-- | Common music notation duration model.
module Music.Theory.Duration where

import Control.Monad {- base -}
import Data.List {- base -}
import Data.Maybe {- base -}
import Data.Ratio {- base -}

import qualified Music.Theory.List as T {- hmt -}
import qualified Music.Theory.Ord as T {- hmt -}

-- | Common music notation durational model
data Duration = Duration {division :: Integer -- ^ division of whole note
                         ,dots :: Integer -- ^ number of dots
                         ,multiplier :: Rational -- ^ tuplet modifier
                deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Are multipliers equal?
duration_meq :: Duration -> Duration -> Bool
duration_meq p q = multiplier p == multiplier q

-- | Is multiplier the identity (ie. @1@)?
duration_m1 :: Duration -> Bool
duration_m1 = (== 1) . multiplier

-- | Compare durations with equal multipliers.
duration_compare_meq :: Duration -> Duration -> Maybe Ordering
duration_compare_meq y0 y1 =
    let (Duration x0 n0 m0) = y0
        (Duration x1 n1 m1) = y1
    in if y0 == y1
       then Just EQ
       else if m0 /= m1
            then Nothing
            else Just (if x0 == x1
                       then compare n0 n1
                       else compare x1 x0)

-- | Erroring variant of 'duration_compare_meq'.
duration_compare_meq_err :: Duration -> Duration -> Ordering
duration_compare_meq_err p =
    let err = error "duration_compare_meq_err: non-equal multipliers"
    in fromMaybe err . duration_compare_meq p

-- | 'Ord' instance in terms of 'duration_compare_meq_err'.
instance Ord Duration where
    compare = duration_compare_meq_err

-- | True if neither duration is dotted.
no_dots :: (Duration, Duration) -> Bool
no_dots (x0,x1) = dots x0 == 0 && dots x1 == 0

-- | Sum undotted divisions, input is required to be sorted.
sum_dur_undotted :: (Integer, Integer) -> Maybe Duration
sum_dur_undotted (x0, x1)
    | x0 == x1 = Just (Duration (x0 `div` 2) 0 1)
    | x0 == x1 * 2 = Just (Duration x1 1 1)
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Sum dotted divisions, input is required to be sorted.
-- > sum_dur_dotted (4,1,4,1) == Just (Duration 2 1 1)
-- > sum_dur_dotted (4,0,2,1) == Just (Duration 1 0 1)
-- > sum_dur_dotted (8,1,4,0) == Just (Duration 4 2 1)
-- > sum_dur_dotted (16,0,4,2) == Just (Duration 2 0 1)
sum_dur_dotted :: (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Maybe Duration
sum_dur_dotted (x0, n0, x1, n1)
    | x0 == x1 &&
      n0 == 1 &&
      n1 == 1 = Just (Duration (x1 `div` 2) 1 1)
    | x0 == x1 * 2 &&
      n0 == 0 &&
      n1 == 1 = Just (Duration (x1 `div` 2) 0 1)
    | x0 == x1 * 4 &&
      n0 == 0 &&
      n1 == 2 = Just (Duration (x1 `div` 2) 0 1)
    | x0 == x1 * 2 &&
      n0 == 1 &&
      n1 == 0 = Just (Duration x1 2 1)
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Sum durations.  Not all durations can be summed, and the present
--   algorithm is not exhaustive.
-- > import Music.Theory.Duration.Name
-- > sum_dur quarter_note eighth_note == Just dotted_quarter_note
-- > sum_dur dotted_quarter_note eighth_note == Just half_note
-- > sum_dur quarter_note dotted_eighth_note == Just double_dotted_quarter_note
sum_dur :: Duration -> Duration -> Maybe Duration
sum_dur y0 y1 =
    let f (x0,x1) = if no_dots (x0,x1)
                    then sum_dur_undotted (division x0, division x1)
                    else sum_dur_dotted (division x0, dots x0
                                        ,division x1, dots x1)
    in join (fmap f (T.sort_pair_m duration_compare_meq (y0,y1)))

-- | Erroring variant of 'sum_dur'.
sum_dur_err :: Duration -> Duration -> Duration
sum_dur_err y0 y1 =
    let y2 = sum_dur y0 y1
        err = error ("sum_dur': " ++ show (y0,y1))
    in fromMaybe err y2

-- | Standard divisions (from 0 to 256).  MusicXML allows @-1@ as a division (for @long@).
divisions_set :: [Integer]
divisions_set = [0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256]

-- | Durations set derived from 'divisions_set' with up to /k/ dots.  Multiplier of @1@.
duration_set :: Integer -> [Duration]
duration_set k = [Duration dv dt 1 | dv <- divisions_set, dt <- [0..k]]

