-- The account register screen, showing transactions in an account, like hledger-web's register. {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-} module Hledger.UI.RegisterScreen (rsNew ,rsUpdate ,rsDraw ,rsHandle ,rsSetAccount ,rsCenterSelection ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, Bifunctor (second)) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector ((!?)) import Graphics.Vty (Event(..),Key(..),Modifier(..), Button (BLeft, BScrollDown, BScrollUp)) import Brick import Brick.Widgets.List hiding (reverse) import Brick.Widgets.Edit import Lens.Micro.Platform import System.Console.ANSI import Hledger import Hledger.Cli hiding (mode, progname,prognameandversion) import Hledger.UI.UIOptions import Hledger.UI.UITypes import Hledger.UI.UIState import Hledger.UI.UIUtils import Hledger.UI.UIScreens import Hledger.UI.Editor import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen (uiReloadJournal, uiCheckBalanceAssertions, uiReloadJournalIfChanged) rsDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name] rsDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}} ,aScreen=RS RSS{..} ,aMode=mode } = dbgui "rsDraw 1" $ case mode of Help -> [helpDialog, maincontent] _ -> [maincontent] where displayitems = V.toList $ listElements $ _rssList maincontent = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do -- calculate column widths, based on current available width c <- getContext let totalwidth = c^.availWidthL - 2 -- XXX due to margin ? shouldn't be necessary (cf UIUtils) -- the date column is fixed width datewidth = 10 -- multi-commodity amounts rendered on one line can be -- arbitrarily wide. Give the two amounts as much space as -- they need, while reserving a minimum of space for other -- columns and whitespace. If they don't get all they need, -- allocate it to them proportionally to their maximum widths. whitespacewidth = 10 -- inter-column whitespace, fixed width minnonamtcolswidth = datewidth + 1 + 2 + 2 -- date column plus at least 1 for status and 2 for desc and accts maxamtswidth = max 0 (totalwidth - minnonamtcolswidth - whitespacewidth) maxchangewidthseen = maximum' $ map (wbWidth . rsItemChangeAmount) displayitems maxbalwidthseen = maximum' $ map (wbWidth . rsItemBalanceAmount) displayitems changewidthproportion = fromIntegral maxchangewidthseen / fromIntegral (maxchangewidthseen + maxbalwidthseen) maxchangewidth = round $ changewidthproportion * fromIntegral maxamtswidth maxbalwidth = maxamtswidth - maxchangewidth changewidth = min maxchangewidth maxchangewidthseen balwidth = min maxbalwidth maxbalwidthseen -- assign the remaining space to the description and accounts columns -- maxdescacctswidth = totalwidth - (whitespacewidth - 4) - changewidth - balwidth maxdescacctswidth = -- trace (show (totalwidth, datewidth, changewidth, balwidth, whitespacewidth)) $ max 0 (totalwidth - datewidth - 1 - changewidth - balwidth - whitespacewidth) -- allocating proportionally. -- descwidth' = maximum' $ map (strWidth . second6) displayitems -- acctswidth' = maximum' $ map (strWidth . third6) displayitems -- descwidthproportion = (descwidth' + acctswidth') / descwidth' -- maxdescwidth = min (maxdescacctswidth - 7) (maxdescacctswidth / descwidthproportion) -- maxacctswidth = maxdescacctswidth - maxdescwidth -- descwidth = min maxdescwidth descwidth' -- acctswidth = min maxacctswidth acctswidth' -- allocating equally. descwidth = maxdescacctswidth `div` 2 acctswidth = maxdescacctswidth - descwidth colwidths = (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth) render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ renderList (rsDrawItem colwidths) True _rssList where ropts = _rsReportOpts rspec ishistorical = balanceaccum_ ropts == Historical -- inclusive = tree_ ropts || rsForceInclusive toplabel = withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "bold") (str $ T.unpack $ replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" _rssAccount) -- <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str $ if inclusive then "" else " exclusive") <+> togglefilters <+> str " transactions" -- <+> str (if ishistorical then " historical total" else " period total") <+> borderQueryStr (T.unpack . T.unwords . map textQuoteIfNeeded $ querystring_ ropts) -- <+> str " and subs" <+> borderPeriodStr "in" (period_ ropts) <+> str " (" <+> cur <+> str "/" <+> total <+> str ")" <+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "") where togglefilters = case concat [ uiShowStatus copts $ statuses_ ropts ,if real_ ropts then ["real"] else [] ,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"] ] of [] -> str "" fs -> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs) cur = str $ case listSelected _rssList of Nothing -> "-" Just i -> show (i + 1) total = str $ show $ length nonblanks nonblanks = V.takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ listElements $ _rssList -- query = query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts bottomlabel = case mode of Minibuffer label ed -> minibuffer label ed _ -> quickhelp where quickhelp = borderKeysStr' [ ("LEFT", str "back") -- ,("RIGHT", str "transaction") -- tree/list mode - rsForceInclusive may override, but use tree_ to ensure a visible toggle effect ,("t", renderToggle (tree_ ropts) "list(-subs)" "tree(+subs)") -- ,("t", str "tree(+subs)") -- ,("l", str "list(-subs)") ,("H", renderToggle (not ishistorical) "historical" "period") ,("F", renderToggle1 (isJust . forecast_ . inputopts_ $ copts) "forecast") -- ,("a", "add") -- ,("g", "reload") ,("?", str "help") -- ,("q", "quit") ] rsDraw _ = dbgui "rsDraw 2" $ errorWrongScreenType "draw function" -- PARTIAL: rsDrawItem :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Bool -> RegisterScreenItem -> Widget Name rsDrawItem (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth) selected RegisterScreenItem{..} = Widget Greedy Fixed $ do render $ txt (fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True rsItemDate) <+> txt " " <+> txt (fitText (Just 1) (Just 1) True True (T.pack $ show rsItemStatus)) <+> txt " " <+> txt (fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True rsItemDescription) <+> txt " " <+> txt (fitText (Just acctswidth) (Just acctswidth) True True rsItemOtherAccounts) <+> txt " " <+> withAttr changeattr (txt $ fitText (Just changewidth) (Just changewidth) True False changeAmt) <+> txt " " <+> withAttr balattr (txt $ fitText (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) True False balanceAmt) where changeAmt = wbToText rsItemChangeAmount balanceAmt = wbToText rsItemBalanceAmount changeattr | T.any (=='-') changeAmt = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "decrease" | otherwise = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "increase" balattr | T.any (=='-') balanceAmt = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "negative" | otherwise = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "positive" sel | selected = (<> attrName "selected") | otherwise = id -- XXX clean up like asHandle rsHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState () rsHandle ev = do ui0 <- get' dbguiEv "rsHandle 1" case ui0 of ui@UIState{ aScreen=RS sst@RSS{..} ,aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts} ,ajournal=j ,aMode=mode } -> do d <- liftIO getCurrentDay let journalspan = journalDateSpan False j nonblanks = V.takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ listElements $ _rssList lastnonblankidx = max 0 (length nonblanks - 1) numberedtxns = zipWith (curry (second rsItemTransaction)) [(1::Integer)..] (V.toList nonblanks) -- the transactions being shown and the currently selected or last transaction, if any: mtxns :: Maybe ([NumberedTransaction], NumberedTransaction) mtxns = case numberedtxns of [] -> Nothing nts@(_:_) -> Just (nts, maybe (last nts) (bimap ((+1).fromIntegral) rsItemTransaction) $ listSelectedElement _rssList) -- PARTIAL: last won't fail case mode of Minibuffer _ ed -> case ev of VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> modify' closeMinibuffer VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ case setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui of Left bad -> showMinibuffer "Cannot compile regular expression" (Just bad) ui Right ui' -> ui' where s = chomp . unlines . map strip $ getEditContents ed -- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui VtyEvent e -> do ed' <- nestEventM' ed $ handleEditorEvent (VtyEvent e) put' ui{aMode=Minibuffer "filter" ed'} AppEvent _ -> return () MouseDown{} -> return () MouseUp{} -> return () Help -> case ev of -- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui _ -> helpHandle ev Normal -> case ev of VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put' $ resetScreens d ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> put' $ setMode Help ui -- AppEvents arrive in --watch mode, see AccountsScreen AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui where p = reportPeriod ui e | e `elem` [AppEvent FileChange, VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') [])] -> liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put' $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui) VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'a') []) -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'A') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runIadd (journalFilePath j)) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'T') []) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui where (pos,f) = case listSelectedElement _rssList of Nothing -> (endPosition, journalFilePath j) Just (_, RegisterScreenItem{ rsItemTransaction=Transaction{tsourcepos=(SourcePos f' l c,_)}}) -> (Just (unPos l, Just $ unPos c),f') -- display mode/query toggles VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'H') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleHistorical ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 't') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleTree ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['z','Z'] -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleEmpty ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'R') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleReal ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'U') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleUnmarked ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'P') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ togglePending ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'C') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'F') []) -> rsCenterSelection (regenerateScreens j d $ toggleForecast d ui) >>= put' VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer "filter" Nothing ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KDown) [MShift]) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KUp) [MShift]) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KRight) [MShift]) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KLeft) [MShift]) -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui VtyEvent (EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui) VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> scrollSelectionToMiddle _rssList >> redraw VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui -- exit screen on LEFT VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> put' $ popScreen ui -- or on a click in the app's left margin. This is a VtyEvent since not in a clickable widget. VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> put' $ popScreen ui -- enter transaction screen on RIGHT VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveRightEvents -> case mtxns of Nothing -> return (); Just (nts, nt) -> rsEnterTransactionScreen _rssAccount nts nt ui -- or on transaction click -- MouseDown is sometimes duplicated, https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick/issues/347 -- just use it to move the selection MouseDown _n BLeft _mods Location{loc=(_x,y)} | not $ (=="") clickeddate -> do put' $ ui{aScreen=RS sst{_rssList=listMoveTo y _rssList}} where clickeddate = maybe "" rsItemDate $ listElements _rssList !? y -- and on MouseUp, enter the subscreen MouseUp _n (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_x,y)} | not $ (=="") clickeddate -> do case mtxns of Nothing -> return (); Just (nts, nt) -> rsEnterTransactionScreen _rssAccount nts nt ui where clickeddate = maybe "" rsItemDate $ listElements _rssList !? y -- when selection is at the last item, DOWN scrolls instead of moving, until maximally scrolled VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents, isBlankElement mnextelement -> do vScrollBy (viewportScroll $ listName $ _rssList) 1 where mnextelement = listSelectedElement $ listMoveDown _rssList -- mouse scroll wheel scrolls the viewport up or down to its maximum extent, -- pushing the selection when necessary. MouseDown name btn _mods _loc | btn `elem` [BScrollUp, BScrollDown] -> do let scrollamt = if btn==BScrollUp then -1 else 1 list' <- nestEventM' _rssList $ listScrollPushingSelection name (rsListSize _rssList) scrollamt put' ui{aScreen=RS sst{_rssList=list'}} -- if page down or end leads to a blank padding item, stop at last non-blank VtyEvent e@(EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KPageDown, KEnd] -> do l <- nestEventM' _rssList $ handleListEvent e if isBlankElement $ listSelectedElement l then do let l' = listMoveTo lastnonblankidx l scrollSelectionToMiddle l' put' ui{aScreen=RS sst{_rssList=l'}} else put' ui{aScreen=RS sst{_rssList=l}} -- fall through to the list's event handler (handles other [pg]up/down events) VtyEvent e -> do let e' = normaliseMovementKeys e newitems <- nestEventM' _rssList $ handleListEvent e' put' ui{aScreen=RS sst{_rssList=newitems}} MouseDown{} -> return () MouseUp{} -> return () AppEvent _ -> return () _ -> dbgui "rsHandle 2" $ errorWrongScreenType "event handler" isBlankElement mel = ((rsItemDate . snd) <$> mel) == Just "" rsListSize = V.length . V.takeWhile ((/="").rsItemDate) . listElements rsSetAccount :: AccountName -> Bool -> Screen -> Screen rsSetAccount a forceinclusive (RS st@RSS{}) = RS st{_rssAccount=replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "*" a, _rssForceInclusive=forceinclusive} rsSetAccount _ _ st = st -- | Scroll the selected item to the middle of the screen, when on the register screen. -- No effect on other screens. rsCenterSelection :: UIState -> EventM Name UIState UIState rsCenterSelection ui@UIState{aScreen=RS sst} = do scrollSelectionToMiddle $ _rssList sst return ui -- ui is unchanged, but this makes the function more chainable rsCenterSelection ui = return ui rsEnterTransactionScreen :: AccountName -> [NumberedTransaction] -> NumberedTransaction -> UIState -> EventM Name UIState () rsEnterTransactionScreen acct nts nt ui = do dbguiEv "rsEnterTransactionScreen" put' $ pushScreen (tsNew acct nts nt) ui