module JSONSchema.Validator.Draft4.Any where
import Import hiding ((<>))
import Data.Aeson.TH (constructorTagModifier)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Scientific as SCI
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (UnicodeException)
import qualified JSONPointer as JP
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI (urlDecode)
import qualified JSONSchema.Validator.Utils as UT
import JSONSchema.Validator.Reference (BaseURI(..),
newtype Ref
= Ref { _unRef :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Ref where
parseJSON = withObject "Ref" $ \o ->
Ref <$> o .: "$ref"
data RefInvalid err
= RefResolution Text
| RefPointerResolution JSONPointerError
| RefLoop Text VisitedSchemas URIAndFragment
| RefInvalid Text Value (NonEmpty err)
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype VisitedSchemas
= VisitedSchemas { _unVisited :: [URIAndFragment] }
deriving (Eq, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
:: forall err schema. (FromJSON schema, ToJSON schema)
=> (Text -> Maybe schema)
-> (BaseURI -> schema -> BaseURI)
-> (VisitedSchemas -> Scope schema -> schema -> Value -> [err])
-> VisitedSchemas
-> Scope schema
-> Ref
-> Value
-> Maybe (RefInvalid err)
refVal getRef updateScope val visited scope (Ref reference) x
| (mURI, mFragment) `elem` _unVisited visited =
Just (RefLoop reference visited (mURI, mFragment))
| otherwise = leftToMaybe $ do
(newScope, doc) <- first RefResolution
$ getDocument getRef updateScope scope mURI reference
res <- case mFragment of
Nothing -> Right (newScope, doc)
Just fragment -> first RefPointerResolution
$ resolveFragment updateScope newScope fragment
let (finalScope, schema) = res
let newVisited = VisitedSchemas [(_documentURI newScope, mFragment)]
<> visited
failures = val newVisited finalScope schema x
first (RefInvalid reference (toJSON schema))
. maybeToLeft ()
$ NE.nonEmpty failures
mURI :: Maybe Text
mFragment :: Maybe Text
(mURI, mFragment) = resolveReference (_currentBaseURI scope) reference
:: forall schema. (Text -> Maybe schema)
-> (BaseURI -> schema -> BaseURI)
-> Scope schema
-> Maybe Text
-> Text
-> Either Text (Scope schema, schema)
getDocument getRef updateScope scope mURI reference =
case mURI <* fst (resolveReference (BaseURI Nothing) reference) of
Nothing -> Right topOfThisDoc
Just uri ->
case getRef uri of
Nothing -> Left uri
Just s -> Right ( Scope s mURI (updateScope (BaseURI mURI) s)
, s
topOfThisDoc :: (Scope schema, schema)
topOfThisDoc =
( scope { _currentBaseURI =
updateScope (BaseURI (_documentURI scope))
(_topLevelDocument scope)
, _topLevelDocument scope
data JSONPointerError
= URLDecodingError UnicodeException
| FormatError JP.FormatError
| ResolutionError JP.ResolutionError
| SubschemaDecodingError Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
:: forall schema. (FromJSON schema, ToJSON schema)
=> (BaseURI -> schema -> BaseURI)
-> Scope schema
-> Text
-> Either JSONPointerError (Scope schema, schema)
resolveFragment updateScope scope fragment = do
urlDecoded <- first URLDecodingError
. decodeUtf8'
. urlDecode True
. encodeUtf8
$ fragment
JP.Pointer tokens <- first FormatError (JP.unescape urlDecoded)
let acc = (toJSON (_topLevelDocument scope), _currentBaseURI scope)
(schemaVal, base) <- foldM go acc tokens
schema <- first SubschemaDecodingError (fromJSONEither schemaVal)
pure (scope { _currentBaseURI = base }, schema)
go :: (Value, BaseURI)
-> JP.Token
-> Either JSONPointerError (Value, BaseURI)
go (lastVal, uri) tok = do
v <- first ResolutionError (JP.resolveToken tok lastVal)
case v of
Array _ -> pure (v, uri)
_ -> do
schema <- first SubschemaDecodingError (fromJSONEither v)
