{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Text.Jasmine.Parse ( readJs , readJsm , JasmineSettings (..) , defaultJasmineSettings , JSNode(..) , parseFile , parseString -- For testing , doParse , program , functionDeclaration , identifier , statementList , iterationStatement , main ) where -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) ) import Control.Monad import Data.Attoparsec.Lazy (eitherResult,parse,Result(..)) import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 (char, satisfy, try, Parser, (), endOfInput, many, sepBy, sepBy1, many1, takeWhile) import Data.Char import Data.Data import Data.List hiding (takeWhile) import Prelude hiding (catch, takeWhile) import System.Environment import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import qualified Text.Jasmine.Token as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- data Result v = Error String | Ok v deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Data, Typeable) instance Monad Result where return = Ok Error s >>= _ = Error s Ok v >>= f = f v fail = Error instance Functor Result where fmap = liftM instance Applicative Result where pure = return (<*>) = ap -} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data JSNode = JSArguments [[JSNode]] | JSArrayLiteral [JSNode] | JSBlock JSNode | JSBreak [JSNode] [JSNode] | JSCallExpression String [JSNode] -- type : ., (), []; rest | JSCase JSNode JSNode | JSCatch JSNode [JSNode] JSNode | JSContinue [JSNode] | JSDecimal Integer | JSDefault JSNode | JSDoWhile JSNode JSNode JSNode | JSElement String [JSNode] | JSElementList [JSNode] | JSElision [JSNode] | JSEmpty JSNode | JSExpression [JSNode] | JSExpressionBinary String [JSNode] [JSNode] | JSExpressionParen JSNode | JSExpressionPostfix String [JSNode] | JSExpressionTernary [JSNode] [JSNode] [JSNode] | JSFinally JSNode | JSFor [JSNode] [JSNode] [JSNode] JSNode | JSForIn [JSNode] JSNode JSNode | JSForVar [JSNode] [JSNode] [JSNode] JSNode | JSForVarIn JSNode JSNode JSNode | JSFunction JSNode [JSNode] JSNode -- name, parameter list, body | JSFunctionBody [JSNode] | JSFunctionExpression [JSNode] JSNode -- name, parameter list, body | JSHexInteger Integer | JSIdentifier String | JSIf JSNode JSNode | JSIfElse JSNode JSNode JSNode | JSLabelled JSNode JSNode | JSLiteral String | JSMemberDot [JSNode] | JSMemberSquare JSNode [JSNode] | JSObjectLiteral [JSNode] | JSOperator String | JSPropertyNameandValue JSNode [JSNode] | JSRegEx String | JSReturn [JSNode] | JSSourceElements [JSNode] | JSSourceElementsTop [JSNode] | JSStatementList [JSNode] | JSStringLiteral Char [Char] | JSSwitch JSNode [JSNode] | JSThrow JSNode | JSTry JSNode [JSNode] | JSUnary String | JSVarDecl JSNode [JSNode] | JSVariables String [JSNode] | JSWhile JSNode JSNode | JSWith JSNode [JSNode] deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Data, Typeable) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Settings for parsing of a javascript document. data JasmineSettings = JasmineSettings { -- | Placeholder in the structure, no actual settings yet hjsminPlaceholder :: String } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Defaults settings: settings not currently used defaultJasmineSettings :: JasmineSettings defaultJasmineSettings = JasmineSettings "foo" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface to the Tokeniser identifier :: Parser JSNode identifier = do{ val <- P.identifier; return (JSIdentifier val)} autoSemi :: Parser JSNode autoSemi = fmap JSLiteral P.autoSemi autoSemi' :: Parser JSNode autoSemi' = fmap JSLiteral P.autoSemi' -- TODO: Maybe? get rid of these, and call them directly via the full name. -- BUT, compiler optimisation should get rid of them anyway rOp :: String -> Parser () rOp = P.rOp lChar :: Char -> Parser () lChar = P.lChar -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Make Attoparsec work with parsec letter :: Parser Char letter = satisfy isAlpha "letter" eof :: Parser () eof = endOfInput -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The parser, based on the gold parser for Javascript -- http://www.devincook.com/GOLDParser/grammars/files/JavaScript.zip -- ------------------------------------------------------------ --Modified from HJS stringLiteral :: Parser JSNode stringLiteral = P.lexeme $ go '"' <|> go '\'' where go c = do _ <- char c s <- takeWhile $ \x -> isPrint x && x /= c _ <- char c return $ JSStringLiteral c $ S8.unpack s -- ------------------------------------------------------------ decimalLiteral :: Parser Integer decimalLiteral = P.dec hexIntegerLiteral :: Parser Integer hexIntegerLiteral = P.hex -- {String Chars1} = {Printable} + {HT} - ["\] -- {RegExp Chars} = {Letter}+{Digit}+['^']+['$']+['*']+['+']+['?']+['{']+['}']+['|']+['-']+['.']+[',']+['#']+['[']+[']']+['_']+['<']+['>'] -- {Non Terminator} = {String Chars1} - {CR} - {LF} -- RegExp = '/' ({RegExp Chars} | '\' {Non Terminator})+ '/' ( 'g' | 'i' | 'm' )* -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- From HJS regex :: Parser [Char] regex = do { _ <- char '/'; body <- do { c <- firstchar; cs <- many otherchar; return $ concat (c:cs) }; _ <- char '/'; flg <- identPart; return $ ("/"++body++"/"++flg) } firstchar :: Parser [Char] firstchar = do { c <- satisfy (\c -> isPrint c && c /= '*' && c /= '\\' && c /= '/'); return [c]} <|> escapeseq escapeseq :: Parser [Char] escapeseq = do { _ <- char '\\'; c <- satisfy (\cc -> isPrint cc); return ['\\',c]} otherchar :: Parser [Char] otherchar = do { c <- satisfy (\c -> isPrint c && c /= '\\' && c /= '/'); return [c]} <|> escapeseq identPart :: Parser [Char] identPart = many letter -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- regExp :: Parser JSNode regExp = P.lexeme $ do { v1 <- regex; return (JSRegEx v1)} -- ::= -- | -- | -- | StringLiteral literal :: Parser JSNode literal = nullLiteral <|> booleanLiteral <|> numericLiteral <|> stringLiteral -- ::= null nullLiteral :: Parser JSNode nullLiteral = do { _ <- P.reserved "null"; return (JSLiteral "null")} -- ::= 'true' -- | 'false' booleanLiteral :: Parser JSNode booleanLiteral = do{ _ <- P.reserved "true" ; return (JSLiteral "true")} <|> do{ P.reserved "false"; return (JSLiteral "false")} -- ::= DecimalLiteral -- | HexIntegerLiteral numericLiteral :: Parser JSNode numericLiteral = do {val <- decimalLiteral; return (JSDecimal val)} <|> do {val <- hexIntegerLiteral; return (JSHexInteger val)} -- ::= RegExp regularExpressionLiteral :: Parser JSNode regularExpressionLiteral = regExp -- ::= 'this' -- | Identifier -- | -- | -- | -- | '(' ')' -- | primaryExpression :: Parser JSNode primaryExpression = do {P.reserved "this"; -- return [""]} return (JSLiteral "this")} <|> identifier <|> literal <|> arrayLiteral <|> objectLiteral <|> do{ rOp "("; val <- expression; rOp ")"; return (JSExpressionParen val)} <|> regularExpressionLiteral -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rework array literal -- ::= '[' ']' -- | '[' ']' -- | '[' ']' -- | '[' ',' ']' -- ::= ',' -- | ',' -- ::= -- | ',' -- | ',' -- | -------- --so -- ::= '[' many (',' <|> assignment) ']' -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ::= '[' ']' -- | '[' ']' -- | '[' ']' -- | '[' ',' ']' arrayLiteral :: Parser JSNode arrayLiteral = do {rOp "["; v1 <- many (do { rOp ","; return [(JSElision [])]} <|> assignmentExpression); rOp "]"; return (JSArrayLiteral (flatten v1)) } {- arrayLiteral :: GenParser Char P.JSPState JSNode