5.2.6: * Switch to optparse-applicative 5.2.5: * Support get extensions from `.cabal` file * Improve indention with record constructions and updates * Fix `let ... in` bug * Fix top-level lambda expressions in TemplateHaskell slices * Update to haskell-src-exts dependency to version `>= 1.20.0` 5.2.4: * Pretty print imports * Fix pretty print for string literals for `DataKinds` * Support `--validate` option for checking the format without reformatting * Support parse `#include`, `#error`, `#warning` directives * Support read `LANGUAGE` pragma and parse the declared extensions from source * Treat `TypeApplications` extension as 'badExtensions' due to the `@` symbol * Improve pretty print for unboxed tuples * Fix many issues related to infix operators, includes TH name quotes, `INLINE`/`NOINLINE` pragmas, infix type operator and infix constructor * Fix pretty print for operators in `INLINE`/`NOINLINE` pragmas * Support for `EmptyCases` extension * Fix TH name quotes on operator names * Optimize pretty print for many fundeps * Fix extra linebreaks after short identifiers 5.2.3: * Sort explicit import lists * Report the `SrcLoc` when there's a parse error * Improve long type signatures pretty printing * Support custom line-break operators, add `--line-breaks` argument * Fix infix data constructor * Disable `RecursiveDo` and `DoRec` extensions by default * Add RecStmt support * Improve GADT records, data declaration records * Complicated type alias and type signatures pretty printing * Fix quasi-quoter names 5.2.2: * Parallel list comprehensions * Leave do, lambda, lambda-case on previous line of $ * Misc fixes 5.2.1: * Fix hanging on large constraints * Render multi-line comments * Rename --tab-size to --indent-size * Don't add a spurious space for comments at the end of the file * Don't add trailing whitespace on <- * Disable PatternSynonyms * Put a newline before the closing bracket on a list 5.2.0: * Default tab-width is now 2 * Supports .hindent.yaml file to specify alt tab-width and max column * Put last paren of export list on a new line * Implement tab-size support in Emacs Lisp 5.1.1: * Preserve spaces between groups of imports (fixes #200) * Support shebangs (closes #208) * Output filename for parse errors (fixes #179) * Input with newline ends with newline (closes #211) * Document -X (closes #212) * Fix explicit forall in instances (closes #218) * Put last paren of export list on a new line #227 5.1.0: * Rewrote comment association, more reliable * Added --tab-size flag for indentation spaces * Fixed some miscellaneous bugs 5.0.1: * Re-implement using bytestring instead of text * Made compatible with GHC 7.8 through to GHC 8.0 * Added test suite and benchmarks in TESTS.md and BENCHMARKS.md 5.0.0: * Drop support for styles 4.6.4 * Copy/delete file instead of renaming 4.4.6 * Fix whole module printer * Accept a filename to reformat 4.4.5 * Fix bug in infix patterns 4.4.2 * Bunch of Gibiansky style fixes. * Support CPP. * Tibell style fixes. 4.3.8 * Fixed: bug in printing operators in statements. 4.5.4 * Improvements to Tibell style. * 6x speed up on rendering operators.