracked as https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/issues/311 #ifndef PROFILE import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp hiding (Port, Handle) import Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS #endif import Action.CmdLine import Network.Wai.Logger import Network.Wai import Control.DeepSeq import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import qualified Data.Text as Text import General.Str import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.List.Extra import Data.String import Data.Tuple.Extra import Data.Monoid import System.FilePath import Control.Exception.Extra import System.Time.Extra import General.Log import Network.URI data Input = Input {inputURL :: [String] ,inputArgs :: [(String, String)] } deriving Show readInput :: String -> Input readInput (breakOn "?" -> (a,b)) = Input (dropWhile null $ splitOn "/" a) $ map (second (unEscapeString . drop1) . breakOn "=") $ splitOn "&" $ drop1 b data Output = OutputString LBS.ByteString | OutputHTML LBS.ByteString | OutputJSON LBS.ByteString | OutputFail LBS.ByteString | OutputFile FilePath deriving Show instance NFData Output where rnf (OutputString x) = rnf x rnf (OutputJSON x) = rnf x rnf (OutputHTML x) = rnf x rnf (OutputFail x) = rnf x rnf (OutputFile x) = rnf x server :: Log -> CmdLine -> (Input -> IO Output) -> IO () #ifdef PROFILE server _ _ _ = return () #else server log Server{..} act = do logAddMessage log $ "Server started on port " ++ show port let host' = fromString $ if local then "" else host set = setOnExceptionResponse exceptionResponseForDebug . setHost host' . setPort port $ defaultSettings runServer :: Application -> IO () runServer = if https then runTLS (tlsSettings cert key) set else runSettings set runServer $ \req reply -> do putStrLn $ BS.unpack $ rawPathInfo req <> rawQueryString req let pay = Input (map Text.unpack $ pathInfo req) [(strUnpack a, maybe "" strUnpack b) | (a,b) <- queryString req] (time,res) <- duration $ try_ $ do s <- act pay; evaluate $ rnf s; return s res <- either (fmap Left . showException) (return . Right) res logAddEntry log (showSockAddr $ remoteHost req) (BS.unpack $ rawPathInfo req <> rawQueryString req) time (either Just (const Nothing) res) case res of Left s -> reply $ responseLBS status500 [] $ LBS.pack s Right v -> reply $ case v of OutputFile file -> responseFile status200 [("content-type",c) | Just c <- [lookup (takeExtension file) contentType]] file Nothing OutputString msg -> responseLBS status200 [] msg OutputJSON msg -> responseLBS status200 [("content-type", "application/json"), ("access-control-allow-origin", "*")] msg OutputFail msg -> responseLBS status500 [] msg OutputHTML msg -> responseLBS status200 [("content-type","text/html")] msg contentType = [(".html","text/html"),(".css","text/css"),(".js","text/javascript")] #endif