module Web.Herringbone.Adapter.Wai where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import System.Posix.Types (EpochTime)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Application.Static
import WaiAppStatic.Types
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath)
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as F
import qualified Filesystem as F

import Web.Herringbone

class ToLazyByteString a where
    toLazyByteString :: a -> BL.ByteString

instance ToLazyByteString FilePath where
    toLazyByteString = toLazyByteString . F.encode

instance ToLazyByteString B.ByteString where
    toLazyByteString = BL.fromChunks . (: [])

-- | Convert a 'Herringbone' to a WAI 'Application'.
toApplication :: Herringbone -> Application
toApplication hb@(hbDestDir -> dest) =
    staticApp $ (defaultWebAppSettings dest) { ssLookupFile = lookupFile hb }

lookupFile :: Herringbone -> Pieces -> IO LookupResult
lookupFile hb pieces = do
    asset <- findAsset hb (toLogicalPath pieces)
    either assetErrorToLR bundledAssetToLR asset

    assetErrorToLR = return . go

    go AssetNotFound           = LRNotFound
    go (AssetCompileError err) = LRFile . assetCompileError $ err
    go (AmbiguousSources xs)   = LRFile . ambiguousSources $ xs

    bundledAssetToLR asset = do
        file <- toFile (assetSourcePath asset)
                       (assetFilePath asset)
                       (last pieces)
        return . LRFile $ file

-- WaiAppStatic takes care of directory traversal attacks for us
toLogicalPath :: Pieces -> LogicalPath
toLogicalPath = unsafeMakeLogicalPath . map fromPiece

-- This is just given to wai-app-static which takes care of serving it.
toFile :: FilePath -- ^ source path
       -> FilePath -- ^ dest path
       -> Piece    -- ^ file name
       -> IO File
toFile source dest name = do
    size  <- F.getSize dest
    mtime <- F.getModified source
    let strDest = F.encodeString dest
    return File
        { fileGetSize     = fromIntegral size
        , fileToResponse  = \s h -> responseFile s h strDest Nothing
        , fileName        = name
        , fileGetHash     = return Nothing -- TODO
        , fileGetModified = Just . toEpochTime $ mtime

toEpochTime :: UTCTime -> EpochTime
toEpochTime = fromIntegral . toSecs
    toSecs :: UTCTime -> Int
    toSecs = floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds

assetCompileError :: CompileError -> File
assetCompileError err =
    fileError (toLazyByteString err) (unsafeToPiece "compile-error.html")

ambiguousSources :: [FilePath] -> File
ambiguousSources sources =
    let body = "<h1>Ambiguous asset source</h1>" <>
                "<p>List of possible asset sources:</p>" <>
                "<ul>" <>
                BL.concat (map (\s -> "<li>" <> toLazyByteString s <> "</li>") sources) <>
    in fileError body (unsafeToPiece "error-ambiguous-source.html")

fileError :: BL.ByteString -> Piece -> File
fileError body name =
        { fileGetSize     = fromIntegral $ BL.length body
        , fileToResponse  = \_ headers -> responseLBS status500 headers body
        , fileName        = name
        , fileGetHash     = return Nothing
        , fileGetModified = Nothing