arrayLiteral = do {rOp "["; do { do { rOp "]"; return (JSArrayLiteral [])} <|> do { v1 <- elision; rOp "]"; return (JSArrayLiteral [v1])} <|> do { v1 <- elementList; rOp "]"; do { do { rOp ","; v2 <- elision; rOp "]"; return (JSArrayLiteral (v1++[v2]))} <|> return (JSArrayLiteral v1) } } } } -- ::= ',' -- | ',' elision :: GenParser Char P.JSPState JSNode elision = do{ rOp ","; return (JSElision [])} <|> do{ v1 <- elision; rOp ","; return (JSElision [v1])} -- ::= -- | ',' -- | ',' -- | elementList :: GenParser Char P.JSPState [JSNode] elementList = do { v1 <- elision; v2 <- assignmentExpression; v3 <-rest; return [(JSElementList (v1:(v2++v3)))] } <|> do { v1 <- assignmentExpression; v2 <- rest; return [(JSElementList (v1++v2))]} where rest = do {rOp ","; do { do { v2 <- elision; v3 <- assignmentExpression; return [] {- ([v2]++v3)-}} <|> do { v2 <- assignmentExpression; return [] {-v2-}} } } <|> do {return []} -} -- ::= '{' '}' objectLiteral :: Parser JSNode objectLiteral = do{ rOp "{"; val <- propertyNameandValueList; rOp "}"; return (JSObjectLiteral val)} -- ::= ':' -- | ',' ':' propertyNameandValueList :: Parser [JSNode] propertyNameandValueList = do{ val <- sepBy propertyNameandValue (rOp ","); -- Note: can be zero elements return val} -- Seems we can have function declarations in the value part too propertyNameandValue :: Parser JSNode propertyNameandValue = do{ v1 <- propertyName; rOp ":"; do { do {v2 <- assignmentExpression; return (JSPropertyNameandValue v1 v2)} <|> do {v2 <- functionDeclaration; return (JSPropertyNameandValue v1 [v2])} } } -- ::= Identifier -- | StringLiteral -- | propertyName :: Parser JSNode propertyName = identifier <|> stringLiteral <|> numericLiteral -- ::= -- | -- | '[' ']' -- | '.' Identifier -- | 'new' memberExpression :: Parser [JSNode] memberExpression = (do{ P.reserved "new"; v1 <- memberExpression; v2 <- arguments; return (((JSLiteral "new "):v1)++[v2])}) -- xxxx <|> memberExpression' --memberExpression' :: GenParser Char P.JSPState [JSNode] memberExpression' :: Parser [JSNode] memberExpression' = do v1 <- functionExpression <|> primaryExpression v2 <- rest return $ v1 : v2 where rest = do{ rOp "["; v1 <- expression; rOp "]"; v2 <- rest; return [JSMemberSquare v1 v2]} <|> do{ rOp "."; v1 <- identifier ; v2 <- rest; return [JSMemberDot (v1:v2)]} <|> return [] -- ::= -- | new newExpression :: Parser [JSNode] newExpression = memberExpression <|> do{ P.reserved "new"; val <- newExpression; return ((JSLiteral "new "):val)} -- ::= -- | -- | '[' ']' -- | '.' Identifier callExpression :: Parser [JSNode] callExpression = do{ v1 <- memberExpression; v2 <- arguments; do { v3 <- rest; return (v1++[v2]++v3)} <|> do {return (v1++[v2] )} } where rest = do{ v4 <- arguments ; v5 <- rest; return ([(JSCallExpression "()" [v4])]++v5)} <|> do{ rOp "["; v4 <- expression; rOp "]"; v5 <- rest; return ([JSCallExpression "[]" [v4]]++v5)} <|> do{ rOp "."; v4 <- identifier; v5 <- rest; return ([JSCallExpression "." [v4]]++v5)} <|> return [] -- As per HJS, seems to extend the syntax -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- From HJS {- callExpr = do { x <- memberExpr; do {rOp "("; whiteSpace; args <- commaSep assigne; whiteSpace; rOp ")"; rest $ CallMember x args } <|> do { return $ CallPrim x } <|> do { rOp "++"; return $ CallPrim x } } where rest x = try (do { rOp "("; args <- commaSep assigne; rOp ")" ; rest $ CallCall x args }) <|> try (do { rOp "."; i <- identifier; rest $ CallDot x i }) <|> try (do { rOp "["; e <- expr; rOp "]"; rest $ CallSquare x e }) <|> return x -} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- lparen, rparen, comma :: Char lparen = '(' rparen = ')' comma = ',' -- ::= '(' ')' -- | '(' ')' arguments :: Parser JSNode arguments = do _ <- lChar lparen x <- ((lChar rparen) >> return [[]]) <|> (do x <- argumentList _ <- lChar rparen return x) return $ JSArguments x -- ::= -- | ',' argumentList :: Parser [[JSNode]] argumentList = sepBy1 assignmentExpression $ lChar comma -- ::= -- | leftHandSideExpression :: Parser [JSNode] leftHandSideExpression = callExpression <|> newExpression "leftHandSideExpression" -- ::= -- | '++' -- | '--' postfixExpression :: Parser [JSNode] postfixExpression = do{ v1 <- leftHandSideExpression; do { do{ rOp "++"; return [(JSExpressionPostfix "++" v1)]} <|> do{ rOp "--"; return [(JSExpressionPostfix "--" v1)]} <|> return v1 } } -- ::= -- | 'delete' -- | 'void' -- | 'typeof' -- | '++' -- | '--' -- | '+' -- | '-' -- | '~' -- | '!' unaryExpression :: Parser [JSNode] unaryExpression = do{ v1 <- postfixExpression; return v1} <|> do{ P.reserved "delete"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "delete "):v1)} <|> do{ P.reserved "void"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "void"):v1)} <|> do{ P.reserved "typeof"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "typeof "):v1)} -- TODO: should the space always be there? <|> do{ rOp "++"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "++"):v1)} <|> do{ rOp "--"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "--"):v1)} <|> do{ rOp "+"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "+"):v1)} <|> do{ rOp "-"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "-"):v1)} <|> do{ rOp "~"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "~"):v1)} <|> do{ rOp "!"; v1 <- unaryExpression; return ((JSUnary "!"):v1)} -- ::= -- | '*' -- | '/' -- | '%' multiplicativeExpression :: Parser [JSNode] multiplicativeExpression = do{ v1 <- unaryExpression; v2 <- rest; return (v1++v2)} where rest = do{ rOp "*"; v2 <- multiplicativeExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "*" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp "/"; v2 <- multiplicativeExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "/" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp "%"; v2 <- multiplicativeExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "%" v2 v3)]} <|> return [] -- ::= '+' -- | '-' -- | additiveExpression :: Parser [JSNode] additiveExpression = do{ v1 <- multiplicativeExpression; v2 <- rest; return (v1++v2)} where rest = do { rOp "+"; v2 <- multiplicativeExpression; v3 <- rest; return ([(JSExpressionBinary "+" v2 v3)])} <|> do { rOp "-"; v2 <- multiplicativeExpression; v3 <- rest; return ([(JSExpressionBinary "-" v2 v3)])} <|> return [] -- ::= '<<' -- | '>>' -- | '>>>' -- | shiftExpression :: Parser [JSNode] shiftExpression = do{ v1 <- additiveExpression; v2 <- rest; return (v1++v2)} where rest = do{ rOp "<<"; v2 <- additiveExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "<<" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp ">>>"; v2 <- additiveExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary ">>>" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp ">>"; v2 <- additiveExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary ">>" v2 v3)]} <|> return [] -- ::= -- | '<' -- | '>' -- | '<=' -- | '>=' -- | 'instanceof' relationalExpression :: Parser [JSNode] relationalExpression = do{ v1 <- shiftExpression; v2 <- rest; return (v1++v2)} where rest = do{ rOp "<="; v2 <- shiftExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "<=" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp ">="; v2 <- shiftExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary ">=" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp "<"; v2 <- shiftExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "<" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ rOp ">"; v2 <- shiftExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary ">" v2 v3)]} <|> do{ P.reserved "instanceof"; v2 <- shiftExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary " instanceof " v2 v3)]} -- Strictly speaking should have all the NoIn variants of expressions, -- but we assume syntax is checked so no problem. Cross fingers. <|> do{ P.reserved "in"; v2 <- shiftExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary " in " v2 v3)]} <|> return [] -- ::= -- | '==' -- | '!