#+STARTUP: showeverything * Changelog ** 0.13 - Newer BezierSpline parsing. - Renamed the modules from Data.Geometry.Ipe to simply Ipe. The following find and sed command should be able to help you migrate (but use it at your own risk) #+begin_src sh find src -name "*.hs" -exec sed -i -e 's/Data.Geometry.Ipe/Ipe/g' {} \; #+end_src - Better Documentation; i.e. specific reexports from the Ipe module. - Added functionality to load and add a stylesheet to a file. - Added support for the stroke-opacity attribute. - IpeRender and IpeToIpe modules that allows to us to easily call 'iperender' and 'ipetoipe'. The IpeToIpe module now also defines a 'wirteIpeFileAsPdf' function that allows us to write to an ipe pdf file (by calling ipetoipe to create this pdf.) ** 0.12 - Compatibility with HGeometry 0.12 ** 0.11 - Split the Types module into smaller sub modules, and restricting what is exported. - Traversable, Foldable, and Functor instances for the ipe types. - Reading and Writing of Ellipses :) - Added Coordinate Float and IpeWriteText Float instances. - readAll now accepts only one IpePage rather than a Foldable f => f (IpePage r) - Renamed attrLens to ixAttr, and added a prism _Attr to access an attribute._ - added convenience functions (well, Getter's) for getting all Ipe objects on a particular layer, or in a particular view. - readSinglePageFile now makes sure there is at least one layer / view in the file, and if not creates it. This matches the behaviour of ipe itself. See the new 'withDefaults' function in the Types module for the details. - fromContent now creates these layers and views as well. ** 0.10 - Added a 'labeled' IpeOut that supports labeling geometric objects with some textual label - IpeWrite instance for NonEmpty Lists, and IpeWriteText and Coordinate instances for Data.RealNumber.Rational ** 0.9 - First release in which hgeometry-ipe was split off from hgeometry.