{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-} module Main where import Brick import Brick.Widgets.Border import Brick.Widgets.BetterDialog import Brick.Widgets.Edit import Brick.Widgets.List import Brick.Widgets.List.Utils import Graphics.Vty hiding (parseConfigFile, (<|>)) import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Text.Zipper import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Hledger as HL import qualified Hledger.Read.JournalReader as HL import Lens.Micro import qualified Options.Applicative as OA import Options.Applicative hiding (str, option) import System.Directory import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir import System.Exit import System.IO import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Text as P import Brick.Widgets.HelpMessage import DateParser import ConfigParser hiding (parseConfigFile) import Model import View data AppState = AppState { asEditor :: Editor Text Name , asStep :: Step , asJournal :: HL.Journal , asContext :: List Name Text , asSuggestion :: Maybe Text , asMessage :: Text , asFilename :: FilePath , asDateFormat :: DateFormat , asMatchAlgo :: MatchAlgo , asDialog :: DialogShown } data Name = HelpName | ListName | EditorName deriving (Ord, Show, Eq) data DialogShown = NoDialog | HelpDialog (HelpWidget Name) | QuitDialog | AbortDialog myHelpDialog :: DialogShown myHelpDialog = HelpDialog (helpWidget HelpName bindings) bindings :: KeyBindings bindings = KeyBindings [ ("Denial", [ ("C-c, C-d", "Quit without saving the current transaction") , ("Esc", "Abort the current transaction or exit when at toplevel") ]) , ("Anger", [ ("F1, Alt-?", "Show help screen")]) , ("Bargaining", [ ("C-n", "Select the next context item") , ("C-p", "Select the previous context item") , ("Tab", "Insert currently selected answer into text area") , ("C-z", "Undo") ]) , ("Acceptance", [ ("Ret", "Accept the currently selected answer") , ("Alt-Ret", "Accept the current answer verbatim, ignoring selection") ])] draw :: AppState -> [Widget Name] draw as = case asDialog as of HelpDialog h -> [renderHelpWidget h, ui] QuitDialog -> [quitDialog, ui] AbortDialog -> [abortDialog, ui] NoDialog -> [ui] where ui = viewState (asStep as) <=> hBorder <=> (viewQuestion (asStep as) <+> viewSuggestion (asSuggestion as) <+> txt ": " <+> renderEditor True (asEditor as)) <=> hBorder <=> expand (viewContext (asContext as)) <=> hBorder <=> viewMessage (asMessage as) quitDialog = dialog "Quit" "Really quit without saving the current transaction? (Y/n)" abortDialog = dialog "Abort" "Really abort this transaction (Y/n)" -- TODO Refactor to remove code duplication in individual case statements event :: AppState -> BrickEvent Name Event -> EventM Name (Next AppState) event as (VtyEvent ev) = case asDialog as of HelpDialog helpDia -> case ev of EvKey key [] | key `elem` [KChar 'q', KEsc] -> continue as { asDialog = NoDialog } | otherwise -> do helpDia' <- handleHelpEvent helpDia ev continue as { asDialog = HelpDialog helpDia' } _ -> continue as QuitDialog -> case ev of EvKey key [] | key `elem` [KChar 'y', KEnter] -> halt as | otherwise -> continue as { asDialog = NoDialog } _ -> continue as AbortDialog -> case ev of EvKey key [] | key `elem` [KChar 'y', KEnter] -> liftIO (reset as { asDialog = NoDialog }) >>= continue | otherwise -> continue as { asDialog = NoDialog } _ -> continue as NoDialog -> case ev of EvKey (KChar 'c') [MCtrl] | asStep as == DateQuestion -> halt as | otherwise -> continue as { asDialog = QuitDialog } EvKey (KChar 'd') [MCtrl] | asStep as == DateQuestion -> halt as | otherwise -> continue as { asDialog = QuitDialog } EvKey (KChar 'n') [MCtrl] -> continue as { asContext = listMoveDown $ asContext as , asMessage = ""} EvKey KDown [] -> continue as { asContext = listMoveDown $ asContext as , asMessage = ""} EvKey (KChar 'p') [MCtrl] -> continue as { asContext = listMoveUp $ asContext as , asMessage = ""} EvKey KUp [] -> continue as { asContext = listMoveUp $ asContext as , asMessage = ""} EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> continue (insertSelected as) EvKey KEsc [] | asStep as == DateQuestion && T.null (editText as) -> halt as | asStep as == DateQuestion -> liftIO (reset as) >>= continue | otherwise -> continue as { asDialog = AbortDialog } EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl] -> liftIO (doUndo as) >>= continue EvKey KEnter [MMeta] -> liftIO (doNextStep False as) >>= continue EvKey KEnter [] -> liftIO (doNextStep True as) >>= continue EvKey (KFun 1) [] -> continue as { asDialog = myHelpDialog } EvKey (KChar '?') [MMeta] -> continue as { asDialog = myHelpDialog, asMessage = "Help" } EvKey (KChar 'u') [MCtrl] -> continue as { asEditor = clearEdit (asEditor as) } _ -> (AppState <$> handleEditorEvent ev (asEditor as) <*> return (asStep as) <*> return (asJournal as) <*> return (asContext as) <*> return (asSuggestion as) <*> return "" <*> return (asFilename as)) <*> return (asDateFormat as) <*> return (asMatchAlgo as) <*> return NoDialog >>= liftIO . setContext >>= continue event as _ = continue as reset :: AppState -> IO AppState reset as = do sugg <- suggest (asJournal as) (asDateFormat as) DateQuestion return as { asStep = DateQuestion , asEditor = clearEdit (asEditor as) , asContext = ctxList V.empty , asSuggestion = sugg , asMessage = "Transaction aborted" } setContext :: AppState -> IO AppState setContext as = do ctx <- flip listSimpleReplace (asContext as) . V.fromList <$> context (asJournal as) (asMatchAlgo as) (asDateFormat as) (editText as) (asStep as) return as { asContext = ctx } editText :: AppState -> Text editText = T.concat . getEditContents . asEditor -- | Add a tranaction at the end of a journal -- -- Hledgers `HL.addTransaction` adds it to the beginning, but our suggestion -- system expects newer transactions to be at the end. addTransactionEnd :: HL.Transaction -> HL.Journal -> HL.Journal addTransactionEnd t j = j { HL.jtxns = HL.jtxns j ++ [t] } doNextStep :: Bool -> AppState -> IO AppState doNextStep useSelected as = do let name = fromMaybe (Left $ editText as) $ msum [ Right <$> if useSelected then snd <$> listSelectedElement (asContext as) else Nothing , Left <$> asMaybe (editText as) , Left <$> asSuggestion as ] s <- nextStep (asJournal as) (asDateFormat as) name (asStep as) case s of Left err -> return as { asMessage = err } Right (Finished trans) -> do liftIO $ addToJournal trans (asFilename as) sugg <- suggest (asJournal as) (asDateFormat as) DateQuestion return AppState { asStep = DateQuestion , asJournal = addTransactionEnd trans (asJournal as) , asEditor = clearEdit (asEditor as) , asContext = ctxList V.empty , asSuggestion = sugg , asMessage = "Transaction written to journal file" , asFilename = asFilename as , asDateFormat = asDateFormat as , asMatchAlgo = asMatchAlgo as , asDialog = NoDialog } Right (Step s') -> do sugg <- suggest (asJournal as) (asDateFormat as) s' ctx' <- ctxList . V.fromList <$> context (asJournal as) (asMatchAlgo as) (asDateFormat as) "" s' return as { asStep = s' , asEditor = clearEdit (asEditor as) , asContext = ctx' , asSuggestion = sugg , asMessage = "" } doUndo :: AppState -> IO AppState doUndo as = case undo (asStep as) of Left msg -> return as { asMessage = "Undo failed: " <> msg } Right step -> do sugg <- suggest (asJournal as) (asDateFormat as) step setContext $ as { asStep = step , asEditor = clearEdit (asEditor as) , asSuggestion = sugg , asMessage = "Undo." } insertSelected :: AppState -> AppState insertSelected as = case listSelectedElement (asContext as) of Nothing -> as Just (_, line) -> as { asEditor = setEdit line (asEditor as) } asMaybe :: Text -> Maybe Text asMaybe t | T.null t = Nothing | otherwise = Just t attrs :: AttrMap attrs = attrMap defAttr [ (listSelectedAttr, black `on` white) , (helpAttr <> "title", fg green) ] clearEdit :: Editor Text n -> Editor Text n clearEdit = setEdit "" setEdit :: Text -> Editor Text n -> Editor Text n setEdit content edit = edit & editContentsL .~ zipper where zipper = gotoEOL (textZipper [content] (Just 1)) addToJournal :: HL.Transaction -> FilePath -> IO () addToJournal trans path = appendFile path (HL.showTransaction trans) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command line and config parsing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data CommonOptions f = CommonOptions { optLedgerFile :: f FilePath , optDateFormat :: f String , optMatchAlgo :: f MatchAlgo } instance Monoid (CommonOptions Maybe) where mappend opt1 opt2 = let opt1' = optNatTrans First opt1 opt2' = optNatTrans First opt2 in optNatTrans getFirst $ CommonOptions { optLedgerFile = optLedgerFile opt1' <> optLedgerFile opt2' , optDateFormat = optDateFormat opt1' <> optDateFormat opt2' , optMatchAlgo = optMatchAlgo opt1' <> optMatchAlgo opt2' } mempty = CommonOptions Nothing Nothing Nothing optNatTrans :: Functor f => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> CommonOptions f -> CommonOptions g optNatTrans nat opts = CommonOptions { optLedgerFile = nat $ optLedgerFile opts , optDateFormat = nat $ optDateFormat opts , optMatchAlgo = nat $ optMatchAlgo opts } optFromJust :: CommonOptions Identity -> CommonOptions Maybe -> CommonOptions Identity optFromJust def opts = optNatTrans (Identity . fromJust) ( opts <> optNatTrans (Just . runIdentity) def) data CmdLineOptions = CmdLineOptions { cmdCommon :: CommonOptions Maybe , cmdDumpConfig :: Bool } data ConfOptions = ConfOptions { confCommon :: CommonOptions Maybe } defaultOptions :: FilePath -> CommonOptions Identity defaultOptions home = CommonOptions { optLedgerFile = Identity (ledgerPath home) , optDateFormat = Identity "[[%y/]%m/]%d" , optMatchAlgo = Identity Substrings } ledgerPath :: FilePath -> FilePath ledgerPath home = home <> "/.hledger.journal" configPath :: IO FilePath configPath = getUserConfigFile "hledger-iadd" "config.conf" -- | Megaparsec parser for MatchAlgo, used for config file parsing parseMatchAlgo :: P.Parser MatchAlgo parseMatchAlgo = (P.string "fuzzy" *> pure Fuzzy) <|> (P.string "substrings" *> pure Substrings) -- | ReadM parser for MatchAlgo, used for command line option parsing readMatchAlgo :: ReadM MatchAlgo readMatchAlgo = eitherReader reader where reader str | str == "fuzzy" = return Fuzzy | str == "substrings" = return Substrings | otherwise = Left "Expected \"fuzzy\" or \"substrings\"" -- | Parser for our config file confParser :: CommonOptions Identity -> OptParser ConfOptions confParser def = fmap ConfOptions $ CommonOptions -- TODO Convert leading tilde to home <$> (Just <$> option "file" (runIdentity $ optLedgerFile def) "Path to the journal file") <*> (Just <$> option "date-format" (runIdentity $ optDateFormat def) "Format used to parse dates") <*> (Just <$> customOption "completion-engine" matchAlgo (T.toLower $ T.pack $ show matchAlgo) ( "Algorithm used to find completions for account names. Possible values are:\n" <> " - substrings: Every word in the search string has to occur somewhere in the account name\n" <> " - fuzzy: All letters from the search string have to appear in the name in the same order" ) "string" parseMatchAlgo ) where matchAlgo = runIdentity (optMatchAlgo def) -- | IO Action to read and parse config file parseConfigFile :: IO ConfOptions parseConfigFile = do path <- configPath home <- getHomeDirectory let def = defaultOptions home try (T.readFile path) >>= \case Left (_ :: SomeException) -> return (parserDefault $ confParser def) Right res -> case parseConfig path res (confParser def) of Left err -> do putStr (show err) exitFailure Right res' -> return res' -- | command line option parser cmdOptionParser :: Parser CmdLineOptions cmdOptionParser = CmdLineOptions <$> (CommonOptions <$> OA.option (Just <$> OA.str) ( long "file" <> short 'f' <> metavar "FILE" <> value Nothing <> help "Path to the journal file" ) <*> OA.option (Just <$> OA.str) ( long "date-format" <> metavar "FORMAT" <> value Nothing <> help "Format used to parse dates" ) <*> OA.option (Just <$> readMatchAlgo) ( long "completion-engine" <> metavar "ENGINE" <> value Nothing <> help "Algorithm for account name completion. Possible values: \"fuzzy\", \"substrings\"") ) <*> switch ( long "dump-default-config" <> help "Print an example configuration file to stdout and exit" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do home <- getHomeDirectory path <- configPath let defOpts = defaultOptions home cmdOpts <- execParser $ info (helper <*> cmdOptionParser) $ fullDesc <> header "A terminal UI as drop-in replacement for hledger add." when (cmdDumpConfig cmdOpts) $ do T.putStrLn $ "# Write this to " <> T.pack path <> "\n" T.putStrLn (parserExample $ confParser defOpts) exitSuccess confOpts <- parseConfigFile let opts = optFromJust defOpts $ cmdCommon cmdOpts <> confCommon confOpts date <- case parseDateFormat (T.pack $ runIdentity $ optDateFormat opts) of Left err -> do hPutStr stderr "Could not parse date format: " T.hPutStr stderr err exitWith (ExitFailure 1) Right res -> return res let path = runIdentity $ optLedgerFile opts journalContents <- T.readFile path runExceptT (HL.parseAndFinaliseJournal HL.journalp True path journalContents) >>= \case Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr err >> exitFailure Right journal -> do let edit = editor EditorName (nonEmptyTxt . T.concat) (Just 1) "" sugg <- suggest journal date DateQuestion let welcome = "Welcome! Press F1 (or Alt-?) for help. Exit with Ctrl-d." matchAlgo = runIdentity $ optMatchAlgo opts as = AppState edit DateQuestion journal (ctxList V.empty) sugg welcome path date matchAlgo NoDialog void $ defaultMain app as where app = App { appDraw = draw , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor , appHandleEvent = event , appAttrMap = const attrs , appStartEvent = return } :: App AppState Event Name expand :: Widget n -> Widget n expand = padBottom Max ctxList :: V.Vector e -> List Name e ctxList v = (if V.null v then id else listMoveTo 0) $ list ListName v 1 -- | Workaround for bug in brick's edit widget -- -- Since brick version 0.15, an empty edit widget wouldn't show a cursor, so -- this artificially adds a space to empty input text. nonEmptyTxt :: Text -> Widget n nonEmptyTxt input | T.null input = txt " " | otherwise = txt input