{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, GADTs, KindSignatures, Rank2Types, TypeOperators #-}
-- | Tables of values and keys for that tables.
-- Each value in the table may be accompanied with references to other tables.
module Data.HMemDb
     Multitude, Single, Multiple,
     Table, Key,
     TableVarU, TableVar, TableVars, fromList, toList, readVar, readRefs,
     TableRef, only, some,
     KeySpec, single, multiple, single_, multiple_,
     RefsC, Refs (Refs), RefsComponent, Ref, (:&:)((:&:)),
     KeysC, Keys (Keys), KeysComponent, KeyRef, (:+:)((:+:)),
     Spec (Spec, sRefs, sKeys),
     Created (Created, cTable, cKeys),
     createTable, select, select_, insert, update, update_, delete,
     getTable, getTable_, getTable__,
     putTable, putTable_, putTable__
    ) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, TVar, modifyTVar', newTVar, readTVar, writeTVar)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, guard, liftM, liftM2, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.STM.Class (MonadSTM, liftSTM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT))
import Data.Binary (Binary (get, put), Get, Put)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (Identity, runIdentity))
import qualified Data.Map as M
    (Map, empty,
     elems, fromList, toList,
     alter, delete, insert, lookup, update,
     maxViewWithKey, minViewWithKey, splitLookup)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S (Set, delete, fromList, insert, null, singleton, toList)
liftMaybe :: Monad m => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a
liftMaybe = MaybeT . return
-- | 'STM' that can fail.
-- Note that it doesn't revert the transaction on failure.
type MS = MaybeT STM
-- | This type specifies that we want a single value.
newtype Single = Single {sVal :: Integer}
-- | This type specifies that we want multiple values.
newtype Multiple = Multiple {mVal :: S.Set Integer}
-- | Closed class.
-- It's instances allow us to choose whether we want to get a single value
-- or multiple ones.
class Binary u => Multitude u where
    mToList :: u -> [Integer]
    mSingleton :: Integer -> u
    mInsert :: Integer -> u -> Maybe u -- Nothing means failure
    mDelete :: Integer -> u -> Maybe u -- Nothing means emptyness
instance Binary Single where
    get = fmap Single get
    put = put . sVal
instance Multitude Single where
    mToList = return . sVal
    mSingleton = Single
    mInsert _ _ = Nothing
    mDelete n s = guard (n == sVal s) >> return s
instance Binary Multiple where
    get = fmap Multiple get
    put = put . mVal
instance Multitude Multiple where
    mToList = S.toList . mVal
    mSingleton = Multiple . S.singleton
    mInsert n u = return $ u {mVal = S.insert n $ mVal u}
    mDelete n u =
        let s = S.delete n $ mVal u in if S.null s then Nothing else Just (Multiple s)
-- | Base type for 'TableVar' and 'TableVars'
-- Type 't' is an abstract type, same as in the 'Table'.
-- Type 'a' is a type of value, which can be obtained with 'unVar',
-- also same as in the 'Table'.
data TableVarU t a u = TableVar {tvVal :: u}
-- | Reference to a single value in some table.
type TableVar t a = TableVarU t a Single
-- | Reference to multiple values in a single table.
type TableVars t a = TableVarU t a Multiple
-- | Function that converts a list of single-value references
-- to a single multiple-value reference.
-- Normally it should only be used in 'cInsert' statments.
fromList :: [TableVar t a] -> TableVars t a
fromList vs = TableVar $ Multiple $ S.fromList $ map (sVal . tvVal) vs
-- | Function that converts a multiple-value reference
-- to a list of single-value references.
-- Should be used with multiple-value references accompanying values in the 'Table'.
toList :: TableVars t a -> [TableVar t a]
toList v = map (TableVar . Single) $ S.toList $ mVal $ tvVal v
data KeyBack r a i u =
      kbMap :: TVar (M.Map i u),
      kbKey :: a -> r TableVarU -> i
data PreTable t r k a =
      tMap :: TVar (M.Map Integer (TVar (a, r TableVarU))),
      tKey :: k (KeyBack r a)
-- | Class of key specifications, used in the 'sKeys' field of the 'Spec'.
class KeysC k where
        :: Monad m =>
           k f
        -> (forall i u. (Multitude u, Ord i) => f i u -> m (g i u))
        -> m (k g)
-- | Empty key specification.
