-- Main.hs: hircules IRC client -- -- Version: $Revision: 1.7 $ from $Date: 2008/11/03 03:14:11 $ -- -- Copyright (c) 2003 Andrew J. Bromage -- Copyright (c) 2003-2004, 2006, 2008-2009 Jens-Ulrik Holger Petersen -- -- See the "LICENSE" file for license information. module Hircules.Main where -- import GHC.IO import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception (bracket_) --import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit, toLower, toUpper) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Version (showVersion) import GHC.IOBase (BufferMode(..)) import GHC.Handle import Network (connectTo, withSocketsDo, PortID(..)) -- import PosixProcEnv (getLoginName) import System.Console.GetOpt (getOpt, usageInfo, ArgDescr(..), OptDescr(..), ArgOrder(..)) import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv, getProgName) import System.Time (ClockTime(..), calendarTimeToString, toCalendarTime) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Graphics.UI.Gtk (beep, mainGUI) import Hircules.CTCP import Hircules.Channel import Hircules.Config (configDir,logDir) import Debug.State -- -- uncomment next line if your gtk2hs doesn't provide Gdk.beep -- import Display import Hircules.Directories import Hircules.GUI import Hircules.IRC -- import LambdaBot import Control.Monad.MaybeDo import Data.Ord.QuickSort import Hircules.Threads import Paths_hircules (version) import Text.WordString myuserinfo :: String myuserinfo = "hircules user" data Flag = Debug | Version | Help deriving (Show, Eq) options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version number" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show this message" , Option ['D'] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "show debugging info" ] main :: IO () main = do cmdline <- getArgs case (getOpt Permute options cmdline) of (opts, _, _) | Help `elem` opts -> help | Version `elem` opts -> putStrLn $ "hircules " ++ showVersion version (opts, args, errs) | null errs && length args == 1 -> main' opts $ listToMaybe args | length errs > 0 -> help >> error (concat errs) | otherwise -> help progname :: String progname = unsafePerformIO getProgName help :: IO () help = putStr $ usageInfo ("Usage: USER=nick " ++ progname ++ " [OPTION]... \n") options main' :: [Flag] -> Maybe String -> IO () main' opts mserver = do setDebug debugging makeConfigDir setupGUI newThread $ runIRC $ maybe runIrcInit runIrcNoInit mserver mainGUI killThreads where debugging :: Bool debugging = Debug `elem` opts makeConfigDir :: IO () makeConfigDir = do makeDirectory configDir makeDirectory logDir runIRC :: IO () -> IO () runIRC m = catch m (\ e -> putStrLn ("Exception: " ++ show e)) runIrcNoInit :: String -> IO () runIrcNoInit server = withSocketsDo $ do s <- liftIO (connectTo hostname (PortNumber portnum)) hSetBuffering s NoBuffering threadmain <- myThreadId chanR <- newChan chanW <- newChan threadr <- newThread (readerLoop threadmain chanR chanW s) threadw <- newThread (writerLoop threadmain chanW s) h <- liftIO $ openFile (logDir +/+ hostname) AppendMode hSetBuffering h LineBuffering let rstate = IRCRState () initState = IRCRWState { ircServer = hostname , ircReadChan = chanR , ircReadThread = threadr , ircWriteChan = chanW , ircWriteThread = threadw , ircSocket = s , ircLogFile = h , ircPrivilegedUsers = Map.empty -- FIXME?: was listToFM [ (user,True) | user <- [] ] , ircChannels = initChans , ircNick = "" , ircModules = Map.empty , ircCommands = Map.empty , ircModuleState = Map.empty , ircUsers = Map.empty } bracket_ (return ()) (killThread threadr >> killThread threadw) (runReaderT (evalStateT ircMain initState) rstate) where (hostname,port') = break (== ':') server port = if null port' then "6667" else tail port' portnum = fromIntegral (read port :: Integer) initChans = Map.fromList $ [("%all", allchannel), ("%alert", alertchannel)] ++ (if debugging then [("%raw", rawchannel)] else []) runIrcInit :: IO () runIrcInit = withSocketsDo $ do displayChannelTab True allchannel -- s <- liftIO (connectTo hostname (PortNumber portnum)) -- hSetBuffering s NoBuffering -- threadmain <- myThreadId -- chanR <- newChan -- chanW <- newChan -- threadr <- newThread (readerLoop threadmain chanR chanW s) -- threadw <- newThread (writerLoop threadmain chanW s) -- h <- liftIO $ openFile (logDir +/+ hostname) AppendMode -- hSetBuffering h LineBuffering -- let rstate = IRCRState () -- bracket_ (return ()) (killThread threadr >> killThread threadw) -- (runReaderT (evalStateT ircMain initState) rstate) -- where -- (hostname,port') = break (== ':') server -- port = if null port' then "6667" else tail port' -- portnum = fromIntegral (read port :: Integer) -- initChans = listToFM [("%all",allchannel), -- ("%raw",rawchannel), -- ("%raw",rawchannel)] -- initState = -- IRCRWState { ircServer = hostname -- , ircReadChan = chanR -- , ircReadThread = threadr -- , ircWriteChan = chanW -- , ircWriteThread = threadw -- , ircSocket = s -- , ircLogFile = h -- , ircPrivilegedUsers = listToFM [ (user,True) | user <- [] ] -- , ircChannels = initChans -- , ircNick = "" -- , ircModules = Map.empty -- , ircCommands = Map.empty -- , ircModuleState = Map.empty -- , ircUsers = Map.empty -- } ircMain :: IRC () ircMain = do -- installModules username <- liftIO $ getEnv "USER" setNick username ircSignOn username myuserinfo mainloop mainloop :: IRC () mainloop = do haveRead <- gets ircReadChan >>= ircReady when haveRead (ircRead >>= processReadMessage) haveInput <- ircReady chanI when haveInput (ircInput >>= processInput) liftIO $ threadDelay 10000 mainloop processReadMessage :: IRCMessage -> IRC () processReadMessage msg = do debug "msg" msg case msgCommand msg of "PRIVMSG" -> doPRIVMSG msg "JOIN" -> doJOIN msg "NICK" -> doNICK msg "PART" -> doPART msg "QUIT" -> doQUIT msg "TOPIC" -> doTOPIC msg "ERROR" -> doERROR msg -- "NOTICE" -> doNOTICE msg -- "MODE" -> doMODE msg -- "PING" -> doPING msg "001" -> doRPL_WELCOME msg "353" -> doRPL_NAMREPLY msg "366" -> doRPL_ENDOFNAMES msg -- this leads to looping when length nick >= server_nicklen -- "433" -> do -- nick <- getNick -- let nick' = nick ++ "_" -- setNick nick' -- ircSetNick nick' -- "002" -> doRPL_YOURHOST msg -- "003" -> doRPL_CREATED msg -- "004" -> doRPL_MYINFO msg -- "005" -> doRPL_BOUNCE msg -- ('2':_:_:[]) -> doRPL cmd msg -- ('3':_:_:[]) -> doRPL cmd msg -- ('4':_:_:[]) -> doERR cmd msg _ -> return () doDisplay msg mainloop -- where -- doERR _ msg = doUNKNOWN msg -- -- doRPL "250" msg = doRPL_STATSCONN msg -- doRPL "251" msg = doRPL_LUSERCLIENT msg -- doRPL "252" msg = doRPL_LUSEROP msg -- doRPL "253" msg = doRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN msg -- doRPL "254" msg = doRPL_LUSERCHANNELS msg -- doRPL "255" msg = doRPL_LUSERME msg -- doRPL "265" msg = doRPL_LOCALUSERS msg -- doRPL "266" msg = doRPL_GLOBALUSERS msg -- -- doRPL "332" msg = doRPL_TOPIC msg -- doRPL "372" msg = doRPL_MOTD msg -- doRPL "375" msg = doRPL_MOTDSTART msg -- doRPL "376" msg = doRPL_ENDOFMOTD msg -- doRPL _ msg = return () doUNKNOWN :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doUNKNOWN msg = ircDisplayAll $ show msg -- "<" ++ msgPrefix msg ++ "> " ++ msgCommand msg +-+ (msgParams msg) -- doIGNORE :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doIGNORE msg -- = (ircDisplayAll $ "IGNORING> <" ++ msgPrefix msg ++ -- "> [" ++ msgCommand msg ++ "] " ++ (msgParams msg)) -- doPING :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doPING msg -- = (ircDisplayAll $ "ERROR> <" ++ msgPrefix msg ++ -- "> [" ++ msgCommand msg ++ "] " ++ (msgParams msg)) -- doNOTICE :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doNOTICE msg -- = (ircDisplayAll $ "NOTICE: " ++ (msgParams msg)) doJOIN :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doJOIN msg = do let loc = map toLower $ whead (msgTail msg) nick = msgNick msg mynick <- getNick when (nick == mynick) $ addChannel loc True joinChanUser nick loc -- doJoinChannel :: String -> IRC () -- doJoinChannel loc = do -- inchan <- memberChannel loc -- when (not inchan) $ do -- nick <- getNick -- liftIO (addIRCchannel loc nick True) >>= addChannel loc "" doQUIT :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doQUIT msg = do let nick = msgNick msg debug "nick" nick chans <- getUserChannels nick debug "chans" chans -- chanmap <- gets ircChannels -- let ichans = mapMaybe (lookupFM chanmap) chans mapM_ (\ chn -> (ircDisplay chn False $ " " ++ (msgNick msg) ++ " has quit (" ++ (msgTail msg) ++ ")") >> partChanUser nick chn) chans removeUser nick doERROR :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doERROR msg = let tale = msgTail msg in if (take 13 tale) == "Closing Link:" then return () -- reconnectServer else return () doPART :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doPART msg = do let loc = map toLower $ whead (msgMiddle msg) nick = msgNick msg chan <- getIRCChannel loc mynick <- getNick when (nick == mynick) $ liftIO $ maybeDo_ chan hideIRCchannel partChanUser nick loc -- removeChannel loc doNICK :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doNICK msg = do current <- getNick chans <- getUserChannels nick debug "doNICK" chans -- chanmap <- gets ircChannels let new = whead $ msgTail msg debug "doNICK" "1" when (current == nick) (setNick new) debug "doNICK" "2" mapM_ (\ ch -> ircDisplay ch False $ (" " ++ (theuser current "are" "is") +-+ "now known as " ++ new)) chans debug "doNICK" "3" renameUser nick new where nick = msgNick msg theuser :: String -> String -> String -> String theuser you second third = (if you == nick then "You " ++ second else nick +-+ third) -- doMODE :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doMODE msg -- = doIGNORE msg doTOPIC :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doTOPIC msg = do let loc = whead (msgMiddle msg) ircDisplayAlert True $ loc ++ ":" +-+ (msgNick msg) +-+ "has changed the topic to: " ++ (msgTail msg) doRPL_WELCOME :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doRPL_WELCOME msg = do let nick = whead $ msgMiddle msg setNick nick joinMany [] where joinMany :: [String] -> IRC () joinMany [] = return () joinMany (c:cs) = ircJoin c >> joinMany cs -- doRPL_YOURHOST :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_YOURHOST msg = return () -- -- doRPL_CREATED :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_CREATED msg = return () -- -- doRPL_MYINFO :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_MYINFO msg = return () -- -- doRPL_BOUNCE :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_BOUNCE msg = (ircDisplayAll "Bounce!") -- -- doRPL_STATSCONN :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_STATSCONN msg = return () -- -- doRPL_LUSERCLIENT :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_LUSERCLIENT msg = return () -- -- doRPL_LUSEROP :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_LUSEROP msg = return () -- -- doRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN msg = return () -- -- doRPL_LUSERCHANNELS :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_LUSERCHANNELS msg = return () -- -- doRPL_LUSERME :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_LUSERME msg = return () -- -- doRPL_LOCALUSERS :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_LOCALUSERS msg = return () -- -- doRPL_GLOBALUSERS :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_GLOBALUSERS msg = return () -- -- doRPL_TOPIC :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_TOPIC msg -- nearly the same as doTOPIC but has our nick on the front of msgParams -- = do let loc = (msgParams msg) !! 