-- The accounts screen, showing accounts and balances like the CLI balance command. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Hledger.UI.AccountsScreen (accountsScreen ,asInit ,asSetSelectedAccount ) where import Brick import Brick.Widgets.List import Brick.Widgets.Edit import Brick.Widgets.Border (borderAttr) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Calendar (Day) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Graphics.Vty (Event(..),Key(..),Modifier(..)) import Lens.Micro.Platform import System.Console.ANSI import System.FilePath (takeFileName) import Hledger import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion,green) import Hledger.UI.UIOptions import Hledger.UI.UITypes import Hledger.UI.UIState import Hledger.UI.UIUtils import Hledger.UI.Editor import Hledger.UI.RegisterScreen import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen accountsScreen :: Screen accountsScreen = AccountsScreen{ sInit = asInit ,sDraw = asDraw ,sHandle = asHandle ,_asList = list AccountsList V.empty 1 ,_asSelectedAccount = "" } asInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState asInit d reset ui@UIState{ aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@AccountsScreen{} } = ui{aopts=uopts', aScreen=s & asList .~ newitems'} where newitems = list AccountsList (V.fromList displayitems) 1 -- keep the selection near the last selected account -- (may need to move to the next leaf account when entering flat mode) newitems' = listMoveTo selidx newitems where selidx = case (reset, listSelectedElement $ _asList s) of (True, _) -> 0 (_, Nothing) -> 0 (_, Just (_,AccountsScreenItem{asItemAccountName=a})) -> fromMaybe (fromMaybe 0 mprefixmatch) mexactmatch where mexactmatch = findIndex ((a ==) . asItemAccountName) displayitems mprefixmatch = findIndex ((a `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) . asItemAccountName) displayitems uopts' = uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts'}} ropts' = ropts{accountlistmode_=if flat_ ropts then ALFlat else ALTree} q = queryFromOpts d ropts -- maybe convert balances to market value convert | value_ ropts' = balanceReportValue j valuedate | otherwise = id where valuedate = fromMaybe d $ queryEndDate False q -- run the report (items,_total) = convert $ report ropts' q j where -- still using the old balanceReport for change reports as it -- does not include every account from before the report period report | balancetype_ ropts == HistoricalBalance = singleBalanceReport | otherwise = balanceReport -- pre-render the list items displayitem (fullacct, shortacct, indent, bal) = AccountsScreenItem{asItemIndentLevel = indent ,asItemAccountName = fullacct ,asItemDisplayAccountName = replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" $ if flat_ ropts' then fullacct else shortacct ,asItemRenderedAmounts = map showAmountWithoutPrice amts -- like showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice } where Mixed amts = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay $ stripPrices bal stripPrices (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map stripprice as where stripprice a = a{aprice=NoPrice} displayitems = map displayitem items asInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen" asDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name] asDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}} ,ajournal=j ,aScreen=s@AccountsScreen{} ,aMode=mode } = case mode of Help -> [helpDialog, maincontent] -- Minibuffer e -> [minibuffer e, maincontent] _ -> [maincontent] where maincontent = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do c <- getContext let availwidth = -- ltrace "availwidth" $ c^.availWidthL - 2 -- XXX due to margin ? shouldn't be necessary (cf UIUtils) displayitems = s ^. asList . listElementsL maxacctwidthseen = -- ltrace "maxacctwidthseen" $ V.maximum $ V.map (\AccountsScreenItem{..} -> asItemIndentLevel + textWidth asItemDisplayAccountName) $ -- V.filter (\(indent,_,_,_) -> (indent-1) <= fromMaybe 99999 mdepth) $ displayitems maxbalwidthseen = -- ltrace "maxbalwidthseen" $ V.maximum $ V.map (\AccountsScreenItem{..} -> sum (map strWidth asItemRenderedAmounts) + 2 * (length asItemRenderedAmounts - 1)) displayitems maxbalwidth = -- ltrace "maxbalwidth" $ max 0 (availwidth - 2 - 4) -- leave 2 whitespace plus least 4 for accts balwidth = -- ltrace "balwidth" $ min maxbalwidth maxbalwidthseen maxacctwidth = -- ltrace "maxacctwidth" $ availwidth - 2 - balwidth acctwidth = -- ltrace "acctwidth" $ min maxacctwidth maxacctwidthseen -- XXX how to minimise the balance column's jumping around -- as you change the depth limit ? colwidths = (acctwidth, balwidth) render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ renderList (asDrawItem colwidths) True (_asList s) where ishistorical = balancetype_ ropts == HistoricalBalance toplabel = files -- <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str (if flat_ ropts then " flat" else "")) <+> nonzero <+> str (if ishistorical then " accounts" else " account changes") -- <+> str (if ishistorical then " balances" else " changes") <+> borderPeriodStr (if ishistorical then "at end of" else "in") (period_ ropts) <+> borderQueryStr querystr <+> togglefilters <+> borderDepthStr mdepth <+> str " (" <+> cur <+> str "/" <+> total <+> str ")" <+> (if ignore_assertions_ copts then withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "") where files = case journalFilePaths j of [] -> str "" f:_ -> withAttr ("border" <> "bold") $ str $ takeFileName f -- [f,_:[]] -> (withAttr ("border" <> "bold") $ str $ takeFileName f) <+> str " (& 1 included file)" -- f:fs -> (withAttr ("border" <> "bold") $ str $ takeFileName f) <+> str (" (& " ++ show (length fs) ++ " included files)") querystr = query_ ropts mdepth = depth_ ropts togglefilters = case concat [ uiShowClearedStatus $ clearedstatus_ ropts ,if real_ ropts then ["real"] else [] ] of [] -> str "" fs -> str " from " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str $ intercalate ", " fs) <+> str " txns" nonzero | empty_ ropts = str "" | otherwise = withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str " nonzero") cur = str (case _asList s ^. listSelectedL of Nothing -> "-" Just i -> show (i + 1)) total = str $ show $ V.length $ s ^. asList . listElementsL bottomlabel = case mode of Minibuffer ed -> minibuffer ed _ -> quickhelp where selectedstr = withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") . str quickhelp = borderKeysStr' [ ("?", str "help") ,("right", str "register") ,("H" ,if ishistorical then selectedstr "historical" <+> str "/period" else str "historical/" <+> selectedstr "period") ,("F" ,if flat_ ropts then str "tree/" <+> selectedstr "flat" else selectedstr "tree" <+> str "/flat") ,("-+", str "depth") --,("/", "filter") --,("DEL", "unfilter") --,("ESC", "cancel/top") ,("a", str "add") -- ,("g", "reload") ,("q", str "quit") ] asDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen" asDrawItem :: (Int,Int) -> Bool -> AccountsScreenItem -> Widget Name asDrawItem (acctwidth, balwidth) selected AccountsScreenItem{..} = Widget Greedy Fixed $ do -- c <- getContext -- let showitem = intercalate "\n" . balanceReportItemAsText defreportopts fmt render $ addamts asItemRenderedAmounts $ str (T.unpack $ fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True $ T.replicate (asItemIndentLevel) " " <> asItemDisplayAccountName) <+> str " " <+> str (balspace asItemRenderedAmounts) where balspace as = replicate n ' ' where n = max 0 (balwidth - (sum (map strWidth as) + 2 * (length as - 1))) addamts :: [String] -> Widget Name -> Widget Name addamts [] w = w addamts [a] w = (<+> renderamt a) w -- foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b -- foldl' (Widget -> String -> Widget) -> Widget -> [String] -> Widget addamts (a:as) w = foldl' addamt (addamts [a] w) as addamt :: Widget Name -> String -> Widget Name addamt w a = ((<+> renderamt a) . (<+> str ", ")) w renderamt :: String -> Widget Name renderamt a | '-' `elem` a = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative") $ str a | otherwise = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive") $ str a sel | selected = (<> "selected") | otherwise = id asHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM Name (Next UIState) asHandle ui0@UIState{ aScreen=scr@AccountsScreen{..} ,aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=copts} ,ajournal=j ,aMode=mode } ev = do d <- liftIO getCurrentDay -- c <- getContext -- let h = c^.availHeightL -- moveSel n l = listMoveBy n l -- save the currently selected account, in case we leave this screen and lose the selection let selacct = case listSelectedElement _asList of Just (_, AccountsScreenItem{..}) -> asItemAccountName Nothing -> scr ^. asSelectedAccount ui = ui0{aScreen=scr & asSelectedAccount .~ selacct} case mode of Minibuffer ed -> case ev of EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ closeMinibuffer ui EvKey KEnter [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui where s = chomp $ unlines $ map strip $ getEditContents ed ev -> do ed' <- handleEditorEvent ev ed continue $ ui{aMode=Minibuffer ed'} Help -> case ev of EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui _ -> helpHandle ui ev Normal -> case ev of EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui -- EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl] -> do EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d ui EvKey (KChar c) [] | c `elem` ['?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> liftIO (uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui) >>= continue EvKey (KChar 'I') [] -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui) EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor endPos (journalFilePath j)) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui EvKey (KChar '0') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 0) ui EvKey (KChar '1') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 1) ui EvKey (KChar '2') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 2) ui EvKey (KChar '3') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 3) ui EvKey (KChar '4') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 4) ui EvKey (KChar '5') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 5) ui EvKey (KChar '6') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 6) ui EvKey (KChar '7') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 7) ui EvKey (KChar '8') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 8) ui EvKey (KChar '9') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 9) ui EvKey (KChar '-') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui EvKey (KChar '_') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui EvKey (KChar c) [] | c `elem` ['+','='] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ incDepth ui EvKey (KChar 't') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui EvKey (KChar 'H') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleHistorical ui EvKey (KChar 'F') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleFlat ui EvKey (KChar 'Z') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleEmpty ui) EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui) EvKey (KChar 'U') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleUncleared ui) EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleReal ui) EvKey (KDown) [MShift] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui EvKey (KUp) [MShift] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui EvKey (KRight) [MShift] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui EvKey (KLeft) [MShift] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui EvKey (KChar '/') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui) EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KLeft, KChar 'h'] -> continue $ popScreen ui EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KRight, KChar 'l'] -> scrollTopRegister >> continue (screenEnter d scr ui) where scr = rsSetAccount selacct isdepthclipped registerScreen isdepthclipped = case getDepth ui of Just d -> accountNameLevel selacct >= d Nothing -> False -- fall through to the list's event handler (handles up/down) ev -> do let ev' = case ev of EvKey (KChar 'k') [] -> EvKey (KUp) [] EvKey (KChar 'j') [] -> EvKey (KDown) [] _ -> ev newitems <- handleListEvent ev' _asList continue $ ui{aScreen=scr & asList .~ newitems & asSelectedAccount .~ selacct } -- continue =<< handleEventLensed ui someLens ev where -- Encourage a more stable scroll position when toggling list items. -- We scroll to the top, and the viewport will automatically -- scroll down just far enough to reveal the selection, which -- usually leaves it at bottom of screen). -- XXX better: scroll so selection is in middle of screen ? scrollTop = vScrollToBeginning $ viewportScroll AccountsViewport scrollTopRegister = vScrollToBeginning $ viewportScroll RegisterViewport journalspan = journalDateSpan False j asHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen" asSetSelectedAccount a s@AccountsScreen{} = s & asSelectedAccount .~ a asSetSelectedAccount _ s = s