-- It doesn't specify any key whatsoever.
data Keys (f :: * -> * -> *) = Keys
instance KeysC Keys where forKeys ~Keys _ = return Keys
-- | One key specification.
-- Note that it can't be used in the 'sKeys' field by itself,
-- but rather should be combined with 'Keys' with the ':+:' operator.
data KeyRef i u
-- | Combining operator for key specifications.
data (ks :+: k) f where (:+:) :: ks f -> f i u -> (ks :+: KeyRef i u) f
infixl 5 :+:
-- | Class of the part of key specification, corresponding to one key.
class KeysComponent k where
        :: (KeysC ks, Monad m) =>
           (ks :+: k) f
        -> (forall i u. (Multitude u, Ord i) => f i u -> m (g i u))
        -> m ((ks :+: k) g)
instance (KeysC ks, KeysComponent k) => KeysC (ks :+: k) where forKeys = forKeysComponent
instance (Multitude u, Ord i) => KeysComponent (KeyRef i u) where
    forKeysComponent (ksf :+: fiu) action =
        liftM2 (:+:) (forKeys ksf action) (action fiu)
-- | Class of table reference specifications, used in the 'sRefs' field of the 'Spec'.
class RefsC r where
        :: Monad m =>
           r f
        -> (forall t a u. Multitude u => f t a u -> m ())
        -> m ()
        :: Monad m =>
           (forall t a u. Multitude u => m (f t a u))
        -> m (r f)
-- | Empty reference specification.
-- It doesn't specify any reference whatsoever.
data Refs (f :: * -> * -> * -> *) = Refs
instance RefsC Refs where
    putRefs ~Refs _ = return ()
    getRefs _ = return Refs
-- | One table reference specification.
-- Note that it can't be used in the 'sRefs' field by itself,
-- but rather should be combined with 'Refs' with the ':&:' operator.
data Ref t a u
-- | Combining operator for reference specifications.
data (rs :&: r) f where (:&:) :: rs f -> f t a u -> (rs :&: Ref t a u) f
infix 5 :&:
-- | Class of the part of reference specification, corresponding to one reference.
class RefsComponent r where
        :: (RefsC rs, Monad m) =>
           (rs :&: r) f
        -> (forall t a u. Multitude u => f t a u -> m ())
        -> m ()
        :: (RefsC rs, Monad m) =>
           (forall t a u. Multitude u => m (f t a u))
        -> m ((rs :&: r) f)
instance (RefsC rs, RefsComponent r) => RefsC (rs :&: r) where
    putRefs = putRefsComponent
    getRefs = getRefsComponent
instance Multitude u => RefsComponent (Ref t a u) where
    putRefsComponent (rsf :&: ftau) action = putRefs rsf action >> action ftau
    getRefsComponent action = liftM2 (:&:) (getRefs action) action
-- | Abstract type, which represents a collection of values of type 'a',
-- possibly accompanied with some references to other 'Table's.
-- The type 't' is an abstract type, used to ensure that we don't confuse
-- different tables with values of the same type.
-- 'r' is a type of references accompanying each value.
data Table t r a where
    Table :: (KeysC k, RefsC r) => PreTable t r k a -> TVar Integer -> Table t r a
-- | Abstract type, which allows us to 'select' one or many values from the 'Table'.
-- Type 't' is an abstract type, same as in the 'Table'.
-- Type 'a' is a type of values, also same as in the 'Table'.
-- Type 'i' is a type of index values, used by this key.
-- Type 'u' is either 'Multiple' or 'Single', depending on whether this key
-- allows different values to have the same index, or not.
newtype Key t a i u = Key {kVal :: TVar (M.Map i u)}
-- | Type that is a template for the key. Used only in 'Spec's.