pure (v, updateScope uri schema)
newtype EnumValidator
= EnumValidator { _unEnumValidator :: NonEmpty Value }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON EnumValidator where
parseJSON = withObject "EnumValidator" $ \o ->
EnumValidator <$> o .: "enum"
instance Arbitrary EnumValidator where
arbitrary = do
xs <- (fmap.fmap) UT._unArbitraryValue arbitrary
case NE.nonEmpty (toUnique xs) of
Nothing -> EnumValidator . pure . UT._unArbitraryValue <$> arbitrary
Just ne -> pure (EnumValidator ne)
toUnique :: [Value] -> [Value]
toUnique = fmap UT._unOrdValue
. Set.toList
. Set.fromList
. fmap UT.OrdValue
data EnumInvalid
= EnumInvalid EnumValidator Value
deriving (Eq, Show)
enumVal :: EnumValidator -> Value -> Maybe EnumInvalid
enumVal a@(EnumValidator vs) x
| not (UT.allUniqueValues vs) = Nothing
| x `elem` vs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ EnumInvalid a x
newtype TypeContext
= TypeContext { _unTypeContext :: TypeValidator }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON TypeContext where
parseJSON = withObject "TypeContext" $ \o ->
TypeContext <$> o .: "type"
data TypeValidator
= TypeValidatorString SchemaType
| TypeValidatorArray (Set SchemaType)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup TypeValidator where
(<>) x y
| isEmpty x = x
| isEmpty y = y
| x == y = x
| otherwise = TypeValidatorArray (setFromTypeValidator x
setFromTypeValidator y)
isEmpty :: TypeValidator -> Bool
isEmpty (TypeValidatorString _) = False
isEmpty (TypeValidatorArray ts) = Set.null ts
stimes = stimesIdempotent
instance FromJSON TypeValidator where
parseJSON v = fmap TypeValidatorString (parseJSON v)
<|> fmap TypeValidatorArray (parseJSON v)
instance ToJSON TypeValidator where
toJSON (TypeValidatorString t) = toJSON t
toJSON (TypeValidatorArray ts) = toJSON ts
instance Arbitrary TypeValidator where
arbitrary = oneof [ TypeValidatorString <$> arbitrary
, TypeValidatorArray <$> arbitrary
data SchemaType
= SchemaObject
| SchemaArray
| SchemaString
| SchemaNumber
| SchemaInteger
| SchemaBoolean
| SchemaNull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum, Generic)
instance FromJSON SchemaType where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
{ constructorTagModifier = fmap toLower . drop 6 }
instance ToJSON SchemaType where
toJSON = genericToJSON
{ constructorTagModifier = fmap toLower . drop 6 }
instance Arbitrary SchemaType where
arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
data TypeValidatorInvalid
= TypeValidatorInvalid TypeValidator Value
deriving (Eq, Show)
typeVal :: TypeContext -> Value -> Maybe TypeValidatorInvalid
typeVal (TypeContext tv) x
| Set.null matches = Just (TypeValidatorInvalid tv x)
| otherwise = Nothing
matches :: Set SchemaType
matches = Set.intersection okTypes (setFromTypeValidator tv)
okTypes :: Set SchemaType
okTypes =
case x of
Null -> Set.singleton SchemaNull
(Array _) -> Set.singleton SchemaArray
(Bool _) -> Set.singleton SchemaBoolean
(Object _) -> Set.singleton SchemaObject
(String _) -> Set.singleton SchemaString
(Number y) ->
if SCI.isInteger y
then Set.fromList [SchemaNumber, SchemaInteger]
else Set.singleton SchemaNumber
setFromTypeValidator :: TypeValidator -> Set SchemaType
setFromTypeValidator (TypeValidatorString t) = Set.singleton t
setFromTypeValidator (TypeValidatorArray ts) = ts
newtype AllOf schema
= AllOf { _unAllOf :: NonEmpty schema }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON schema => FromJSON (AllOf schema) where
parseJSON = withObject "AllOf" $ \o ->
AllOf <$> o .: "allOf"
newtype AllOfInvalid err
= AllOfInvalid (NonEmpty (JP.Index, NonEmpty err))
deriving (Eq, Show)
:: forall err schema.
