desc = "Generic haskell template" ignores = [] tags = ["haskell"] [[options]] default = "0.1.0" desc = "the starting version number" name = "version" [[options]] default = true desc = "whether to add nix related files" name = "nix" [[options]] default = false desc = "whether to enable executable" name = "exe" [[options]] default = true desc = "whether to enable test" name = "test" [[options]] default = false desc = "whether to enable benchmark" name = "bench" [[options]] default = true desc = """\ whether to include cabal project related files such as cabal.project, set this to \ false if you are trying to create a package inside a multi-package project """ name = "isProject" [[optionals]] ignores = [ "cabal.project", ".gitignore", "hie.yaml", "flake.nix", ] when = "!isProject" [[optionals]] ignores = [ "benchmark/", ] when = "!bench" [[optionals]] ignores = [ "test/", ] when = "!test" [[optionals]] ignores = [ "app/", ] when = "!exe" [[optionals]] ignores = [ "flake.nix", ] when = "!nix"