=' -- | '===' -- | '!==' equalityExpression :: Parser [JSNode] equalityExpression = do v1 <- relationalExpression v2 <- rest return $ v1 ++ v2 where rest = equals <|> exclaim <|> return [] equals = do _ <- char '=' _ <- char '=' sign <- P.lexeme $ (char '=' >> return "===") <|> return "==" v2 <- relationalExpression v3 <- rest return [JSExpressionBinary sign v2 v3] exclaim = do _ <- char '!' _ <- char '=' sign <- P.lexeme $ (char '=' >> return "!==") <|> return "!=" v2 <- relationalExpression v3 <- rest return [JSExpressionBinary sign v2 v3] bitwiseExpression :: Parser [JSNode] -> Char -> Parser [JSNode] bitwiseExpression prev op = do v1 <- prev v2 <- rest return $ v1 ++ v2 where rest = (do _ <- P.lexeme $ char op v2 <- equalityExpression v3 <- rest return [JSExpressionBinary [op] v2 v3]) <|> return [] -- ::= -- | '&' bitwiseAndExpression :: Parser [JSNode] bitwiseAndExpression = bitwiseExpression equalityExpression '&' -- ::= -- | '^' bitwiseXOrExpression :: Parser [JSNode] bitwiseXOrExpression = bitwiseExpression bitwiseAndExpression '^' -- ::= -- | '|' bitwiseOrExpression :: Parser [JSNode] bitwiseOrExpression = bitwiseExpression bitwiseXOrExpression '|' -- ::= -- | '&&' logicalAndExpression :: Parser [JSNode] logicalAndExpression = do{ v1 <- bitwiseOrExpression; v2 <- rest; return (v1++v2)} where rest = do{ rOp "&&"; v2 <- bitwiseOrExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "&&" v2 v3)]} <|> return [] -- ::= -- | '||' logicalOrExpression :: Parser [JSNode] logicalOrExpression = do{ v1 <- logicalAndExpression; v2 <- rest; return (v1++v2)} where rest = (do{ rOp "||"; v2 <- logicalAndExpression; v3 <- rest; return [(JSExpressionBinary "||" v2 v3)]}) <|> return [] -- ::= -- | '?' ':' conditionalExpression :: Parser [JSNode] conditionalExpression = do{ v1 <- logicalOrExpression; do { do{ rOp "?"; v2 <- assignmentExpression; rOp ":"; v3 <- assignmentExpression; return [(JSExpressionTernary v1 v2 v3)]} <|> return v1 } } -- ::= -- | assignmentExpression :: Parser [JSNode] assignmentExpression = try (do {v1 <- assignmentStart; v2 <- assignmentExpression; -- FIXME unintuitive, but tests pass after removing this try return [(JSElement "assignmentExpression" (v1++v2))]}) <|> conditionalExpression assignmentStart :: Parser [JSNode] assignmentStart = do {v1 <- leftHandSideExpression; v2 <- assignmentOperator; return (v1++[v2])} -- ::= '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' -- TODO : unwind this lot into some sort of deterministic processing, DFA style. assignmentOperator :: Parser JSNode assignmentOperator = rOp' "=" <|> rOp' "*=" <|> rOp' "/=" <|> rOp' "%=" <|> rOp' "+=" <|> rOp' "-=" <|> rOp' "<<=" <|> rOp' ">>=" <|> rOp' ">>>=" <|> rOp' "&=" <|> rOp' "^=" <|> rOp' "|=" rOp' :: String -> Parser JSNode rOp' x = do{ rOp x; return $ JSOperator x} -- ::= -- | ',' expression :: Parser JSNode expression = do{ val <- sepBy1 assignmentExpression (rOp ","); return (JSExpression (flattenExpression val))} flattenExpression :: [[JSNode]] -> [JSNode] flattenExpression val = flatten $ intersperse litComma val where litComma :: [JSNode] litComma = [(JSLiteral ",")] -- ::= -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | statement :: Parser JSNode statement = statementBlock <|> labelledStatement <|> expression <|> variableStatement <|> emptyStatement <|> ifElseStatement <|> ifStatement <|> iterationStatement <|> continueStatement <|> breakStatement <|> returnStatement <|> withStatement <|> switchStatement <|> throwStatement <|> tryStatement "statement" statementBlock :: Parser JSNode statementBlock = do {v1 <- statementBlock'; return (if (v1 == []) then (JSLiteral ";") else (head v1))} -- ::= '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' statementBlock' :: Parser [JSNode] statementBlock' = (do _ <- P.lexeme $ char '{' (P.lexeme (char '}') >> return []) <|> (do val <- statementList _ <- P.lexeme $ char '}' return $ if val == JSStatementList [JSLiteral ";"] then [] else [JSBlock val]) ) "statementBlock" -- ::= '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' block :: Parser JSNode block = (do _ <- P.lexeme $ char '{' x <- (P.lexeme (char '}') >> return (JSStatementList [])) <|> (do val <- statementList _ <- P.lexeme $ char '}' return val) return $ JSBlock x) "block" -- ::= -- | statementList :: Parser JSNode statementList = do {v1 <- many1 statement; return (JSStatementList v1)} -- ::= var ';' -- Note: Mozilla introduced const declarations, not part of official spec variableStatement :: Parser JSNode variableStatement = do {P.reserved "var"; val <- variableDeclarationList; return (JSVariables "var" val)} <|> do {P.reserved "const"; val <- variableDeclarationList; return (JSVariables "const" val)} -- ::= -- | ',' variableDeclarationList :: Parser [JSNode] variableDeclarationList = do{ val <- sepBy1 variableDeclaration (rOp ","); return val } -- ::= Identifier -- | Identifier variableDeclaration :: Parser JSNode variableDeclaration = do{ v1 <- identifier; do { do {v2 <- initializer; return (JSVarDecl v1 v2)} <|> return (JSVarDecl v1 []) } } -- ::= '=' initializer :: Parser [JSNode] initializer = do {rOp "="; val <- assignmentExpression; return val} -- ::= ';' emptyStatement :: Parser JSNode --emptyStatement = do { v1 <- autoSemi'; return (JSEmpty v1)} emptyStatement = do { v1 <- autoSemi'; return v1} -- ::= 'if' '(' ')' ifStatement :: Parser JSNode ifStatement = do{ P.reserved "if"; rOp "("; v1 <- expression; rOp ")"; v2 <- statement; return (JSIf v1 v2) } -- ::= 'if' '(' ')' 'else' ifElseStatement :: Parser JSNode ifElseStatement = do{ try $ P.reserved "if"; rOp "("; v1 <- expression; rOp ")"; v2 <- statementSemi; P.reserved "else"; v3 <- statement ; -- FIXME can this try be removed? return (JSIfElse v1 v2 v3) } statementSemi :: Parser JSNode statementSemi = do { v1 <- statement; do { do { rOp ";"; return (JSBlock (JSStatementList [v1]))} <|> return v1 } } -- ::= 'do' 'while' '(' ')' ';' -- | 'while' '(' ')' -- | 'for' '(' ';' ';' ')' -- | 'for' '(' 'var' ';' ';' ')' -- | 'for' '(' in ')' -- | 'for' '(' 'var' in ')' iterationStatement :: Parser JSNode iterationStatement = do{ P.reserved "do"; v1 <- statement; P.reserved "while"; rOp "("; v2 <- expression; rOp ")"; v3 <- autoSemi ; return (JSDoWhile v1 v2 v3)} <|> do{ P.reserved "while"; rOp "("; v1 <- expression; rOp ")"; v2 <- statement; return (JSWhile v1 v2)} <|> do{ P.reserved "for"; rOp "("; do { do{ P.reserved "var"; v1 <- variableDeclaration; do { do { rOp ","; v1' <- variableDeclarationList; rOp ";"; v2 <- optionalExpression ";"; v3 <- optionalExpression ")"; v4 <- statement; return (JSForVar (v1:v1') v2 v3 v4)} <|> do { rOp ";"; v2 <- optionalExpression ";"; v3 <- optionalExpression ")"; v4 <- statement; return (JSForVar [v1] v2 v3 v4)} <|> do { P.reserved "in"; v2 <- expression; rOp ")"; v3 <- statement; return (JSForVarIn v1 v2 v3)} } } <|> try(do{ v1 <- leftHandSideExpression; P.reserved "in"; v2 <- expression; rOp ")"; v3 <- statement; return (JSForIn v1 v2 v3)}) <|> do { v1 <- optionalExpression ";"; v2 <- optionalExpression ";"; v3 <- optionalExpression ")"; v4 <- statement; return (JSFor v1 v2 v3 v4)} } } "iterationStatement" optionalExpression :: [Char] -> Parser [JSNode] optionalExpression s = do { rOp s; return []} <|> do { v1 <- expression; rOp s ; return [v1]} -- ::= 'continue' ';' -- | 'continue' Identifier ';' continueStatement :: Parser JSNode continueStatement = do {P.reserved "continue"; v1 <- autoSemi; return (JSContinue [v1])} <|> do {P.reserved "continue"; v1 <- identifier; v2 <- autoSemi; return (JSContinue [v1,v2])} -- ::= 'break' ';' -- | 'break' Identifier ';' breakStatement :: Parser JSNode breakStatement = do {P.reserved "break"; do { do {v1 <- identifier; v2 <- autoSemi; return (JSBreak [v1] [v2])} <|> do {v1 <- autoSemi; return (if (v1 == JSLiteral "") then (JSBreak [] []) else (JSBreak [] [v1]))} } } -- ::= 'return' ';' -- | 'return' ';' returnStatement :: Parser JSNode returnStatement = do {P.reserved "return"; do{ do {v1 <- expression; v2 <- autoSemi; return (JSReturn [v1,v2])} <|> do {v1 <- autoSemi; return (JSReturn [v1])} } } -- ::= 'with' '(' ')' ';' withStatement :: Parser JSNode withStatement = do{ P.reserved "with"; rOp "("; v1 <- expression; rOp ")"; v2 <- statement; v3 <- autoSemi; return (JSWith v1 [v2,v3])} -- ::= 'switch' '(' ')' switchStatement :: Parser JSNode switchStatement = do{ P.reserved "switch"; rOp "("; v1 <- expression; rOp ")"; v2 <- caseBlock; return (JSSwitch v1 v2)} -- ::= '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' -- TODO: get rid of the try clauses by unwinding this caseBlock :: Parser [JSNode] caseBlock = do _ <- P.lexeme $ char '{' a <- caseClauses <|> return [] b <- fmap return defaultClause <|> return [] c <- caseClauses <|> return [] _ <- P.lexeme $ char '}' return $ concat [a, b, c] -- ::= -- | caseClauses :: Parser [JSNode] caseClauses = do{ val <- many1 caseClause; return val} -- ::= 'case' ':' -- | 'case' ':' caseClause :: Parser JSNode caseClause = do { P.reserved "case"; v1 <- expression; rOp ":"; do { do { v2 <- statementList; return (JSCase v1 v2)} <|> return (JSCase v1 (JSStatementList [])) } } -- ::= 'default' ':' -- | 'default' ':' defaultClause :: Parser JSNode defaultClause = do{ P.reserved "default"; rOp ":"; v1 <- statementList; return (JSDefault v1)} <|> do{ P.reserved "default"; rOp ":"; return (JSDefault (JSStatementList []))} -- ::= Identifier ':' labelledStatement :: Parser JSNode labelledStatement = do { v1 <- try identifier; rOp ":"; v2 <- statement; -- FIXME can this try be removed? return (JSLabelled v1 v2)} -- ::= 'throw' throwStatement :: Parser JSNode throwStatement = do{ P.reserved "throw"; val <- expression; return (JSThrow val)} -- Note: worked in updated syntax as per https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/try...catch -- ::= 'try' -- | 'try' -- | 'try' tryStatement :: Parser JSNode tryStatement = do{ P.reserved "try"; v1 <- block; do { do { v2 <- many1 catch; do { v3 <- finally; return (JSTry v1 (v2++[v3]))} <|> return (JSTry v1 v2) } <|> do{ v2 <- finally; return (JSTry v1 [v2])} } } -- Note: worked in updated syntax as per https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/try...catch -- ::= 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' -- becomes -- ::= 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' -- | 'catch' '(' Identifier 'if' Condition ')' catch :: Parser JSNode catch = do{ P.reserved "catch"; rOp "("; v1 <- identifier; do { do { rOp ")"; v3 <- block; return (JSCatch v1 [] v3)} <|> do { P.reserved "if"; v2 <- conditionalExpression; rOp ")"; v3 <- block; return (JSCatch v1 