{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# Language TemplateHaskell #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Geometry.Slab -- Copyright : (C) Frank Staals -- License : see the LICENSE file -- Maintainer : Frank Staals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Geometry.Slab where import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.),(%~),(.~),(&), both, from) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Ext import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Geometry.Box.Internal import Data.Geometry.Interval import Data.Geometry.Line import Data.Geometry.LineSegment import Data.Geometry.Point import Data.Geometry.Properties import Data.Geometry.SubLine import qualified Data.Traversable as T import Data.Vinyl import Data.Vinyl.CoRec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Orthogonal = Horizontal | Vertical deriving (Show,Eq,Read) newtype Slab (o :: Orthogonal) a r = Slab { _unSlab :: Interval a r } deriving (Show,Eq) makeLenses ''Slab -- | Smart consturctor for creating a horizontal slab horizontalSlab :: (r :+ a) -> (r :+ a) -> Slab Horizontal a r horizontalSlab l h = Slab $ ClosedInterval l h -- | Smart consturctor for creating a vertical slab verticalSlab :: (r :+ a) -> (r :+ a) -> Slab Vertical a r verticalSlab l r = Slab $ ClosedInterval l r instance Functor (Slab o a) where fmap = T.fmapDefault instance F.Foldable (Slab o a) where foldMap = T.foldMapDefault instance T.Traversable (Slab o a) where traverse f (Slab i) = Slab <$> T.traverse f i instance Bifunctor (Slab o) where bimap f g (Slab i) = Slab $ bimap f g i type instance IntersectionOf (Slab o a r) (Slab o a r) = [NoIntersection, Slab o a r] type instance IntersectionOf (Slab Horizontal a r) (Slab Vertical a r) = '[Rectangle (a,a) r] instance Ord r => Slab o a r `HasIntersectionWith` Slab o a r instance Ord r => Slab o a r `IsIntersectableWith` Slab o a r where nonEmptyIntersection = defaultNonEmptyIntersection (Slab i) `intersect` (Slab i') = match (i `intersect` i') $ H (\NoIntersection -> coRec NoIntersection) :& H (\i'' -> coRec (Slab i'' :: Slab o a r)) :& RNil instance Slab Horizontal a r `HasIntersectionWith` Slab Vertical a r where _ `intersects` _ = True instance Slab Horizontal a r `IsIntersectableWith` Slab Vertical a r where nonEmptyIntersection _ _ _ = True (Slab h) `intersect` (Slab v) = coRec $ box low high where low = Point2 (v^.start.core) (h^.start.core) :+ (v^.start.extra, h^.start.extra) high = Point2 (v^.end.core) (h^.end.core) :+ (v^.end.extra, h^.end.extra) class HasBoundingLines (o :: Orthogonal) where -- | The two bounding lines of the slab, first the lower one, then the higher one: -- boundingLines :: Num r => Slab o a r -> (Line 2 r :+ a, Line 2 r :+ a) inSlab :: Ord r => Point 2 r -> Slab o a r -> Bool instance HasBoundingLines Horizontal where boundingLines (Slab i) = (i^.start, i^.end)&both.core %~ horizontalLine p `inSlab` (Slab i) = (p^.yCoord) `inInterval` i instance HasBoundingLines Vertical where boundingLines (Slab i) = (i^.start, i^.end)&both.core %~ verticalLine p `inSlab` (Slab i) = (p^.xCoord) `inInterval` i type instance IntersectionOf (Line 2 r) (Slab o a r) = [NoIntersection, Line 2 r, LineSegment 2 a r] instance (Fractional r, Ord r, HasBoundingLines o) => Line 2 r `HasIntersectionWith` Slab o a r instance (Fractional r, Ord r, HasBoundingLines o) => Line 2 r `IsIntersectableWith` Slab o a r where nonEmptyIntersection = defaultNonEmptyIntersection l@(Line p _) `intersect` s = match (l `intersect` a) $ H (\NoIntersection -> if p `inSlab` s then coRec l else coRec NoIntersection) :& H (\pa -> match (l `intersect` b) $ H coRec -- NoIntersection :& H (coRec . lineSegment' pa) :& H (\_ -> coRec l) :& RNil ) :& H (\_ -> coRec l) :& RNil where (a :+ _,b :+ _) = boundingLines s -- note that this maintains the open/closedness of the slab lineSegment' pa pb = let Interval a' b' = s^.unSlab in LineSegment (a'&unEndPoint.core .~ pa) (b'&unEndPoint.core .~ pb) type instance IntersectionOf (SubLine 2 p s r) (Slab o a r) = [NoIntersection, SubLine 2 () s r] instance (Fractional r, Ord r, HasBoundingLines o) => SubLine 2 a r r `HasIntersectionWith` Slab o a r instance (Fractional r, Ord r, HasBoundingLines o) => SubLine 2 a r r `IsIntersectableWith` Slab o a r where nonEmptyIntersection = defaultNonEmptyIntersection sl@(SubLine l _) `intersect` s = match (l `intersect` s) $ H (\NoIntersection -> coRec NoIntersection) :& H (\(Line _ _) -> coRec $ dropExtra sl) :& H (\seg -> match (sl `intersect` (seg^._SubLine)) $ H (\NoIntersection -> coRec NoIntersection) :& H (\p@Point2{} -> coRec $ singleton p) :& H ( coRec . dropExtra) :& RNil) :& RNil where singleton p = let x = ext $ toOffset' p l in SubLine l (ClosedInterval x x) type instance IntersectionOf (LineSegment 2 p r) (Slab o a r) = [NoIntersection, LineSegment 2 () r] instance (Fractional r, Ord r, HasBoundingLines o) => LineSegment 2 a r `HasIntersectionWith` Slab o a r instance (Fractional r, Ord r, HasBoundingLines o) => LineSegment 2 a r `IsIntersectableWith` Slab o a r where nonEmptyIntersection = defaultNonEmptyIntersection seg `intersect` slab = match ((seg^._SubLine) `intersect` slab) $ H (\NoIntersection -> coRec NoIntersection) :& H (\sl -> coRec $ sl^. from _SubLine) :& RNil -- test :: SubLine 2 () Double Double -- test = (ClosedLineSegment (ext origin) (ext origin))^._SubLine