module JSONSchema.Validator.Utils where
import Import
import Control.Monad (fail)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
arbitraryText :: Gen Text
arbitraryText = T.pack <$> arbitrary
arbitraryScientific :: Gen Scientific
arbitraryScientific = (fromFloatDigits :: Double -> Scientific) <$> arbitrary
arbitraryPositiveScientific :: Gen Scientific
arbitraryPositiveScientific = (fromFloatDigits :: Double -> Scientific)
. getPositive
<$> arbitrary
newtype ArbitraryValue
= ArbitraryValue { _unArbitraryValue :: Value }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary ArbitraryValue where
arbitrary = ArbitraryValue <$> sized f
f :: Int -> Gen Value
f n | n <= 1 = oneof nonRecursive
| otherwise = oneof $
fmap (Array . V.fromList) (traverse (const (f (n `div` 10)))
=<< (arbitrary :: Gen [()]))
: fmap (Object . HM.fromList) (traverse (const (g (n `div` 10)))
=<< (arbitrary :: Gen [()]))
: nonRecursive
g :: Int -> Gen (Text, Value)
g n = (,) <$> arbitraryText <*> f n
nonRecursive :: [Gen Value]
nonRecursive =
[ pure Null
, Bool <$> arbitrary
, String <$> arbitraryText
, Number <$> arbitraryScientific
arbitraryHashMap :: Arbitrary a => Gen (HashMap Text a)
arbitraryHashMap = HM.fromList . fmap (first T.pack) <$> arbitrary
arbitrarySetOfText :: Gen (Set Text)
arbitrarySetOfText = S.fromList . fmap T.pack <$> arbitrary
newtype NonEmpty' a = NonEmpty' { _unNonEmpty' :: NonEmpty a }
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (NonEmpty' a) where
parseJSON v = do
xs <- parseJSON v
case NE.nonEmpty xs of
Nothing -> fail "Must have at least one item."
Just ne -> pure (NonEmpty' ne)
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (NonEmpty' a) where
toJSON = toJSON . NE.toList . _unNonEmpty'
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmpty' a) where
arbitrary = do
xs <- arbitrary
case NE.nonEmpty xs of
Nothing -> NonEmpty' . pure <$> arbitrary
Just ne -> pure (NonEmpty' ne)
allUniqueValues :: (Foldable f, Functor f) => f Value -> Bool
allUniqueValues = allUnique . fmap OrdValue
allUnique :: (Foldable f, Ord a) => f a -> Bool
allUnique xs = S.size (S.fromList (toList xs)) == length xs
newtype OrdValue = OrdValue { _unOrdValue :: Value } deriving Eq
instance Ord OrdValue where
(OrdValue Null) `compare` (OrdValue Null) = EQ
(OrdValue Null) `compare` _ = LT
_ `compare` (OrdValue Null) = GT
(OrdValue (Bool x)) `compare` (OrdValue (Bool y)) = x `compare` y
(OrdValue (Bool _)) `compare` _ = LT
_ `compare` (OrdValue (Bool _)) = GT
(OrdValue (Number x)) `compare` (OrdValue (Number y)) = x `compare` y
(OrdValue (Number _)) `compare` _ = LT
_ `compare` (OrdValue (Number _)) = GT
(OrdValue (String x)) `compare` (OrdValue (String y)) = x `compare` y
(OrdValue (String _)) `compare` _ = LT
_ `compare` (OrdValue (String _)) = GT
(OrdValue (Array xs)) `compare` (OrdValue (Array ys)) =
(OrdValue <$> xs) `compare` (OrdValue <$> ys)
(OrdValue (Array _)) `compare` _ = LT
_ `compare` (OrdValue (Array _)) = GT
(OrdValue (Object x)) `compare` (OrdValue (Object y)) =
HM.toList (OrdValue <$> x) `compare` HM.toList (OrdValue <$> y)