-- Type 't' is an abstract type, same as in the 'Table'.
-- Type 'a' is a type of values in that 'Table'.
-- Type 'i' is a type of index values, used by this key.
-- Type 'u' is either 'Multiple' or 'Single', depending on whether this key
-- allows different values to have the same index, or not.
newtype KeySpec r a i u = KeySpec {ksVal :: a -> r TableVarU -> i}
-- | This is a more generic version of 'single'.
-- The difference is that value index will be calculated based on both the value
-- and it's accompanying references.
single_ :: (a -> r TableVarU -> i) -> KeySpec r a i Single
single_ = KeySpec
-- | This is a more generic version of 'multiple'.
-- The difference is that value index will be calculated based on both the value
-- and it's accompanying references.
multiple_ :: (a -> r TableVarU -> i) -> KeySpec r a i Multiple
multiple_ = KeySpec
-- | This key will provide access to a single value within a 'Table'.
-- It's index will be calculated, based on this value alone.
single :: (a -> i) -> KeySpec r a i Single
single f = single_ $ const . f
-- | This key will provide access to multiple values in the same 'Table'.
-- Their indices will be calculated based on the value alone.
multiple :: (a -> i) -> KeySpec r a i Multiple
multiple f = multiple_ $ const . f
-- | Type that is a template for references to another table. Used only in 'Spec's.
-- Type 't' is an abstract type, same as in the 'Table'.
-- Type 'a' is a type of values in that 'Table'.
-- Type 'u' is either 'Single' or 'Multiple',
-- depending on whether the reference, accompanying the value,
-- should be single-value or multiple-value
data TableRef t a u = TableRef
-- | Each value in the table-to-be should be accompanied with a single-value reference.
only :: Table t r a -> TableRef t a Single
only = const TableRef
-- | Each value in the table-to-be should be accompanied with a multiple-value reference.
some :: Table t r a -> TableRef t a Multiple
some = const TableRef
-- | Type of table specifications.
data Spec r k a =
      sRefs :: r TableRef,
      -- ^ Other tables that should be referenced
      -- by values of this one.
      sKeys :: k (KeySpec r a) -- ^ Keys for the table-to-be
-- | Output of the 'createTable' function.
data Created t r k a =
      cTable :: Table t r a, -- ^ The table itself
      cKeys :: k (Key t a) -- ^ Keys for the table
data KeyProcess r a i u =
      kpBack :: KeyBack r a i u,
      kpMap :: M.Map i u
insertMap :: (Multitude u, Ord k) => Integer -> k -> M.Map k u -> Maybe (M.Map k u)
insertMap n i km =
    case M.lookup i km of
      Nothing -> return $ M.insert i (mSingleton n) km
      Just u -> flip (M.insert i) km `fmap` mInsert n u
    :: (KeysC k, Monad m) =>
       k f
    -> (forall i u. (Multitude u, Ord i) => f i u -> m ())
    -> m ()
forKeys_ ks action = forKeys ks (\k -> action k >> return k) >> return ()
-- | Function that creates the table (along with keys and everything) based on a 'Spec'.
-- Instead of returning the table, it uses continuation-based approach to ensure
-- that there is only one 'Table' with this exact 't' argument,
-- and that this argument doesn't escape.
    :: (KeysC k, Monad m, MonadSTM m, RefsC r) =>
       Spec r k a
    -> (forall t. Created t r k a -> m b)
    -> m b
createTable s action = liftSTM created >>= action where
    created =
        do counter <- newTVar 0
           tm <- newTVar M.empty
           tk <-
               forKeys (sKeys s) $ \ks ->
                   do kbm <- newTVar M.empty
                      return KeyBack {kbMap = kbm, kbKey = ksVal ks}
           let result =
                     cTable = Table PreTable {tMap = tm, tKey = tk} counter,
                     cKeys = runIdentity $ forKeys tk $ Identity . Key . kbMap
           return result
-- | Function that selects one value from a 'Key'.
-- Note that the value is not returned directly.