1 -- s <- get -- put (s { ircChannels = addToFM (ircChannels s) loc (tail $ last $ msgParams msg) }) doRPL_NAMREPLY :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doRPL_NAMREPLY msg = do let userops = map splitOp $ words $ msgTail msg chan = wlast $ msgMiddle msg addChanUsers userops chan where splitOp :: String -> (String, Bool) splitOp ('@':cs) = (cs, True) splitOp cs = (cs, False) doRPL_ENDOFNAMES :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doRPL_ENDOFNAMES msg = do let ch = wlast $ msgMiddle msg mchan <- getIRCChannel ch maybeDo_ mchan $ \ chan -> do let output = " Users:" +-+ (unwords . (map concOp) . quickSort . Map.toList) (chanusers chan) -- chn = channame chan ircDisplayAll $ ch ++ output ircDisplay ch False output where concOp :: (String, Bool)-> String concOp (s,op) = if op then '@':s else s -- doRPL_MOTD :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_MOTD msg = return () -- -- doRPL_MOTDSTART :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_MOTDSTART msg = return () -- -- doRPL_ENDOFMOTD :: IRCMessage -> IRC () -- doRPL_ENDOFMOTD msg = return () doDisplay :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doDisplay msg = do mynick <- getNick let (output,chan,hilite) = transform mynick text = (if null chan then "" else chan ++ ":") ++ output ircDisplayAll text logMessage text -- mchan <- getIRCChannel chan -- debug "mchan" $ maybe "nochan" channame mchan -- case mchan of -- Just chann -> ircDisplay chann hilite output -- Nothing -> return () ircDisplay chan hilite output where user = msgNick msg cmd = msgCommand msg mid = msgMiddle msg tale = msgTail msg transform :: String -> (String, String, Bool) transform mynick = let (out,chan,hilite) = transform' mynick in (out, map toLower chan, hilite) transform' :: String -> (String, String, Bool) transform' mynick = case cmd of "PRIVMSG" -> let chan = whead mid public = head chan == '#' output = if head tale == '\001' then formatCTCP $ ctcpUnquote tale else "<" ++ user ++ ">" +-+ tale in (output, if public then chan else msgNick msg, True) "JOIN" -> (" " ++ (theuser "have" ("(" ++ (msgUser msg) ++ ") has")) ++ "joined", tale, False) "PART" -> (" " ++ (theuser "have" "has") ++ "left", whead mid, False) "NOTICE" -> ("NOTICE: " ++ rest, "", True) "NICK" -> (" " ++ (theuser "are" "is") ++ "now known as " ++ tale, "", False) "TOPIC" -> (" " ++ (theuser "have" "has") ++ "changed the topic to: " ++ tale, whead mid, True) "QUIT" -> (" " ++ (theuser "have" "has") ++ "quit" ++ " (" ++ tale ++ ")", "", False) "PONG" -> ("Ping reply from " ++ tale, "", True) "MODE" -> (" " ++ (theuser "have" "has") ++ "changed mode " ++ (wtail mid), whead mid, False) -- whois "311" -> let idname = wtail mid uid = whead idname rest' = (tail . wtail) idname user' = whead rest' machine = (whead . wtail) rest' in (uid +-+ "is" +-+ tale +-+ "(" ++ user' ++ "@" ++ machine ++ ")", "", False) "312" -> ("on" +-+ (wtail . wtail) mid +-+ "(" ++ tale ++ ")", "", False) "317" -> let rest' = (wtail . wtail) mid in (whead rest' ++ "s idle, on since " ++ (time $ read $ wtail rest'), "", False) "318" -> ("", "",False) "319" -> ("channels: " ++ tale, "", False) "331" -> (tale, wlast mid, False) "332" -> ("Topic: " ++ tale, wlast mid, False) "333" -> ("set by " ++ (wnth 3 mid) ++ " at " ++ (time $ read $ wlast mid), wnth 2 mid, False) -- "353" -> (" Users: " ++ tale, (wlast mid), False) _ | and (map isDigit cmd) -> ((wtail mid) ++ " - " ++ tale, "", False) _ -> (" " ++ cmd +-+ rest, "", False) where rest = mid +-+ tale time :: Integer -> String time t = calendarTimeToString $ unsafePerformIO $ toCalendarTime $ TOD t 0 theuser :: String -> String -> String theuser second third = (if user == mynick then "You " ++ second else user +-+ third) ++ " " formatCTCP :: String -> String formatCTCP ctxt | whead ctxt == "ACTION" = user +-+ (wtail ctxt) formatCTCP ctxt = user ++ ": " ++ (wtail ctxt) doPRIVMSG :: IRCMessage -> IRC () doPRIVMSG msg = do mynick <- getNick case msg of _ | mynick `elem` targets -> doPersonalMsg (whead text) (wtail text) mynick _ | mynick == take (length mynick) text -> let rest = wtail text (cmd,params) = (whead rest,wtail rest) in doPublicMsg cmd params mynick _ | otherwise -> return () where alltargets = whead (msgMiddle msg) targets = split "," alltargets text = msgTail msg doPersonalMsg ('@':cmd) _tale _ = do let _who = msgNick msg maybecmd <- gets (\s -> Map.lookup cmd (ircCommands s)) case maybecmd of Just (MODULE _m) -> return () Nothing -> return () doPersonalMsg ('\001':"PING") _ mynick = ircWrite $ mkIrcMessageWithPrefix mynick "NOTICE" (msgNick msg) text doPersonalMsg _ _ _ = do -- this should go away, once new channel tab creation fixed addChannel (msgNick msg) True liftIO beep -- external modules are called in this next chunk doPublicMsg ('@':cmd) _tale _mynick = do maybecmd <- gets (\s -> Map.lookup cmd (ircCommands s)) case maybecmd of Just (MODULE _m) -> return () Nothing -> return () doPublicMsg _ _ _ = do ircDisplayAlert True $ alltargets ++ ":<" ++ (msgNick msg) ++ "> " ++ text liftIO beep processInput :: Interactive -> IRC () processInput (strss, ch) = do chn <- getIRCChannel ch -- maybeDo_ chn $ \ _chan -> debug "mchan" $ ch maybeDo_ chn $ \ chan -> processInput' strss chan where processInput' :: [String] -> IRCChannel -> IRC () processInput' [] _ = return () processInput' ("":strs) chan = processInput' strs chan processInput' (str:strs) chan = do case parseCmd (words input) of Just (cmd,middle,tale,noslash) -> do nick <- getNick let realchan = chanreal chan text = (if noslash then "<" ++ nick ++ "> " else "") ++ input alltext = (if realchan then ch else "") ++ ":" ++ text when realchan $ ircDisplay ch False text ircDisplayAll alltext logMessage alltext let msg = mkIrcMessage cmd middle tale case cmd of "JOIN" | (not $ null middle) -> do let chann = whead middle chans <- getUserChannels nick if elem chann chans || head chann == '%' then displayIRCchannel chann else if head chann == '#' then ircWrite msg else addChannel chann True "CODING" | null tale -> if null middle then ircDisplay ch False $ show $ chancoding chan else setChannelCoding ch (if null middle then Nothing else Just middle) "PART" | isAlpha $ head middle -> liftIO $ hideIRCchannel chan _ -> ircWriteEnc ch msg -- rchan <- gets ircReadChan -- liftIO $ writeChan rchan (msg {msgPrefix = nick ++ "!"}) Nothing -> return () processInput' strs chan where input = if chanreal chan || head str == '/' then str else '/':str rest = wtail input parseCmd :: [String] -> Maybe (String, -- command String, -- middle String, -- tail Bool) -- noslash parseCmd [] = Nothing parseCmd (('/':cmd):[]) | and $ map isAlpha cmd = case cmd of "join" | publicChan -> Just (ircCmd cmd, ch, "", False) "mode" | publicChan -> Just (ircCmd cmd, ch, "", False) "names" | publicChan -> Just (ircCmd cmd, ch, "", False) "part" | chanreal chan -> Just (ircCmd cmd, ch, "", False) "topic" | publicChan -> Just (ircCmd cmd, "", ch, False) "quit" -> Just (ircCmd cmd, "", ("hircules" +-+ showVersion version), False) _ -> Just (ircCmd cmd, "", "", False) parseCmd (("/me"):_) | chanreal chan = Just ("PRIVMSG", ch, ctcpQuote $ "ACTION" +-+ rest, True) parseCmd (("/quit"):_) = Just ("QUIT", "", rest, True) parseCmd (("/msg"):_) = Just ("PRIVMSG", whead rest, wtail rest, True) parseCmd (("/mode"):_) | head rest /= '#' = Just ("MODE", ch +-+ rest, "", True) parseCmd (("/raw"):_) = Just (whead rest, wtail rest, "", True) parseCmd (("/topic"):_) | head rest /= '#' = Just ("TOPIC", ch, rest, True) parseCmd (('/':cmd):_) | and $ map isAlpha cmd = let (middle,tale) = breakString " :" rest in Just (ircCmd cmd,if null tale then whead middle else middle, if null tale then wtail middle else tale, False) parseCmd _ = if (chanreal chan) then Just ("PRIVMSG", ch, input, True) else Nothing ircCmd :: String -> String -- ircCmd "msg" = "PRIVMSG" ircCmd cmd = map toUpper cmd -- startColon :: String -> Bool -- startColon (':':_) = True -- startColon _ = False publicChan :: Bool publicChan = -- let name = channame chan in head ch == '#'