(schema -> Value -> [err])
-> AllOf schema
-> Value
-> Maybe (AllOfInvalid err)
allOfVal f (AllOf subSchemas) x = AllOfInvalid <$> NE.nonEmpty failures
perhapsFailures :: [(JP.Index, [err])]
perhapsFailures = zip (JP.Index <$> [0..])
(flip f x <$> NE.toList subSchemas)
failures :: [(JP.Index, NonEmpty err)]
failures = mapMaybe (traverse NE.nonEmpty) perhapsFailures
newtype AnyOf schema
= AnyOf { _unAnyOf :: NonEmpty schema }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON schema => FromJSON (AnyOf schema) where
parseJSON = withObject "AnyOf" $ \o ->
AnyOf <$> o .: "anyOf"
newtype AnyOfInvalid err
= AnyOfInvalid (NonEmpty (JP.Index, NonEmpty err))
deriving (Eq, Show)
:: forall err schema.
(schema -> Value -> [err])
-> AnyOf schema
-> Value
-> Maybe (AnyOfInvalid err)
anyOfVal f (AnyOf subSchemas) x
| any (null . snd) perhapsFailures = Nothing
| otherwise = AnyOfInvalid <$> NE.nonEmpty failures
perhapsFailures :: [(JP.Index, [err])]
perhapsFailures = zip (JP.Index <$> [0..])
(flip f x <$> NE.toList subSchemas)
failures :: [(JP.Index, NonEmpty err)]
failures = mapMaybe (traverse NE.nonEmpty) perhapsFailures
newtype OneOf schema
= OneOf { _unOneOf :: NonEmpty schema }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON schema => FromJSON (OneOf schema) where
parseJSON = withObject "OneOf" $ \o ->
OneOf <$> o .: "oneOf"
data OneOfInvalid err
= TooManySuccesses (NonEmpty (JP.Index, Value)) Value
| NoSuccesses (NonEmpty (JP.Index, NonEmpty err)) Value
deriving (Eq, Show)
:: forall err schema. ToJSON schema
=> (schema -> Value -> [err])
-> OneOf schema
-> Value
-> Maybe (OneOfInvalid err)
oneOfVal f (OneOf (firstSubSchema :| otherSubSchemas)) x =
case (firstSuccess, otherSuccesses) of
(Right _, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Right a, Just successes) -> Just (TooManySuccesses
(a NE.<| successes) x)
(Left e, Nothing) -> Just (NoSuccesses (e :| otherFailures) x)
(Left _, Just (_ :| [])) -> Nothing
(Left _, Just successes) -> Just (TooManySuccesses successes x)
firstSuccess :: Either (JP.Index, NonEmpty err) (JP.Index, Value)
firstSuccess =
case NE.nonEmpty (f firstSubSchema x) of
Nothing -> Right (JP.Index 0, toJSON firstSubSchema)
Just errs -> Left (JP.Index 0, errs)
otherPerhapsFailures :: [(JP.Index, Value, [err])]
otherPerhapsFailures =
(\index schema -> (index, toJSON schema, f schema x))
(JP.Index <$> [0..])
otherSuccesses :: Maybe (NonEmpty (JP.Index, Value))
otherSuccesses = NE.nonEmpty
$ mapMaybe (\(index,val,errs) ->
case errs of
[] -> Just (index,val)
_ -> Nothing
) otherPerhapsFailures
otherFailures :: [(JP.Index, NonEmpty err)]
otherFailures = mapMaybe (traverse NE.nonEmpty . mid) otherPerhapsFailures
mid :: (a,b,c) -> (a,c)
mid (a,_,c) = (a,c)
newtype NotValidator schema
= NotValidator { _unNotValidator :: schema }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON schema => FromJSON (NotValidator schema) where
parseJSON = withObject "NotValidator" $ \o ->
NotValidator <$> o .: "not"
data NotValidatorInvalid
= NotValidatorInvalid Value Value
deriving (Eq, Show)
:: ToJSON schema =>
(schema -> Value -> [err])
-> NotValidator schema
-> Value
-> Maybe NotValidatorInvalid
notVal f (NotValidator schema) x =
case f schema x of
[] -> Just (NotValidatorInvalid (toJSON schema) x)
_ -> Nothing