-- | Table of number of beams at notated division.
beam_count_tbl :: [(Integer,Integer)]
beam_count_tbl = zip (-1 : divisions_set) [0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6]

-- | Lookup 'beam_count_tbl'.
-- > whole_note_division_to_beam_count 32 == Just 3
whole_note_division_to_beam_count :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
whole_note_division_to_beam_count x = lookup x beam_count_tbl

-- | Calculate number of beams at 'Duration'.
-- > map duration_beam_count [Duration 2 0 1,Duration 16 0 1] == [0,2]
duration_beam_count :: Duration -> Integer
duration_beam_count (Duration x _ _) =
    let err = error "duration_beam_count"
        bc = whole_note_division_to_beam_count x
    in fromMaybe err bc

-- * MusicXML

-- | Table giving @MusicXML@ types for divisions.
division_musicxml_tbl :: [(Integer,String)]
division_musicxml_tbl =
    let nm = ["long","breve","whole","half","quarter","eighth"
    in zip (-1 : divisions_set) nm

-- | Lookup 'division_musicxml_tbl'.
-- > map whole_note_division_to_musicxml_type [2,4] == ["half","quarter"]
whole_note_division_to_musicxml_type :: Integer -> String
whole_note_division_to_musicxml_type x =
    T.lookup_err_msg "division_musicxml_tbl" x division_musicxml_tbl

-- | Variant of 'whole_note_division_to_musicxml_type' extracting
-- 'division' from 'Duration', dots & multipler are ignored.
-- > duration_to_musicxml_type (Duration 4 0 1) == "quarter"
duration_to_musicxml_type :: Duration -> String
duration_to_musicxml_type = whole_note_division_to_musicxml_type . division

-- * Unicode

-- | Table giving @Unicode@ symbols for divisions.
division_unicode_tbl :: [(Integer,Char)]
division_unicode_tbl = zip [0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256] "𝅜𝅝𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅲"

-- | Lookup 'division_unicode_tbl'.
-- > map whole_note_division_to_unicode_symbol [1,2,4,8] == "𝅝𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮"
whole_note_division_to_unicode_symbol :: Integer -> Char
whole_note_division_to_unicode_symbol x =
    T.lookup_err_msg "division_unicode_tbl" x division_unicode_tbl

-- | Give Unicode string for 'Duration'. The duration multiplier is /not/ written.
-- > map duration_to_unicode [Duration 1 2 1,Duration 4 1 1] == ["𝅝𝅭𝅭","𝅘𝅥𝅭"]
duration_to_unicode :: Duration -> String
duration_to_unicode (Duration dv d _) =
    let dv' = whole_note_division_to_unicode_symbol dv
    in dv' : replicate (fromIntegral d) '𝅭'

-- * Lilypond

-- | Give /Lilypond/ notation for 'Duration'.  Note that the duration
-- multiplier is /not/ written.
-- > map duration_to_lilypond_type [Duration 2 0 1,Duration 4 1 1] == ["2","4."]
duration_to_lilypond_type :: Duration -> String
duration_to_lilypond_type (Duration dv d _) =
    let dv' = if dv == 0 then "\\breve" else show dv
    in dv' ++ replicate (fromIntegral d) '.'

-- * Humdrum

{- | Duration to @**recip@ notation.


> let d = map (\z -> Duration z 0 1) [0,1,2,4,8,16,32]
> in map duration_recip_pp d == ["0","1","2","4","8","16","32"]

> let d = [Duration 1 1 (1/3),Duration 4 1 1,Duration 4 1 (2/3)]
> in map duration_recip_pp d == ["3.","4.","6."]

duration_recip_pp :: Duration -> String
duration_recip_pp (Duration x d m) =
    let (mn,md) = (numerator m,denominator m)
        r = (x % mn) * (md % 1)
    in if denominator r == 1
       then show (numerator r) ++ genericReplicate d '.'
       else error (show ("duration_recip_pp",x,d,m,r))

-- * Letter

whole_note_division_letter_pp :: Integer -> Maybe Char
whole_note_division_letter_pp x =
    let t = [(16,'s'),(8,'e'),(4,'q'),(2,'h'),(1,'w')]
    in lookup x t

-- > mapMaybe duration_letter_pp [Duration 4 0 1,Duration 2 1 1,Duration 8 2 1] == ["q","h'","e''"]
-- > duration_letter_pp
duration_letter_pp :: Duration -> Maybe String
duration_letter_pp (Duration x d m) =
    let d' = genericReplicate d '\''
        m' = case (numerator m,denominator m) of
               (1,1) -> ""
               (1,i) -> '/' : show i
               (i,j) -> '*' : show i ++ "/" ++ show j
    in case whole_note_division_letter_pp x of
         Just x' -> Just (x' : d' ++ m')
         _ -> Nothing