module EVM.Test.BlockchainTests where import EVM (initialContract, makeVm) import EVM.Concrete qualified as EVM import EVM.FeeSchedule (feeSchedule) import EVM.Fetch qualified import EVM.Format (hexText) import EVM.Stepper qualified import EVM.Transaction import EVM.Types hiding (Block, Case) import EVM.Test.Tracing (interpretWithTrace, VMTrace, compareTraces, EVMToolTraceOutput(..)) import Optics.Core import Control.Arrow ((***), (&&&)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST (RealWorld, stToIO) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), FromJSON (..)) import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as JSON import Data.ByteString qualified as BS import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as Lazy import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LazyByteString import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isNothing, isJust) import Data.Word (Word64) import System.Environment (lookupEnv, getEnv) import System.FilePath.Find qualified as Find import System.FilePath.Posix (makeRelative, ()) import Witch (into, unsafeInto) import Witherable (Filterable, catMaybes) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure import Test.Tasty.HUnit data Which = Pre | Post data Block = Block { coinbase :: Addr , difficulty :: W256 , mixHash :: W256 , gasLimit :: Word64 , baseFee :: W256 , number :: W256 , timestamp :: W256 , txs :: [Transaction] } deriving Show data Case = Case { vmOpts :: VMOpts , checkContracts :: Map Addr Contract , testExpectation :: Map Addr Contract } deriving Show data BlockchainCase = BlockchainCase { blocks :: [Block] , pre :: Map Addr Contract , post :: Map Addr Contract , network :: String } deriving Show main :: IO () main = do tests <- prepareTests defaultMain tests prepareTests :: IO TestTree prepareTests = do repo <- getEnv "HEVM_ETHEREUM_TESTS_REPO" let testsDir = "BlockchainTests/GeneralStateTests" let dir = repo testsDir jsonFiles <- Find.find Find.always (Find.extension Find.==? ".json") dir putStrLn "Loading and parsing json files from ethereum-tests..." isCI <- isJust <$> lookupEnv "CI" let problematicTests = if isCI then commonProblematicTests <> ciProblematicTests else commonProblematicTests let ignoredFiles = if isCI then ciIgnoredFiles else [] groups <- mapM (\f -> testGroup (makeRelative repo f) <$> (if any (`isInfixOf` f) ignoredFiles then pure [] else testsFromFile f problematicTests)) jsonFiles putStrLn "Loaded." pure $ testGroup "ethereum-tests" groups testsFromFile :: String -> Map String (TestTree -> TestTree) -> IO [TestTree] testsFromFile file problematicTests = do parsed <- parseBCSuite <$> LazyByteString.readFile file case parsed of Left "No cases to check." -> pure [] -- error "no-cases ok" Left _err -> pure [] -- error _err Right allTests -> pure $ (\(name, x) -> testCase' name $ runVMTest True (name, x)) <$> Map.toList allTests where testCase' name assertion = case Map.lookup name problematicTests of Just f -> f (testCase name assertion) Nothing -> testCase name assertion -- CI has issues with some heaver tests, disable in bulk ciIgnoredFiles :: [String] ciIgnoredFiles = [] commonProblematicTests :: Map String (TestTree -> TestTree) commonProblematicTests = Map.fromList [ ("loopMul_d0g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTestBecause "hevm is too slow") , ("loopMul_d1g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTestBecause "hevm is too slow") , ("loopMul_d2g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTestBecause "hevm is too slow") , ("CALLBlake2f_MaxRounds_d0g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTestBecause "very slow, bypasses timeout due time spent in FFI") ] ciProblematicTests :: Map String (TestTree -> TestTree) ciProblematicTests = Map.fromList [ ("Return50000_d0g1v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("Return50000_2_d0g1v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("randomStatetest177_d0g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("static_Call50000_d0g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("static_Call50000_d1g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("static_Call50000bytesContract50_1_d1g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("static_Call50000bytesContract50_2_d1g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("static_Return50000_2_d0g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d10g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d11g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d12g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d13g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d14g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d8g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) , ("loopExp_d9g0v0_Shanghai", ignoreTest) ] runVMTest :: Bool -> (String, Case) -> IO () runVMTest diffmode (_name, x) = do vm0 <- vmForCase x result <- EVM.Stepper.interpret ( 0 (Just 0)) vm0 EVM.Stepper.runFully maybeReason <- checkExpectation diffmode x result forM_ maybeReason assertFailure -- | Run a vm test and output a geth style per opcode trace traceVMTest :: String -> String -> IO [VMTrace] traceVMTest file test = do repo <- getEnv "HEVM_ETHEREUM_TESTS_REPO" Right allTests <- parseBCSuite <$> LazyByteString.readFile (repo file) let x = case filter (\(name, _) -> name == test) $ Map.toList allTests of [(_, x')] -> x' _ -> internalError "test not found" vm0 <- vmForCase x (_, (_, ts)) <- runStateT (interpretWithTrace ( 0 (Just 0)) EVM.Stepper.runFully) (vm0, []) pure ts -- | Read a geth trace from disk readTrace :: FilePath -> IO (Either String EVMToolTraceOutput) readTrace = JSON.eitherDecodeFileStrict -- | given a path to a test file, a test case from within that file, and a trace from geth from running that test, compare the traces and show where we differ -- This would need a few tweaks to geth to make this really usable (i.e. evm statetest show allow running a single test from within the test file). traceVsGeth :: String -> String -> FilePath -> IO () traceVsGeth file test gethTrace = do hevm <- traceVMTest file test EVMToolTraceOutput ts _ <- fromJust <$> (JSON.decodeFileStrict gethTrace :: IO (Maybe EVMToolTraceOutput)) _ <- compareTraces hevm ts pure () splitEithers :: (Filterable f) => f (Either a b) -> (f a, f b) splitEithers = (catMaybes *** catMaybes) . (fmap fst &&& fmap snd) . (fmap (preview _Left &&& preview _Right)) fromConcrete :: Expr Storage -> Map W256 W256 fromConcrete (ConcreteStore s) = s fromConcrete s = internalError $ "unexpected abstract store: " <> show s checkStateFail :: Bool -> Case -> VM RealWorld -> (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -> IO String checkStateFail diff x vm (okMoney, okNonce, okData, okCode) = do let printContracts :: Map Addr Contract -> IO () printContracts cs = putStrLn $ Map.foldrWithKey (\k c acc -> acc ++ show k ++ " : " ++ (show $ fromJust $ c.nonce) ++ " " ++ (show $ fromJust $ maybeLitWord c.balance) ++ " " ++ (show $ fromConcrete $ ++ "\n") "" cs reason = map fst (filter (not . snd) [ ("bad-state", okMoney || okNonce || okData || okCode) , ("bad-balance", not okMoney || okNonce || okData || okCode) , ("bad-nonce", not okNonce || okMoney || okData || okCode) , ("bad-storage", not okData || okMoney || okNonce || okCode) , ("bad-code", not okCode || okMoney || okNonce || okData) ]) check = x.checkContracts expected = x.testExpectation actual = fmap (clearZeroStorage . clearOrigStorage) $ forceConcreteAddrs vm.env.contracts when diff $ do putStr (unwords reason) putStrLn "\nPre balance/state: " printContracts check putStrLn "\nExpected balance/state: " printContracts expected putStrLn "\nActual balance/state: " printContracts actual pure (unwords reason) checkExpectation :: Bool -> Case -> VM RealWorld -> IO (Maybe String) checkExpectation diff x vm = do let expectation = x.testExpectation (okState, b2, b3, b4, b5) = checkExpectedContracts vm expectation if okState then pure Nothing else Just <$> checkStateFail diff x vm (b2, b3, b4, b5) -- quotient account state by nullness (~=) :: Map Addr Contract -> Map Addr Contract -> Bool (~=) cs1 cs2 = let nullAccount = EVM.initialContract (RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode "")) padNewAccounts cs ks = Map.union cs $ Map.fromList [(k, nullAccount) | k <- ks] padded_cs1 = padNewAccounts cs1 (Map.keys cs2) padded_cs2 = padNewAccounts cs2 (Map.keys cs1) in and $ zipWith (===) (Map.elems padded_cs1) (Map.elems padded_cs2) (===) :: Contract -> Contract -> Bool c1 === c2 = codeEqual && storageEqual && (c1 ^. #balance == c2 ^. #balance) && (c1 ^. #nonce == c2 ^. #nonce) where storageEqual = == codeEqual = case (c1 ^. #code, c2 ^. #code) of (RuntimeCode a', RuntimeCode b') -> a' == b' _ -> internalError "unexpected code" checkExpectedContracts :: VM RealWorld -> Map Addr Contract -> (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) checkExpectedContracts vm expected = let cs = fmap (clearZeroStorage . clearOrigStorage) $ forceConcreteAddrs vm.env.contracts in ( (expected ~= cs) , (clearBalance <$> expected) ~= (clearBalance <$> cs) , (clearNonce <$> expected) ~= (clearNonce <$> cs) , (clearStorage <$> expected) ~= (clearStorage <$> cs) , (clearCode <$> expected) ~= (clearCode <$> cs) ) clearOrigStorage :: Contract -> Contract clearOrigStorage = set #origStorage (ConcreteStore mempty) clearZeroStorage :: Contract -> Contract clearZeroStorage c = case of ConcreteStore m -> let store = Map.filter (/= 0) m in set #storage (ConcreteStore store) c _ -> internalError "Internal Error: unexpected abstract store" clearStorage :: Contract -> Contract clearStorage c = c { storage = clear } where clear :: Expr Storage -> Expr Storage clear (ConcreteStore _) = ConcreteStore mempty clear _ = internalError "Internal Error: unexpected abstract store" clearBalance :: Contract -> Contract clearBalance c = set #balance (Lit 0) c clearNonce :: Contract -> Contract clearNonce c = set #nonce (Just 0) c clearCode :: Contract -> Contract clearCode c = set #code (RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode "")) c instance FromJSON Contract where parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = do code <- (RuntimeCode . ConcreteRuntimeCode <$> (hexText <$> v .: "code")) storage <- v .: "storage" balance <- v .: "balance" nonce <- v .: "nonce" pure $ EVM.initialContract code & #balance .~ (Lit balance) & #nonce ?~ nonce & #storage .~ (ConcreteStore storage) & #origStorage .~ (ConcreteStore storage) parseJSON invalid = JSON.typeMismatch "Contract" invalid instance FromJSON BlockchainCase where parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = BlockchainCase <$> v .: "blocks" <*> parseContracts Pre v <*> parseContracts Post v <*> v .: "network" parseJSON invalid = JSON.typeMismatch "GeneralState test case" invalid instance FromJSON Block where parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = do v' <- v .: "blockHeader" txs <- v .: "transactions" coinbase <- addrField v' "coinbase" difficulty <- wordField v' "difficulty" gasLimit <- word64Field v' "gasLimit" number <- wordField v' "number" baseFee <- fmap read <$> v' .:? "baseFeePerGas" timestamp <- wordField v' "timestamp" mixHash <- wordField v' "mixHash" pure $ Block coinbase difficulty mixHash gasLimit (fromMaybe 0 baseFee) number timestamp txs parseJSON invalid = JSON.typeMismatch "Block" invalid parseContracts :: Which -> JSON.Object -> JSON.Parser (Map Addr Contract) parseContracts w v = v .: which >>= parseJSON where which = case w of Pre -> "pre" Post -> "postState" parseBCSuite :: Lazy.ByteString -> Either String (Map String Case) parseBCSuite x = case (JSON.eitherDecode' x) :: Either String (Map String BlockchainCase) of Left e -> Left e Right bcCases -> let allCases = fromBlockchainCase <$> bcCases keepError (Left e) = errorFatal e keepError _ = True filteredCases = Map.filter keepError allCases (erroredCases, parsedCases) = splitEithers filteredCases in if Map.size erroredCases > 0 then Left ("errored case: " ++ (show erroredCases)) else if Map.size parsedCases == 0 then Left "No cases to check." else Right parsedCases data BlockchainError = TooManyBlocks | TooManyTxs | NoTxs | SignatureUnverified | InvalidTx | OldNetwork | FailedCreate deriving Show errorFatal :: BlockchainError -> Bool errorFatal TooManyBlocks = True errorFatal TooManyTxs = True errorFatal SignatureUnverified = True errorFatal InvalidTx = True errorFatal _ = False fromBlockchainCase :: BlockchainCase -> Either BlockchainError