v2 v3)} } } -- ::= 'finally' finally :: Parser JSNode finally = do{ P.reserved "finally"; v1 <- block; return (JSFinally v1)} -- ::= 'function' Identifier '(' ')' '{' '}' -- | 'function' Identifier '(' ')' '{' '}' functionDeclaration :: Parser JSNode functionDeclaration = do {P.reserved "function"; v1 <- identifier; rOp "("; v2 <- formalParameterList; rOp ")"; v3 <- functionBody; return (JSFunction v1 v2 v3) } "functionDeclaration" -- ::= 'function' '(' ')' '{' '}' --- | 'function' '(' ')' '{' '}' functionExpression :: Parser JSNode functionExpression = do{ P.reserved "function"; rOp "("; do { do { rOp ")"; v2 <- functionBody; return (JSFunctionExpression [] v2)} <|> do {v1 <- formalParameterList; rOp ")"; v2 <- functionBody; return (JSFunctionExpression v1 v2)} } } -- ::= Identifier -- | ',' Identifier formalParameterList :: Parser [JSNode] formalParameterList = sepBy identifier (rOp ",") -- ::= '{' '}' -- | '{' '}' functionBody :: Parser JSNode functionBody = do{ rOp "{"; do { do{ rOp "}"; return (JSFunctionBody []) } <|> do{ v1 <- sourceElements; rOp "}"; return (JSFunctionBody [v1]) } } } "functionBody" -- ::= program :: Parser JSNode program = do {P.whiteSpace; val <- sourceElementsTop; eof; return val} -- ::= -- | sourceElements :: Parser JSNode sourceElements = do{ val <- many1 sourceElement; return (JSSourceElements val)} sourceElementsTop :: Parser JSNode sourceElementsTop = do{ val <- many1 sourceElement; return (JSSourceElementsTop val)} -- ::= -- | sourceElement :: Parser JSNode sourceElement = functionDeclaration <|> statement "sourceElement" -- --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Testing -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- flatten :: [[a]] -> [a] flatten xs = foldl' (++) [] xs -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs x <- LB.readFile (args !! 0) putStrLn (show $ doParse program x) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- readJs :: LB.ByteString -> JSNode readJs input = case doParse program input of Fail _unparsed contexts err -> error("Parse failed" ++ show(contexts) ++ ":" ++ show err) -- Partial _f -> error("Unexpected partial") Done _unparsed val -> val -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- readJsm :: (Monad m) => B.ByteString -> m JSNode readJsm input = case eitherResult $ doParse program input of Left msg -> fail ("Parse failed:" ++ msg) Right val -> return val -} readJsm :: LB.ByteString -> Either String JSNode readJsm input = eitherResult $ doParse program input -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- _doParse' :: Parser a -> String -> a _doParse' p input = case parse (p' p) (LB.fromChunks [E.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack input]) of Fail _unparsed contexts err -> error("Parse failed" ++ show(contexts) ++ ":" ++ show err) Partial _f -> error("Unexpected partial") Done _unparsed val -> val -} {- doParseStrict :: Parser r -> B.ByteString -> Result r doParseStrict p input = {-maybeResult $-} feed (parse (p' p) input) LB.empty -} doParse :: Parser r -> LB.ByteString -> Result r doParse p input = parse (p' p) input parseString :: Parser r -> String -> Result r parseString p input = doParse p (LB.fromChunks [E.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack input]) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- p' :: Parser b -> Parser b p' p = do {val <- p; eof; return val} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- _showFile :: FilePath -> IO String _showFile filename = do x <- readFile (filename) return $ (show x) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- parseFile :: FilePath -> IO JSNode parseFile filename = do x <- LB.readFile (filename) return $ (readJs x) -- EOF