{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Main entry point to hindent. -- -- hindent module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 import Data.Maybe import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import Foreign.C.Error import GHC.IO.Exception import HIndent import HIndent.CabalFile import HIndent.Types import Language.Haskell.Exts hiding (Style, style) import Path import qualified Path.Find as Path import qualified Path.IO as Path import Paths_hindent (version) import qualified System.Directory as IO import System.Exit (exitWith) import qualified System.IO as IO import Options.Applicative hiding (action, style) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) data Action = Validate | Reformat data RunMode = ShowVersion | Run Config [Extension] Action (Maybe FilePath) -- | Main entry point. main :: IO () main = do config <- getConfig runMode <- execParser (info (options config <**> helper) (header "hindent - Reformat Haskell source code")) case runMode of ShowVersion -> putStrLn ("hindent " ++ showVersion version) Run style exts action mfilepath -> case mfilepath of Just filepath -> do cabalexts <- getCabalExtensionsForSourcePath filepath text <- S.readFile filepath case reformat style (Just $ cabalexts ++ exts) mfilepath text of Left e -> error e Right out -> unless (L8.fromStrict text == S.toLazyByteString out) $ case action of Validate -> do IO.putStrLn $ filepath ++ " is not formatted" exitWith (ExitFailure 1) Reformat -> do tmpDir <- IO.getTemporaryDirectory (fp, h) <- IO.openTempFile tmpDir "hindent.hs" L8.hPutStr h (S.toLazyByteString out) IO.hFlush h IO.hClose h let exdev e = if ioe_errno e == Just ((\(Errno a) -> a) eXDEV) then IO.copyFile fp filepath >> IO.removeFile fp else throw e IO.copyPermissions filepath fp IO.renameFile fp filepath `catch` exdev Nothing -> L8.interact (either error S.toLazyByteString . reformat style (Just exts) Nothing . L8.toStrict) -- | Read config from a config file, or return 'defaultConfig'. getConfig :: IO Config getConfig = do cur <- Path.getCurrentDir homeDir <- Path.getHomeDir mfile <- Path.findFileUp cur ((== ".hindent.yaml") . toFilePath . filename) (Just homeDir) case mfile of Nothing -> return defaultConfig Just file -> do result <- Y.decodeFileEither (toFilePath file) case result of Left e -> error (show e) Right config -> return config -- | Program options. options :: Config -> Parser RunMode options config = flag' ShowVersion ( long "version" <> help "Print the version") <|> (Run <$> style <*> exts <*> action <*> files) where style = (makeStyle config <$> lineLen <*> indentSpaces <*> trailingNewline <*> sortImports ) <* optional (strOption (long "style" <> help "Style to print with (historical, now ignored)" <> metavar "STYLE") :: Parser String) exts = fmap getExtensions (many (option auto (short 'X' <> help "Language extension" <> metavar "GHCEXT"))) indentSpaces = option auto (long "indent-size" <> help "Indentation size in spaces" <> value (configIndentSpaces config) <> showDefault) <|> option auto (long "tab-size" <> help "Same as --indent-size, for compatibility") lineLen = option auto (long "line-length" <> help "Desired length of lines" <> value (configMaxColumns config) <> showDefault ) trailingNewline = not <$> flag (not (configTrailingNewline config)) (configTrailingNewline config) (long "no-force-newline" <> help "Don't force a trailing newline" <> showDefault) sortImports = flag Nothing (Just True) (long "sort-imports" <> help "Sort imports in groups" <> showDefault) <|> flag Nothing (Just False) (long "no-sort-imports" <> help "Don't sort imports") action = flag Reformat Validate (long "validate" <> help "Check if files are formatted without changing them") makeStyle s mlen tabs trailing imports = s { configMaxColumns = mlen , configIndentSpaces = tabs , configTrailingNewline = trailing , configSortImports = fromMaybe (configSortImports s) imports } files = optional (strArgument (metavar "FILENAME"))