-- Instead, a reference to it is returned, which allows to get other references,
-- accompanying that value in the 'Table'.
select :: Ord i => Key t a i Single -> i -> MS (TableVar t a)
select k i = fmap TableVar $ lift (readTVar $ kVal k) >>= liftMaybe . M.lookup i
listUnMaybe :: Maybe [a] -> [a]
listUnMaybe Nothing = []
listUnMaybe (Just as) = as
-- | A more generic version of 'select'. Instead of one value, it returns multiple ones.
-- It can also select values with indices that are smaller or greater to the provided one,
-- depending on the third argument, which could be anything like @(>)@, @(<=)@, @(/=)@,
-- or even @return True@.
select_ ::
    (Multitude u, Ord i)
    => Key t a i u
    -> i
    -> (forall o. Ord o => o -> o -> Bool)
    -> STM [TableVar t a]
select_ k i c =
    do kv <- readTVar $ kVal k
       let ~(l, e, g) = M.splitLookup i kv
           lvs =
               do ~((li, _), _) <- M.minViewWithKey l
                  guard $ i `c` li
                  return $ M.elems l >>= mToList
           evs =
               do u <- e
                  guard $ i `c` i
                  return $ mToList u
           gvs =
               do ~((gi, _), _) <- M.maxViewWithKey l
                  guard $ i `c` gi
                  return $ M.elems g >>= mToList
       return $ map (TableVar . Single) $ [lvs, evs, gvs] >>= listUnMaybe
-- | Function that lets one to insert a new value to the 'Table'.
-- Of course, we have to provide accompanying references as well.
-- This function can fail if some key clashes with an already existing one.
insert :: Table t r a -> a -> r TableVarU -> MS (TableVar t a)
insert (Table pt counter) a r =
    do c <- lift $ readTVar counter
       kps <-
           forKeys (tKey pt) $ \kb ->
               do km <- lift $ readTVar $ kbMap kb
                  km' <- liftMaybe $ insertMap c (kbKey kb a r) km
                  return KeyProcess {kpBack = kb, kpMap = km'}
       lift $ do
         writeTVar counter $! c + 1
         forKeys_ kps $ \kp -> writeTVar (kbMap $ kpBack kp) $ kpMap kp
         pr <- newTVar (a, r)
         modifyTVar' (tMap pt) $ M.insert c pr
         return $ TableVar $ Single c
-- | Function that dereferences a value from table.
-- Note that we have to provide the 'Table' along with 'TableVar'.
readVar :: Table t r a -> TableVar t a -> MS a
readVar (Table pt _) v =
    do mp <- lift $ readTVar $ tMap pt
       pr <- liftMaybe $ M.lookup (sVal $ tvVal v) mp
       ~(a, _) <- lift $ readTVar pr
       return a
-- | Function that reads all references accompanying the value.
readRefs :: Table t r a -> TableVar t a -> MS (r TableVarU)
readRefs (Table pr _) v =
    fmap snd $ lift (readTVar $ tMap pr) >>=
    liftMaybe . M.lookup (sVal $ tvVal v) >>= lift . readTVar
-- | More generic version of 'update'.
-- It allows changing accompanying references as well as the value.
update_ :: Table t r a -> TableVar t a -> a -> r TableVarU -> MS ()
update_ (Table pt _) v a r =
    do let n = sVal $ tvVal v
       pr <- lift (readTVar $ tMap pt) >>= liftMaybe . M.lookup n
       ~(a', r') <- lift $ readTVar pr
       kps <-
           forKeys (tKey pt) $ \kb ->
               do km <- lift $ readTVar $ kbMap kb
                  km' <-
                      liftMaybe $
                      insertMap n (kbKey kb a r) $
                      M.update (mDelete n) (kbKey kb a' r') km
                  return KeyProcess {kpBack = kb, kpMap = km'}
       lift $ do
         forKeys_ kps $ \kp -> writeTVar (kbMap $ kpBack kp) $ kpMap kp
         writeTVar pr (a, r)
-- | Function that writes another value to the referenced place in the 'Table'.