Case fromBlockchainCase (BlockchainCase blocks preState postState network) = case (blocks, network) of ([block], "Shanghai") -> case block.txs of [tx] -> fromBlockchainCase' block tx preState postState [] -> Left NoTxs _ -> Left TooManyTxs ([_], _) -> Left OldNetwork (_, _) -> Left TooManyBlocks maxCodeSize :: W256 maxCodeSize = 24576 fromBlockchainCase' :: Block -> Transaction -> Map Addr Contract -> Map Addr Contract -> Either BlockchainError Case fromBlockchainCase' block tx preState postState = let isCreate = isNothing tx.toAddr in case (sender tx, checkTx tx block preState) of (Nothing, _) -> Left SignatureUnverified (_, Nothing) -> Left (if isCreate then FailedCreate else InvalidTx) (Just origin, Just checkState) -> Right $ Case (VMOpts { contract = EVM.initialContract theCode , otherContracts = [] , calldata = (cd, []) , value = Lit tx.value , address = toAddr , caller = LitAddr origin , baseState = EmptyBase , origin = LitAddr origin , gas = tx.gasLimit - txGasCost feeSchedule tx , baseFee = block.baseFee , priorityFee = priorityFee tx block.baseFee , gaslimit = tx.gasLimit , number = block.number , timestamp = Lit block.timestamp , coinbase = LitAddr block.coinbase , prevRandao = block.mixHash , maxCodeSize = maxCodeSize , blockGaslimit = block.gasLimit , gasprice = effectiveGasPrice , schedule = feeSchedule , chainId = 1 , create = isCreate , txAccessList = Map.mapKeys LitAddr (txAccessMap tx) , allowFFI = False }) checkState postState where toAddr = maybe (EVM.createAddress origin (fromJust senderNonce)) LitAddr (tx.toAddr) senderNonce = view (accountAt (LitAddr origin) % #nonce) (Map.mapKeys LitAddr preState) toCode = Map.lookup toAddr (Map.mapKeys LitAddr preState) theCode = if isCreate then InitCode tx.txdata mempty else maybe (RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode "")) (view #code) toCode effectiveGasPrice = effectiveprice tx block.baseFee cd = if isCreate then mempty else ConcreteBuf tx.txdata effectiveprice :: Transaction -> W256 -> W256 effectiveprice tx baseFee = priorityFee tx baseFee + baseFee priorityFee :: Transaction -> W256 -> W256 priorityFee tx baseFee = let (txPrioMax, txMaxFee) = case tx.txtype of EIP1559Transaction -> let maxPrio = fromJust tx.maxPriorityFeeGas maxFee = fromJust tx.maxFeePerGas in (maxPrio, maxFee) _ -> let gasPrice = fromJust tx.gasPrice in (gasPrice, gasPrice) in min txPrioMax (txMaxFee - baseFee) maxBaseFee :: Transaction -> W256 maxBaseFee tx = case tx.txtype of EIP1559Transaction -> fromJust tx.maxFeePerGas _ -> fromJust tx.gasPrice validateTx :: Transaction -> Block -> Map Addr Contract -> Maybe () validateTx tx block cs = do origin <- sender tx (Lit originBalance) <- (view #balance) <$> view (at origin) cs originNonce <- (view #nonce) <$> view (at origin) cs let gasDeposit = (effectiveprice tx block.baseFee) * (into tx.gasLimit) if gasDeposit + tx.value <= originBalance && (Just (unsafeInto tx.nonce) == originNonce) && block.baseFee <= maxBaseFee tx then Just () else Nothing checkTx :: Transaction -> Block -> Map Addr Contract -> Maybe (Map Addr Contract) checkTx tx block prestate = do origin <- sender tx validateTx tx block prestate let isCreate = isNothing tx.toAddr cs = Map.mapKeys LitAddr prestate senderNonce = view (accountAt (LitAddr origin) % #nonce) cs toAddr = maybe (EVM.createAddress origin (fromJust senderNonce)) LitAddr (tx.toAddr) prevCode = view (accountAt toAddr % #code) cs prevNonce = view (accountAt toAddr % #nonce) cs nonEmptyAccount = case prevCode of RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode b) -> not (BS.null b) _ -> True badNonce = prevNonce /= Just 0 initCodeSizeExceeded = BS.length tx.txdata > (unsafeInto maxCodeSize * 2) if isCreate && (badNonce || nonEmptyAccount || initCodeSizeExceeded) then mzero else pure prestate vmForCase :: Case -> IO (VM RealWorld) vmForCase x = do vm <- stToIO $ makeVm x.vmOpts <&> set (#env % #contracts) (Map.mapKeys LitAddr x.checkContracts) pure $ initTx vm forceConcreteAddrs :: Map (Expr EAddr) Contract -> Map Addr Contract forceConcreteAddrs cs = Map.mapKeys (fromMaybe (internalError "Internal Error: unexpected symbolic address") . maybeLitAddr) cs