module HLint.Default where -- I/O error = putStrLn (show x) ==> print x error = mapM_ putChar ==> putStr error = hGetChar stdin ==> getChar error = hGetLine stdin ==> getLine error = hGetContents stdin ==> getContents error = hPutChar stdout ==> putChar error = hPutStr stdout ==> putStr error = hPutStrLn stdout ==> putStrLn error = hPrint stdout ==> print -- ORD error = not (a == b) ==> a /= b error = not (a /= b) ==> a == b error = not (a > b) ==> a <= b error = not (a >= b) ==> a < b error = not (a < b) ==> a >= b error = not (a <= b) ==> a > b error = compare x y /= GT ==> x <= y error = compare x y == LT ==> x < y error = compare x y /= LT ==> x >= y error = compare x y == GT ==> x > y error = compare (f x) (f y) ==> Data.Ord.comparing f x y error = on compare f ==> Data.Ord.comparing f -- READ/SHOW error = showsPrec 0 x "" ==> show x error = readsPrec 0 ==> reads error = showsPrec 0 ==> shows -- LIST error = concat (map f x) ==> concatMap f x error "Use map once" = map f (map g x) ==> map (f . g) x warn = x !! 0 ==> head x error = take n (repeat x) ==> replicate n x error = x ++ concatMap (' ':) y ==> unwords (x:y) error = concat (intersperse " " x) ==> unwords x error = head (reverse x) ==> last x error = head (drop n x) ==> x !! n error = reverse (tail (reverse x)) ==> init x error = isPrefixOf (reverse x) (reverse y) ==> isSuffixOf x y error = foldr (++) [] ==> concat error = span (not . p) ==> break p error = break (not . p) ==> span p error = concatMap (++ "\n") ==> unlines error = or (map p x) ==> any p x error = and (map p x) ==> all p x error = zipWith (,) ==> zip error = zipWith3 (,,) ==> zip3 warn = length x == 0 ==> null x warn "Use null" = length x /= 0 ==> not (null x) error "Use :" = (\x -> [x]) ==> (:[]) error = map (uncurry f) (zip x y) ==> zipWith f x y error = not (elem x y) ==> notElem x y warn = foldr f z (map g x) ==> foldr (f . g) z x warn = foldr1 f (map g x) ==> foldr1 (f . g) x -- FOLDS error = foldr (&&) True ==> and error = foldl (&&) True ==> and error = foldr (||) False ==> or error = foldl (||) False ==> or error = foldr (>>) (return ()) ==> sequence_ error = foldl (+) 0 ==> sum error = foldl (*) 1 ==> product -- FUNCTION error = (\x -> x) ==> id error = (\(_,y) -> y) ==> snd error = (\(x,_) -> x) ==> fst error = (\x y-> f (x,y)) ==> curry f where _ = notIn [x,y] f error = (\(x,y) -> f x y) ==> uncurry f where _ = notIn [x,y] f warn = (\x -> f x y) ==> flip f y where _ = notIn x [f,y] && isAtom f error = (($) . f) ==> (f $) warn = (\x -> y) ==> const y where _ = isAtom y && notIn x y error "Redundant flip" = flip f x y ==> f y x where _ = isApp original error "Redundant id" = id x ==> x error "Redundant const" = const x y ==> x -- BOOL error "Redundant ==" = a == True ==> a warn "Redundant ==" = a == False ==> not a error "Redundant if" = (if a then True else False) ==> a error "Redundant if" = (if a then False else True) ==> not a error "Redundant if" = (if a then t else (if b then t else f)) ==> if a || b then t else f error "Redundant if" = (if a then (if b then t else f) else f) ==> if a && b then t else f error "Redundant if" = (if x then True else y) ==> x || y where _ = notEq y False error "Redundant if" = (if x then y else False) ==> x && y where _ = notEq y True warn "Use if" = case a of {True -> t; False -> f} ==> if a then t else f warn "Use if" = case a of {False -> f; True -> t} ==> if a then t else f warn "Use if" = case a of {True -> t; _ -> f} ==> if a then t else f warn "Use if" = case a of {False -> f; _ -> t} ==> if a then t else f -- ARROW error = id *** g ==> second g error = f *** id ==> first f warn = (\(x,y) -> (f x, g y)) ==> f Control.Arrow.*** g where _ = notIn [x,y] [f,g] warn = (\x -> (f x, g x)) ==> f Control.Arrow.