module Data.Histogram.Bin.Extra ( Enum2D(..)
, BinEnum2D
, binEnum2D
, BinPermute(permutedBin, permuteTo, permuteFrom)
, permuteByTable
, permuteBin
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (forM_,liftM2, guard)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as M
import Data.Vector.Generic ((!))
import Data.Data (Data,Typeable)
import Text.Read (Read(..))
import Data.Histogram.Bin
import Data.Histogram.Bin.Read
class Enum2D a where
fromEnum2D :: a -> (Int,Int)
toEnum2D :: (Int,Int) -> a
instance (Enum a, Enum b) => Enum2D (a,b) where
fromEnum2D (x,y) = (fromEnum x, fromEnum y)
toEnum2D (i,j) = (toEnum i, toEnum j)
newtype BinEnum2D i = BinEnum2D (Bin2D BinI BinI)
deriving (Eq,Data,Typeable)
binEnum2D :: Enum2D i => i -> i -> BinEnum2D i
binEnum2D lo hi = let (ix,iy) = fromEnum2D lo
(jx,jy) = fromEnum2D hi
in BinEnum2D $ binI ix jx >< binI iy jy
instance Enum2D i => Bin (BinEnum2D i) where
type BinValue (BinEnum2D i) = i
toIndex !(BinEnum2D b) !x = toIndex b (fromEnum2D x)
fromIndex !(BinEnum2D b) !i = toEnum2D (fromIndex b i)
inRange !(BinEnum2D b) !x = inRange b (fromEnum2D x)
nBins !(BinEnum2D b) = nBins b
instance (Show i, Enum2D i) => Show (BinEnum2D i) where
show (BinEnum2D b) = unlines [ "# BinEnum2D"
, "# Low = " ++ show (toEnum2D (fromIndex b 0 ) :: i)
, "# High = " ++ show (toEnum2D (fromIndex b (nBins b 1)) :: i)
instance (Read i, Enum2D i) => Read (BinEnum2D i) where
readPrec = do
keyword "BinEnum2D"
liftM2 binEnum2D (value "Low") (value "High")
instance NFData (BinEnum2D i) where
rnf b = b `seq` ()
data BinPermute b = BinPermute { permutedBin :: b
, permuteTo :: U.Vector Int
, permuteFrom :: U.Vector Int
deriving (Eq,Data,Typeable)
instance Bin b => Bin (BinPermute b) where
type BinValue (BinPermute b) = BinValue b
toIndex (BinPermute b to _) !x = to ! toIndex b x
fromIndex (BinPermute b _ from) !i = fromIndex b (from ! i)
inRange (BinPermute b _ _) = inRange b
nBins = nBins . permutedBin
instance IntervalBin b => IntervalBin (BinPermute b) where
binInterval b i = binInterval (permutedBin b) (permuteFrom b ! i)
instance VariableBin b => VariableBin (BinPermute b) where
binSizeN b i = binSizeN (permutedBin b) (permuteFrom b ! i)
instance UniformBin b => UniformBin (BinPermute b) where
binSize = binSize . permutedBin
instance Show b => Show (BinPermute b) where
show (BinPermute b to _) = unlines [ "# BinPermute"
, "# Permutation = " ++ show (U.toList to)
] ++ show b
instance Read BinI => Read (BinPermute BinI) where
readPrec = do keyword "BinPermute"
to <- U.fromList <$> value "Permutation"
b <- readPrec
from <- case checkPermutationTable b (invertPermutationTable to) of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> fail "Invalid permutation"
return $ BinPermute b to from
instance NFData b => NFData (BinPermute b) where
rnf (BinPermute b va vb) = rnf b `seq` va `seq` vb `seq` ()
checkPermutationTable :: Bin b => b -> U.Vector Int -> Maybe (U.Vector Int)
checkPermutationTable b v = do
let n = U.length v
good i = i >= 0 && i < n
guard $ nBins b == n
guard $ U.all good v
return v
invertPermutationTable :: U.Vector Int -> U.Vector Int
invertPermutationTable v = U.create $ do a <- M.replicate n (1)
forM_ [0..n1] (writeInvert a)
return a
n = U.length v
writeInvert :: M.MVector s Int -> Int -> ST s ()
writeInvert a i | j >= 0 && j < n = M.write a j i
| otherwise = return ()
where j = v ! i
permuteByTable :: Bin b => b -> U.Vector Int -> Maybe (BinPermute b)
permuteByTable b tbl = BinPermute b <$>
checkPermutationTable b tbl <*>
checkPermutationTable b (invertPermutationTable tbl)
permuteBin :: Bin b => b -> (Int -> Int) -> Maybe (BinPermute b)
permuteBin b f = BinPermute b <$>
checkPermutationTable b to <*>
checkPermutationTable b (invertPermutationTable to)
to = f $ U.enumFromN 0 (nBins b)