module HSE.All( module HSE.Util, module HSE.Evaluate, module HSE.Bracket, module HSE.Match, module HSE.Type, module HSE.Eq, module HSE.NameMatch, ParseFlags(..), parseFlags, parseFlagsNoLocations, parseFile, parseFile_, parseString ) where import Util import Data.List import HSE.Util import HSE.Evaluate import HSE.Eq import HSE.Type import HSE.Bracket import HSE.Match import HSE.NameMatch import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs data ParseFlags = ParseFlags {cpphs :: Maybe CpphsOptions ,implies :: Bool ,encoding :: String } parseFlags :: ParseFlags parseFlags = ParseFlags Nothing False "" parseFlagsNoLocations :: ParseFlags -> ParseFlags parseFlagsNoLocations x = x{cpphs = fmap f $ cpphs x} where f x = x{boolopts = (boolopts x){locations=False}} -- | Parse a Haskell module parseString :: ParseFlags -> FilePath -> String -> IO (String, ParseResult Module_) parseString flags file str = do ppstr <- maybe return (`runCpphs` file) (cpphs flags) str return (ppstr, parseFileContentsWithMode mode ppstr) where mode = defaultParseMode {parseFilename = file ,extensions = extension ,fixities = concat [infix_ (-1) ["==>"] | implies flags] ++ baseFixities ,ignoreLinePragmas = False } parseFile :: ParseFlags -> FilePath -> IO (String, ParseResult Module_) parseFile flags file = do src <- readFileEncoding (encoding flags) file parseString flags file src -- throw an error if the parse is invalid parseFile_ :: ParseFlags -> FilePath -> IO Module_ parseFile_ flags file = do (_, res) <- parseFile flags file return $! fromParseResult res extension = knownExtensions \\ badExtensions badExtensions = [CPP ,Arrows -- steals proc ,TransformListComp -- steals the group keyword ,XmlSyntax, RegularPatterns -- steals a-b ]