&&& g where _ = notIn x [f,g] warn = (\(x,y) -> (f x,y)) ==> Control.Arrow.first f where _ = notIn [x,y] f warn = (\(x,y) -> (x,f y)) ==> Control.Arrow.second f where _ = notIn [x,y] f -- FUNCTOR error "Functor law" = fmap f (fmap g x) ==> fmap (f . g) x error "Functor law" = fmap id ==> id -- MONAD error "Monad law, left identity" = return a >>= f ==> f a error "Monad law, right identity" = m >>= return ==> m warn = m >>= return . f ==> fmap f m error = (if x then y else return ()) ==> Control.Monad.when x $ _noParen_ y error = (if x then return () else y) ==> Control.Monad.unless x $ _noParen_ y error = sequence (map f x) ==> mapM f x error = sequence_ (map f x) ==> mapM_ f x warn = flip mapM ==> Control.Monad.forM warn = flip mapM_ ==> Control.Monad.forM_ error = when (not x) ==> unless x error = x >>= id ==> Control.Monad.join x error = liftM f (liftM g x) ==> liftM (f . g) x -- MONAD LIST error = liftM unzip (mapM f x) ==> Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM f x error = sequence (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM f x y error = sequence_ (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM_ f x y error = sequence (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM n x error = sequence_ (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM_ n x error = mapM f (map g x) ==> mapM (f . g) x error = mapM_ f (map g x) ==> mapM_ (f . g) x -- LIST COMP warn "Use list comprehension" = (if b then [x] else []) ==> [x | b] -- SEQ error "Redundant seq" = x `seq` x ==> x error "Redundant $!" = id $! x ==> x -- MAYBE error = maybe x id ==> Data.Maybe.fromMaybe x error = maybe False (const True) ==> Data.Maybe.isJust error = maybe True (const False) ==> Data.Maybe.isNothing error = not (isNothing x) ==> isJust x error = not (isJust x) ==> isNothing x error = maybe [] (:[]) ==> maybeToList error = catMaybes (map f x) ==> mapMaybe f x error = concatMap (maybeToList . f) ==> Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f error = concatMap maybeToList ==> catMaybes -- INFIX warn "Use infix" = elem x y ==> x `elem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = notElem x y ==> x `notElem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = isInfixOf x y ==> x `isInfixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = isSuffixOf x y ==> x `isSuffixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = isPrefixOf x y ==> x `isPrefixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = union x y ==> x `union` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = intersect x y ==> x `intersect` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) -- MATHS warn = x + negate y ==> x - y warn = 0 - x ==> negate x warn = log y / log x ==> logBase x y warn = x ** 0.5 ==> sqrt x warn = sin x / cos x ==> tan x warn = sinh x / cosh x ==> tanh x warn = n `rem` 2 == 0 ==> even n warn = n `rem` 2 /= 0 ==> odd n warn = not (even x) ==> odd x warn = not (odd x) ==> even x warn "Use 1" = x ^ 0 ==> 1 -- EVALUATE -- TODO: These should be moved in to HSE\Evaluate.hs and applied -- through a special evaluate hint mechanism error "Evaluate" = True && x ==> x error "Evaluate" = False && x ==> False error "Evaluate" = True || x ==> True error "Evaluate" = False || x ==> x error "Evaluate" = not True ==> False error "Evaluate" = not False ==> True error "Evaluate" = Nothing >>= k ==> Nothing error "Evaluate" = either f g (Left x) ==> f x error "Evaluate" = either f g (Right y) ==> g y error "Evaluate" = fst (x,y) ==> x error "Evaluate" = snd (x,y) ==> y error "Evaluate" = f (fst p) (snd p) ==> uncurry f p error "Evaluate" = init [x] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = null [] ==> True error "Evaluate" = length [] ==> 0 error "Evaluate" = foldl f z [] ==> z error "Evaluate" = foldr f z [] ==> z error "Evaluate" = foldr1 f [x] ==> x error "Evaluate" = scanr f z [] ==> [z] error "Evaluate" = scanr1 f [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = scanr1 