{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-orphans #-} module ParserTests (tests) where import Data.Fix import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text import NeatInterpolation (text) import Nix.Atoms import Nix.Expr import Nix.Parser import Nix.Pretty import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.TH case_constant_int = assertParseText "234" $ mkInt 234 case_constant_bool = do assertParseText "true" $ mkBool True assertParseText "false" $ mkBool False case_constant_bool_respects_attributes = do assertParseText "true-foo" $ mkSym "true-foo" assertParseText "false-bar" $ mkSym "false-bar" case_constant_path = do assertParseText "./." $ mkPath False "./." assertParseText "./+-_/cdef/09ad+-" $ mkPath False "./+-_/cdef/09ad+-" assertParseText "/abc" $ mkPath False "/abc" assertParseText "../abc" $ mkPath False "../abc" assertParseText "" $ mkPath True "abc" assertParseText "<../cdef>" $ mkPath True "../cdef" assertParseText "a//b" $ mkOper2 NUpdate (mkSym "a") (mkSym "b") assertParseText "rec+def/cdef" $ mkPath False "rec+def/cdef" assertParseText "a/b//c/def// < def/d" $ mkOper2 NLt (mkOper2 NUpdate (mkPath False "a/b") $ mkOper2 NUpdate (mkPath False "c/def") (mkPath True "g")) (mkPath False "def/d") assertParseText "a'b/c" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkSym "a'b") (mkPath False "/c") assertParseText "a/b" $ mkPath False "a/b" assertParseText "4/2" $ mkPath False "4/2" assertParseFail "." assertParseFail ".." assertParseFail "/" assertParseFail "a/" assertParseFail "a/def/" assertParseFail "~" assertParseFail "~/" assertParseText "~/a" $ mkPath False "~/a" assertParseText "~/a/b" $ mkPath False "~/a/b" case_constant_uri = do assertParseText "a:a" $ mkStr "a:a" assertParseText "http://foo.bar" $ mkStr "http://foo.bar" assertParseText "a+de+.adA+-:%%%ads%5asdk&/" $ mkStr "a+de+.adA+-:%%%ads%5asdk&/" assertParseText "rec+def:c" $ mkStr "rec+def:c" assertParseText "f.foo:bar" $ mkStr "f.foo:bar" assertParseFail "http://foo${\"bar\"}" assertParseFail ":bcdef" assertParseFail "a%20:asda" assertParseFail ".:adasd" assertParseFail "+:acdcd" case_simple_set = do assertParseText "{ a = 23; b = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 23) nullPos , NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkInt 4) nullPos ] assertParseFail "{ a = 23 }" case_set_inherit = do assertParseText "{ e = 3; inherit a b; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ NamedVar (mkSelector "e") (mkInt 3) nullPos , Inherit Nothing (StaticKey <$> ["a", "b"]) nullPos ] assertParseText "{ inherit; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ Inherit Nothing [] nullPos ] case_set_scoped_inherit = assertParseText "{ inherit (a) b c; e = 4; inherit(a)b c; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ Inherit (Just (mkSym "a")) (StaticKey <$> ["b", "c"]) nullPos , NamedVar (mkSelector "e") (mkInt 4) nullPos , Inherit (Just (mkSym "a")) (StaticKey <$> ["b", "c"]) nullPos ] case_set_rec = assertParseText "rec { a = 3; b = a; }" $ Fix $ NSet NRecursive [ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3) nullPos , NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkSym "a") nullPos ] case_set_complex_keynames = do assertParseText "{ \"\" = null; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ NamedVar (DynamicKey (Plain (DoubleQuoted [])) :| []) mkNull nullPos ] assertParseText "{ a.b = 3; a.c = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ NamedVar (StaticKey "a" :| [StaticKey "b"]) (mkInt 3) nullPos , NamedVar (StaticKey "a" :| [StaticKey "c"]) (mkInt 4) nullPos ] assertParseText "{ ${let a = \"b\"; in a} = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ NamedVar (DynamicKey (Antiquoted letExpr) :| []) (mkInt 4) nullPos ] assertParseText "{ \"a${let a = \"b\"; in a}c\".e = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ NamedVar (DynamicKey (Plain str) :| [StaticKey "e"]) (mkInt 4) nullPos ] where letExpr = Fix $ NLet [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkStr "b") nullPos] (mkSym "a") str = DoubleQuoted [Plain "a", Antiquoted letExpr, Plain "c"] case_set_inherit_direct = assertParseText "{ inherit ({a = 3;}); }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [ Inherit (Just $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3) nullPos]) [] nullPos ] case_inherit_selector = do assertParseText "{ inherit \"a\"; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [Inherit Nothing [DynamicKey (Plain (DoubleQuoted [Plain "a"]))] nullPos] assertParseFail "{ inherit a.x; }" case_int_list = assertParseText "[1 2 3]" $ Fix $ NList [ mkInt i | i <- [1,2,3] ] case_int_null_list = assertParseText "[1 2 3 null 4]" $ Fix (NList (map (Fix . NConstant) [NInt 1, NInt 2, NInt 3, NNull, NInt 4])) case_mixed_list = do assertParseText "[{a = 3;}.a (if true then null else false) null false 4 [] c.d or null]" $ Fix $ NList [ Fix (NSelect (Fix (NSet NNonRecursive [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3) nullPos])) (mkSelector "a") Nothing) , Fix (NIf (mkBool True) mkNull (mkBool False)) , mkNull, mkBool False, mkInt 4, Fix (NList []) , Fix (NSelect (mkSym "c") (mkSelector "d") (Just mkNull)) ] assertParseFail "[if true then null else null]" assertParseFail "[a ? b]" assertParseFail "[a : a]" assertParseFail "[${\"test\")]" case_simple_lambda = assertParseText "a: a" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") (mkSym "a") case_lambda_or_uri = do assertParseText "a :b" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") (mkSym "b") assertParseText "a c:def" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkSym "a") (mkStr "c:def") assertParseText "c:def: c" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkStr "c:def:") (mkSym "c") assertParseText "a:{}" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [] assertParseText "a:[a]" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") $ Fix $ NList [mkSym "a"] assertParseFail "def:" case_lambda_pattern = do assertParseText "{b, c ? 1}: b" $ Fix $ NAbs (fixed args Nothing) (mkSym "b") assertParseText "{ b ? x: x }: b" $ Fix $ NAbs (fixed args2 Nothing) (mkSym "b") assertParseText "a@{b,c ? 1}: b" $ Fix $ NAbs (fixed args (Just "a")) (mkSym "b") assertParseText "{b,c?1}@a: c" $ Fix $ NAbs (fixed args (Just "a")) (mkSym "c") assertParseText "{b,c?1,...}@a: c" $ Fix $ NAbs (variadic vargs (Just "a")) (mkSym "c") assertParseText "{...}: 1" $ Fix $ NAbs (variadic mempty Nothing) (mkInt 1) assertParseFail "a@b: a" assertParseFail "{a}@{b}: a" where fixed args = ParamSet args False variadic args = ParamSet args True args = [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)] vargs = [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)] args2 = [("b", Just lam)] lam = Fix $ NAbs (Param "x") (mkSym "x") case_lambda_app_int = assertParseText "(a: a) 3" $ Fix (NBinary NApp lam int) where int = mkInt 3 lam = Fix (NAbs (Param "a") asym) asym = mkSym "a" case_simple_let = do assertParseText "let a = 4; in a" $ Fix (NLet binds $ mkSym "a") assertParseFail "let a = 4 in a" where binds = [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 4) nullPos] case_let_body = assertParseText "let { body = 1; }" letBody where letBody = Fix $ NSelect aset (mkSelector "body") Nothing aset = Fix $ NSet NRecursive [NamedVar (mkSelector "body") (mkInt 1) nullPos] case_nested_let = do assertParseText "let a = 4; in let b = 5; in a" $ Fix $ NLet [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 4) nullPos] (Fix $ NLet [NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkInt 5) nullPos] $ mkSym "a") assertParseFail "let a = 4; let b = 3; in b" case_let_scoped_inherit = do assertParseText "let a = null; inherit (b) c; in c" $ Fix $ NLet [ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") mkNull nullPos , Inherit (Just $ mkSym "b") [StaticKey "c"] nullPos ] (mkSym "c") assertParseFail "let inherit (b) c in c" case_if = do assertParseText "if true then true else false" $ Fix $ NIf (mkBool True) (mkBool True) (mkBool False) assertParseFail "if true then false" assertParseFail "else" assertParseFail "if true then false else" assertParseFail "if true then false else false else" assertParseFail "1 + 2 then" case_identifier_special_chars = do assertParseText "_a" $ mkSym "_a" assertParseText "a_b" $ mkSym "a_b" assertParseText "a'b" $ mkSym "a'b" assertParseText "a''b" $ mkSym "a''b" assertParseText "a-b" $ mkSym "a-b" assertParseText "a--b" $ mkSym "a--b" assertParseText "a12a" $ mkSym "a12a" assertParseFail ".a" assertParseFail "'a" case_identifier_keyword_prefix = do assertParseText "true-name" $ mkSym "true-name" assertParseText "trueName" $ mkSym "trueName" assertParseText "null-name" $ mkSym "null-name" assertParseText "nullName" $ mkSym "nullName" assertParseText "[ null-name ]" $ mkList [ mkSym "null-name" ] makeTextParseTest str = assertParseText ("\"" <> str <> "\"") $ mkStr str case_simple_string = mapM_ makeTextParseTest ["abcdef", "a", "A", " a a ", ""] case_string_dollar = mapM_ makeTextParseTest ["a$b", "a$$b", "$cdef", "gh$i"] case_string_escape = do assertParseText "\"\\$\\n\\t\\r\\\\\"" $ mkStr "$\n\t\r\\" assertParseText "\" \\\" \\' \"" $ mkStr " \" ' " case_string_antiquote = do assertParseText "\"abc${ if true then \"def\" else \"abc\" } g\"" $ Fix $ NStr $ DoubleQuoted [ Plain "abc" , Antiquoted $ Fix $ NIf (mkBool True) (mkStr "def") (mkStr "abc") , Plain " g" ] assertParseText "\"\\${a}\"" $ mkStr "${a}" assertParseFail "\"a" assertParseFail "${true}" assertParseFail "\"${true\"" case_select = do assertParseText "a . e .di. f" $ Fix $ NSelect (mkSym "a") (StaticKey "e" :| [StaticKey "di", StaticKey "f"]) Nothing assertParseText "a.e . d or null" $ Fix $ NSelect (mkSym "a") (StaticKey "e" :| [StaticKey "d"]) (Just mkNull) assertParseText "{}.\"\"or null" $ Fix $ NSelect (Fix (NSet NNonRecursive [])) (DynamicKey (Plain (DoubleQuoted [])) :| []) (Just mkNull) assertParseText "{ a = [1]; }.a or [2] ++ [3]" $ Fix $ NBinary NConcat (Fix (NSelect (Fix (NSet NNonRecursive [NamedVar (StaticKey "a" :| []) (Fix (NList [Fix (NConstant (NInt 1))])) nullPos])) (StaticKey "a" :| []) (Just (Fix (NList [Fix (NConstant (NInt 2))]))))) (Fix (NList [Fix (NConstant (NInt 3))])) case_select_path = do assertParseText "f ./." $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkSym "f") (mkPath False "./.") assertParseText "f.b ../a" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp select (mkPath False "../a") assertParseText "{}./def" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (Fix (NSet NNonRecursive [])) (mkPath False "./def") assertParseText "{}.\"\"./def" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (Fix $ NSelect (Fix (NSet NNonRecursive [])) (DynamicKey (Plain (DoubleQuoted [])) :| []) Nothing) (mkPath False "./def") where select = Fix $ NSelect (mkSym "f") (mkSelector "b") Nothing case_select_keyword = do assertParseText "{ false = \"foo\"; }" $ Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [NamedVar (mkSelector "false") (mkStr "foo") nullPos] case_fun_app = do assertParseText "f a b" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkSym "f") (mkSym "a")) (mkSym "b") assertParseText "f a.x or null" $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkSym "f") $ Fix $ NSelect (mkSym "a") (mkSelector "x") (Just mkNull) assertParseFail "f if true then null else null" case_indented_string = do assertParseText "''a''" $ mkIndentedStr 0 "a" assertParseText "''\n foo\n bar''" $ mkIndentedStr 2 "foo\nbar" assertParseText "'' ''" $ mkIndentedStr 0 "" assertParseText "'''''''" $ mkIndentedStr 0 "''" assertParseText "'' ${null}\n a${null}''" $ Fix $ NStr $ Indented 3 [ Antiquoted mkNull , Plain "\na" , Antiquoted mkNull ] assertParseFail "'''''" assertParseFail "'' '" case_indented_string_escape = assertParseText "'' ''\\n ''\\t ''\\\\ ''${ \\ \\n ' ''' ''" $ mkIndentedStr 1 "\n \t \\ ${ \\ \\n ' '' " case_operator_fun_app = do assertParseText "a ++ b" $ mkOper2 NConcat (mkSym "a") (mkSym "b") assertParseText "a ++ f b" $ mkOper2 NConcat (mkSym "a") $ Fix $ NBinary NApp (mkSym "f") (mkSym "b") case_operators = do assertParseText "1 + 2 - 3" $ mkOper2 NMinus (mkOper2 NPlus (mkInt 1) (mkInt 2)) (mkInt 3) assertParseFail "1 + if true then 1 else 2" assertParseText "1 + (if true then 2 else 3)" $ mkOper2 NPlus (mkInt 1) $ Fix $ NIf (mkBool True) (mkInt 2) (mkInt 3) assertParseText "{ a = 3; } // rec { b = 4; }" $ mkOper2 NUpdate (Fix $ NSet NNonRecursive [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3) nullPos]) (Fix $ NSet NRecursive [NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkInt 4) nullPos]) assertParseText "--a" $ mkOper NNeg $ mkOper NNeg $ mkSym "a" assertParseText "a - b - c" $ mkOper2 NMinus (mkOper2 NMinus (mkSym "a") (mkSym "b")) $ mkSym "c" assertParseText "foo NExpr -> Assertion assertParseText str expected = case parseNixText str of Success actual -> assertEqual ("When parsing " ++ unpack str) (stripPositionInfo expected) (stripPositionInfo actual) Failure err -> assertFailure $ "Unexpected error parsing `" ++ unpack str ++ "':\n" ++ show err assertParseFile :: FilePath -> NExpr -> Assertion assertParseFile file expected = do res <- parseNixFile $ "data/" ++ file case res of Success actual -> assertEqual ("Parsing data file " ++ file) (stripPositionInfo expected) (stripPositionInfo actual) Failure err -> assertFailure $ "Unexpected error parsing data file `" ++ file ++ "':\n" ++ show err assertParseFail :: Text -> Assertion assertParseFail str = case parseNixText str of Failure _ -> return () Success r -> assertFailure $ "Unexpected success parsing `" ++ unpack str ++ ":\nParsed value: " ++ show r -- assertRoundTrip :: Text -> Assertion -- assertRoundTrip src = assertParsePrint src src assertParsePrint :: Text -> Text -> Assertion assertParsePrint src expect = let Success expr = parseNixTextLoc src result = renderStrict . layoutPretty (LayoutOptions $ AvailablePerLine 80 0.4) . prettyNix . stripAnnotation $ expr in assertEqual "" expect result