hinotify: inotify for Haskell


hinotify, a library to inotify which has been part of the Linux kernel since 2.6.13.

inotify provides file system event notification, simply add a watcher to a file or directory and get an event when it is accessed or modified.

This module is named hinotify.

See example code in the examples directory, distributed with the source code.


hinotify 0.3.2

 -removeWatch :: INotify -> WatchDescriptor -> IO ()
 +removeWatch :: WatchDescriptor -> IO ()
 - { isDirecotry :: Bool
 + { isDirectory :: Bool

hinotify 0.3.1

hinotify 0.3

hinotify 0.2

hinotify 0.1
Initial release


The API basically consists of:

initINotify :: IO INotify
addWatch :: INotify
         -> [EventVariety]   -- different events to listen on
         -> FilePath         -- file/directory to watch
         -> (Event -> IO ()) -- event handler
         -> IO WatchDescriptor
removeWatch :: WatchDescriptor -> IO ()

A sample program:

import System.Directory
import System.IO

import System.INotify

main :: IO ()
main = do
    inotify <- initINotify
    print inotify
    home <- getHomeDirectory
    wd <- addWatch
    print wd
    putStrLn "Listens to your home directory. Hit enter to terminate."
    removeWatch wd


The code is available via the homepage, and via darcs:

darcs get --partial http://code.haskell.org/hinotify/

The API is available online.

I’m most grateful for feedback on the API, and what else you might have to suggest.


Lennart Kolmodin

kolmodin at gmail.com