======= * GHC 8 support. * Improved IO: * OS default image viewer is used for displaying images with ability to use a custom one. * Histogram plotting is done using diagrams instead of cairo backend, significantly simplifying installation ======= * Changed the way image displaying works. Now `displayImage` function will try to automatically detect the default external viewer program. * Made Histogram plotting using Chart dependency optional, which is controlled by a compile time flag `use-chart`. * Renamed module `Graphics.Image.IO.External` to `Graphics.Image.IO.Formats`, so it reflects the purpose slightly better. ======= * Added support of "vector>=" ======= * Added `rotate` function. * Fixed writing `RGBA` files with `writeImage` (#2). 1.0.1 ===== * Made it compatible with GHC >= 7.4 (#1) * Added histogram plotting using Charts