-- It doesn't change the accompanying references.
-- In case that it fails due to some single-value key prohibiting the new value,
-- nothing is changed, and the 'Table' remains the same.
update :: Table t r a -> TableVar t a -> a -> MS ()
update t v a = readRefs t v >>= update_ t v a
-- | Function that removes the value (along with accompanying references)
-- from the 'Table'. It only fails if the value was already removed.
delete :: Table t r a -> TableVar t a -> MS ()
delete (Table pt _) v =
    do let n = sVal $ tvVal v
       tm <- lift $ readTVar $ tMap pt
       pr <- liftMaybe $ M.lookup n tm
       lift $ do
         ~(a, r) <- readTVar pr
         forKeys_ (tKey pt) $ \kb ->
             modifyTVar' (kbMap kb) $ M.update (mDelete n) (kbKey kb a r)
         writeTVar (tMap pt) $! M.delete n tm
-- | The most generic version of 'getTable'.
-- Not only it allows to change the way values are serialized,
-- it also permits side-effects during the deserialization.
-- The table is still filled in one 'STM' transaction,
-- thus avoiding any difficulties with multithreading.
getTable__ :: (Monad m, MonadSTM m) => Get (m a) -> Table t r a -> Get (m ())
getTable__ g (Table pt c) =
    do l <- get
       listM <-
           replicateM l $ do
             i <- get :: Get Integer
             ma <- g
             r <- getRefs $ liftM TableVar get
             return (i, ma, r)
       n <- get
       return $ do
         list <- forM listM $ \ ~(i, ma, r) -> liftM (\a -> (i, a, r)) ma
         let result =
                 do forKeys_ (tKey pt) $ \kb -> writeTVar (kbMap kb) M.empty
                    tm <-
                        forM list $ \ ~(i, a, r) ->
                            do pr <- newTVar (a, r)
                               forKeys_ (tKey pt) $ \kb ->
                                   modifyTVar' (kbMap kb) $
                                   flip M.alter (kbKey kb a r) $ Just . \mu ->
                                       case mu of
                                         Nothing -> mSingleton i
                                         Just u -> fromMaybe u $ mInsert i u
                               return (i, pr)
                    writeTVar (tMap pt) $ M.fromList tm
                    writeTVar c n
         liftSTM result
-- | More generic version of 'getTable'
-- that allows to change the way values are serialized.
getTable_ :: Get a -> Table t r a -> Get (STM ())
getTable_ g = getTable__ $ fmap return g
-- | Function that makes it possible to read the table from the file or other source.
-- Table should be created beforehand, as specifications are not serializable.
getTable :: Binary a => Table t r a -> Get (STM ())
getTable = getTable_ get
-- | The most generic version of 'putTable'.
-- Not only it allows to change the way values are serialized,
-- it also permits side-effects during the serialization.
-- The table is still read in one 'STM' transaction,
-- thus avoiding any difficulties with multithreading.
putTable__ :: (Monad m, MonadSTM m) => (a -> m Put) -> Table t r a -> m Put
putTable__ p (Table pt c) =
    do ~(listM, n) <-
           liftSTM $ do
             tm <- readTVar $ tMap pt
             list <-
                 forM (M.toList tm) $ \ ~(i, v) ->
                 do ~(a, r) <- readTVar v
                    return (i, a, r)
             n <- readTVar c
             return (list, n)
       list <- forM listM $ \ ~(i, a, r) -> liftM (\pa -> (i, pa, r)) $ p a
       return $ do
         put $ length list
         forM_ list $ \ ~(i, pa, r) ->
             do put i
                putRefs r $ \v -> put (tvVal v)
         put n
-- | More generic version of 'putTable'
-- that allows to change the way values are serialized.
putTable_ :: (a -> Put) -> Table t r a -> STM Put
putTable_ p = putTable__ $ return . p
-- | Function that makes it possible to write the table to the file or other storage.
putTable :: Binary a => Table t r a -> STM Put
putTable = putTable_ put