{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Stream out a NAR file from a regular file module System.Nix.Nar.Streamer ( NarSource , dumpString , dumpPath , streamNarIO , streamNarIOWithOptions , Nar.IsExecutable(..) ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Text (Text) import Control.Monad ( forM_ , when ) import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytes import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bytes.Lazy import qualified Data.Foldable import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Serialize as Serial import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, breakOn) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE (encodeUtf8) import System.FilePath (()) import qualified System.Nix.Nar.Effects as Nar import qualified System.Nix.Nar.Options as Nar -- | NarSource -- The source to provide nar to the handler `(ByteString -> m ())`. -- It is isomorphic to ByteString by Yoneda lemma -- if the result is meant to be m (). -- It is done in CPS style so IO can be chunks. type NarSource m = (ByteString -> m ()) -> m () -- | dumpString -- dump a string to nar in CPS style. The function takes in a `ByteString`, -- and build a `NarSource m`. dumpString :: forall m . IO.MonadIO m => ByteString -- ^ the string you want to dump -> NarSource m -- ^ The nar result in CPS style dumpString text yield = Data.Foldable.traverse_ (yield . str) ["nix-archive-1", "(", "type" , "regular", "contents", text, ")"] -- | dumpPath -- shorthand -- build a Source that turn file path to nar using the default narEffectsIO. dumpPath :: forall m . IO.MonadIO m => FilePath -- ^ path for the file you want to dump to nar -> NarSource m -- ^ the nar result in CPS style dumpPath = streamNarIO Nar.narEffectsIO -- | This implementation of Nar encoding takes an arbitrary @yield@ -- function from any streaming library, and repeatedly calls -- it while traversing the filesystem object to Nar encode streamNarIO :: forall m . IO.MonadIO m => Nar.NarEffects IO -> FilePath -> NarSource m streamNarIO effs basePath yield = streamNarIOWithOptions Nar.defaultNarOptions effs basePath yield streamNarIOWithOptions :: forall m . IO.MonadIO m => Nar.NarOptions -> Nar.NarEffects IO -> FilePath -> NarSource m streamNarIOWithOptions opts effs basePath yield = do yield $ str "nix-archive-1" parens $ go basePath where go :: FilePath -> m () go path = do isSymLink <- IO.liftIO $ Nar.narIsSymLink effs path if isSymLink then do target <- IO.liftIO $ Nar.narReadLink effs path yield $ strs ["type", "symlink", "target", filePathToBS target] else do isDir <- IO.liftIO $ Nar.narIsDir effs path if isDir then do fs <- IO.liftIO (Nar.narListDir effs path) yield $ strs ["type", "directory"] forM_ (Data.List.sort fs) $ \f -> do yield $ str "entry" parens $ do let fullName = path f let serializedPath = if Nar.optUseCaseHack opts then filePathToBSWithCaseHack f else filePathToBS f yield $ strs ["name", serializedPath, "node"] parens $ go fullName else do isExec <- IO.liftIO $ Nar.narIsExec effs path yield $ strs ["type", "regular"] when (isExec == Nar.Executable) $ yield $ strs ["executable", ""] fSize <- IO.liftIO $ Nar.narFileSize effs path yield $ str "contents" yield $ int fSize yieldFile path fSize parens act = do yield $ str "(" r <- act yield $ str ")" pure r -- Read, yield, and pad the file yieldFile :: FilePath -> Int64 -> m () yieldFile path fsize = do mapM_ yield . Bytes.Lazy.toChunks =<< IO.liftIO (Nar.narReadFile effs path) yield $ Bytes.replicate (padLen $ fromIntegral fsize) 0 -- | Distance to the next multiple of 8 padLen :: Int -> Int padLen n = (8 - n) `mod` 8 int :: Integral a => a -> ByteString int n = Serial.runPut $ Serial.putInt64le $ fromIntegral n str :: ByteString -> ByteString str t = let len = Bytes.length t in int len <> padBS len t padBS :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString padBS strSize bs = bs <> Bytes.replicate (padLen strSize) 0 strs :: [ByteString] -> ByteString strs xs = Bytes.concat $ str <$> xs filePathToBS :: FilePath -> ByteString filePathToBS = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack filePathToBSWithCaseHack :: FilePath -> ByteString filePathToBSWithCaseHack = TE.encodeUtf8 . undoCaseHack . T.pack undoCaseHack :: Text -> Text undoCaseHack = fst . T.breakOn Nar.caseHackSuffix