f [x] ==> [x] error "Evaluate" = take n [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = drop n [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = takeWhile p [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = dropWhile p [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = span p [] ==> ([],[]) error "Evaluate" = lines "" ==> [] error "Evaluate" = unwords [] ==> "" error "Evaluate" = x - 0 ==> x error "Evaluate" = x * 1 ==> x error "Evaluate" = x / 1 ==> x error "Evaluate" = id x ==> x -- COMPLEX error "Use isPrefixOf" = (take i s == t) ==> _eval_ ((i == length t) && (t `Data.List.isPrefixOf` s)) where _ = (isList t || isLit t) && isLit i {- -- clever hint, but not actually a good idea warn = (do a <- f; g a) ==> f >>= g where _ = (isAtom f || isApp f) && notIn a g -} {- yes = concat . map f -- concatMap f yes = foo . bar . concat . map f . baz . bar -- concatMap f . baz . bar yes = map f (map g x) -- map (f . g) x yes = (\x->if x==e then l' else [x]) -- concatMap (\x->if x==e then l' else [x]) yes = f x where f x = concat . map head -- concatMap head yes = concat . map f . g -- concatMap f . g yes = concat $ map f x -- concatMap f x yes = "test" ++ concatMap (' ':) ["of","this"] -- unwords ("test":["of","this"]) yes = if f a then True else b -- f a || b yes = not (a == b) -- a /= b yes = not (a /= b) -- a == b yes = if a then 1 else if b then 1 else 2 -- if a || b then 1 else 2 no = if a then 1 else if b then 3 else 2 yes = a >>= return . id -- fmap id a yes = (x !! 0) + (x !! 2) -- head x yes = if b < 42 then [a] else [] -- [a | b < 42] yes = take 5 (foo xs) == "hello" -- "hello" `Data.List.isPrefixOf` foo xs no = take n (foo xs) == "hello" yes = head (reverse xs) -- last xs yes = reverse xs `isPrefixOf` reverse ys -- isSuffixOf xs ys no = putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ "Test" yes = ftable ++ map (\ (c, x) -> (toUpper c, urlEncode x)) ftable -- toUpper Control.Arrow.*** urlEncode yes = map (\(a,b) -> a) xs -- fst yes = map (\(a,_) -> a) xs -- fst yes = readFile $ args !! 0 -- head args yes = if Debug `elem` opts then ["--debug"] else [] -- ["--debug" | Debug `elem` opts] yes = if nullPS s then return False else if headPS s /= '\n' then return False else alter_input tailPS >> return True \ -- if nullPS s || (headPS s /= '\n') then return False else alter_input tailPS >> return True yes = if foo then do stuff; moreStuff; lastOfTheStuff else return () \ -- Control.Monad.when foo $ do stuff ; moreStuff ; lastOfTheStuff yes = foo $ \(a, b) -> (a, y + b) -- Control.Arrow.second ((+) y) no = foo $ \(a, b) -> (a, a + b) yes = map (uncurry (+)) $ zip [1 .. 5] [6 .. 10] -- zipWith (+) [1 .. 5] [6 .. 10] no = do iter <- textBufferGetTextIter tb ; textBufferSelectRange tb iter iter no = flip f x $ \y -> y*y+y no = \x -> f x (g x) yes = \x -> f x (g y) -- flip f (g y) no = foo (\ v -> f v . g) yes = concat . intersperse " " -- unwords yes = Prelude.concat $ intersperse " " xs -- unwords xs yes = concat $ Data.List.intersperse " " xs -- unwords xs yes = if a then True else False -- a yes = if x then true else False -- x && true yes = elem x y -- x `elem` y yes = foo (elem x y) -- x `elem` y no = x `elem` y no = elem 1 [] : [] test a = foo (\x -> True) -- const True h a = flip f x (y z) -- f (y z) x h a = flip f x $ y z yes x = case x of {True -> a ; False -> b} -- if x then a else b yes x = case x of {False -> a ; _ -> b} -- if x then b else a no = const . ok . toResponse $ "saved" import Prelude \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import Control.Monad \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad(forM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad(forM_) \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import qualified Control.Monad \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM -}