module HESQL.Parser (hesqlModule) where import HESQL.Syntax import Text.Parsec.String import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.Language (haskellDef) import Text.Parsec.Expr import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P import Data.List (intercalate) import Database.HDBC import Control.Monad (forM_) hesqlModule :: Parser HesqlModule hesqlModule = do whiteSpace modName <- moduleHeader decls <- decls whiteSpace eof return $ HesqlModule modName decls decls = many decl decl = do fn <- funName p <- many parameter whiteSpace char '=' whiteSpace stmt <- sqlStatement whiteSpace symbol ";" return $ HesqlDecls fn p stmt funName = identifier parameter = identifier sqlStatement = selectStatement <|> insertStatement <|> updateStatement <|> deleteStatement selectStatement = do opts <- selectVariant cols <- sepBy1 column (symbol ",") reserved "from" tab <- table wh <- optionMaybe whereCondition ord <- optionMaybe order return $ SELECT opts (ExplicitColumns cols) tab wh ord Nothing order = do reserved "order" reserved "by" sepBy1 orderCol (symbol ",") where orderCol = do e <- sqlExp ord <- optionMaybe orderDir return (e, ord) orderDir = (reserved "asc" >> return ASC)<|> (reserved "desc" >> return DESC) selectVariant = select "1'" [Strict, ReturnMaybe] <|> select "1" [ReturnMaybe] <|> select "'" [Strict] <|> select "" [] select suffix opts = reserved ("select"++suffix) >> return opts insertStatement = do reserved "insert" reserved "into" tab <- table spec <- insertSpec reserved "values" values <- insertValues return $ INSERT tab spec values updateStatement = do reserved "update" tab <- table reserved "set" updates <- updates wh <- optionMaybe whereCondition return $ UPDATE tab updates wh deleteStatement = do reserved "delete" reserved "from" tab <- table wh <- optionMaybe whereCondition return $ DELETE tab wh updates = sepBy1 set (symbol ",") where set = do col <- columnName symbol "=" e <- sqlExp return (col, e) insertSpec = parens $ sepBy1 identifier (symbol ",") insertValues = parens $ sepBy1 sqlExp (symbol ",") whereCondition :: Parser SqlExp whereCondition = do reserved "where" be <- sqlExp return be sqlExp = sqlCompare sqlCompare = buildExpressionParser table sqlTerm where table = [ [prefix "not" SqlNot] , [binary "+" SqlPlus AssocLeft, binary "-" SqlMinus AssocLeft] , [binary "*" SqlMult AssocLeft, binary "/" SqlDiv AssocLeft] , [binary "is" SqlIs AssocRight] , [binary "=" SqlEqual AssocLeft, binary "<" SqlLess AssocLeft, binary ">" SqlGreater AssocLeft, binary ">=" SqlEqualOrGreater AssocLeft, binary "<=" SqlEqualOrLess AssocLeft] , [binary "and" SqlAnd AssocLeft] , [binary "or" SqlOr AssocLeft] ] sqlBoolLiteral = kw "true" (SqlLiteral (toSql True)) <|> kw "true" (SqlLiteral (toSql True)) <|> kw "null" (SqlLiteral SqlNull) where kw s v = reserved s >> return v sqlLiteral = sqlBoolLiteral <|> sqlStringLiteral <|> sqlNumberLiteral sqlStringLiteral = between (symbol "'") (symbol "'") $ do s <- many stringChar return (SqlLiteral (toSql (s :: String))) where stringChar = noneOf "\\'" <|> do char '\\' char '\'' -- TODO \n etc sqlNumberLiteral = do n <- naturalOrFloat case n of Left i -> return $ SqlLiteral (toSql i) Right f -> return $ SqlLiteral (toSql f) sqlTerm = parens sqlExp <|> sqlLiteral <|> do n <- identifier funParams n <|> return (SqlColumn n) funParams n = do args <- parens $ sepBy sqlExp (symbol ",") return $ SqlFunApp n args columnName = identifier column = do col <- identifier return (col, Nothing) table = identifier modName = sepBy1 identifier (char '.') moduleHeader = do reserved "module" m <- modName reserved "where" return $ intercalate "." m lexer = P.makeTokenParser haskellDef parens = P.parens lexer braces = P.braces lexer identifier = P.identifier lexer reserved = P.reserved lexer reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer symbol = P.symbol lexer naturalOrFloat = P.naturalOrFloat lexer binary name fun assoc = Infix (do reservedOp name; return $ \ e1 e2 -> SqlInfixApp e1 fun e2) assoc prefix name fun = Prefix (do reservedOp name; return fun) postfix names fun = Prefix (do forM_ names reservedOp; return fun)