{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Main where import System.IO import System.Directory import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Ratio import Control.Applicative import Options.Applicative hiding (str) import Text.Read import Utils import AddCLI import RichText import Types import UnitConversions import ReadConfig import Control.Exception import GHC.IO.Exception import Foreign.C.Error import qualified Lang.Strings as Str -- Global constants versionStr :: String versionStr = "" type HermsReader = ReaderT (Config, RecipeBook) -- | @getRecipeBookWith reads in recipe book with already read-in config getRecipeBookWith :: Config -> IO [Recipe] getRecipeBookWith config = fmap (map read . lines) $ readFileOrDefault "recipes.herms" (recipesFile' config) getRecipe :: String -> [Recipe] -> Maybe Recipe getRecipe target = listToMaybe . filter ((target ==) . recipeName) saveOrDiscard :: [[String]] -- input for the new recipe -> Maybe Recipe -- maybe an original recipe prior to any editing -> HermsReader IO () saveOrDiscard input oldRecp = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config let newRecipe = readRecipe input liftIO $ putTextLn $ showRecipe t newRecipe Nothing liftIO $ putStrLn (t Str.saveRecipeYesNoEdit) response <- liftIO getLine if response == t Str.y || response == t Str.yCap then do let recpName = maybe (recipeName newRecipe) recipeName oldRecp unless (isNothing (readRecipeRef recpName recipeBook)) $ removeSilent [recpName] liftIO $ appendFile (recipesFile' config) (show newRecipe ++ "\n") liftIO $ putStrLn (t Str.recipeSaved) else if response == t Str.n || response == t Str.nCap then liftIO $ putStrLn (t Str.changesDiscarded) else if response == t Str.e || response == t Str.eCap then doEdit newRecipe oldRecp else do liftIO $ putStrLn ("\n" ++ t Str.badEntry ++ "\n") saveOrDiscard input oldRecp add :: HermsReader IO () add = do (config, _) <- ask input <- liftIO $ getAddInput (translator config) saveOrDiscard input Nothing doEdit :: Recipe -> Maybe Recipe -> HermsReader IO () doEdit recp origRecp = do (config, _) <- ask input <- liftIO $ getEdit (translator config) (recipeName recp) (description recp) serving amounts units ingrs attrs dirs tag saveOrDiscard input origRecp where serving = show $ servingSize recp ingrList = adjustIngredients (servingSize recp % 1) $ ingredients recp toStr f = unlines (map f ingrList) amounts = toStr (showFrac . quantity) units = toStr unit ingrs = toStr ingredientName dirs = unlines (directions recp) attrs = toStr attribute tag = unwords (tags recp) edit :: String -> HermsReader IO () edit target = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ target ++ t Str.doesNotExist Just recp -> doEdit recp (Just recp) -- Only supports editing one recipe per command -- | `readRecipeRef target book` interprets the string `target` -- as either an index or a recipe's name and looks up the -- corresponding recipe in the `book` readRecipeRef :: String -> [Recipe] -> Maybe Recipe readRecipeRef target recipeBook = (safeLookup recipeBook . pred =<< readMaybe target) <|> getRecipe target recipeBook importFile :: String -> HermsReader IO () importFile target = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config otherRecipeBook <- liftIO $ map read . lines <$> readFile target let recipeEq = (==) `on` recipeName let newRecipeBook = deleteFirstsBy recipeEq recipeBook otherRecipeBook ++ otherRecipeBook liftIO $ replaceDataFile (recipesFile' config) $ unlines $ show <$> newRecipeBook liftIO $ if null otherRecipeBook then putStrLn (t Str.nothingToImport) else do putStrLn (t Str.importedRecipes) forM_ otherRecipeBook $ \recipe -> putStrLn $ " " ++ recipeName recipe export :: [String] -> HermsReader IO () export targets = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config liftIO $ forM_ targets $ \ target -> putText $ case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> target ~~ t Str.doesNotExist Just recp -> fromString $ show recp getServingsAndConv :: Int -> String -> Config -> (Maybe Int, Conversion) getServingsAndConv serv convName config = (servings, conv) where servings = case serv of 0 -> case defaultServingSize' config of 0 -> Nothing j -> Just j i -> Just i t = translator config conv | convName == t Str.metric = Metric | convName == t Str.imperial = Imperial | otherwise = defaultUnit' config view :: [String] -> Int -> String -> HermsReader IO () view targets serv convName = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config let (servings, conv) = getServingsAndConv serv convName config liftIO $ forM_ targets $ \ target -> putText $ case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> target ~~ t Str.doesNotExist Just recp -> showRecipe t (convertRecipeUnits conv recp) servings viewByStep :: [String] -> Int -> String -> HermsReader IO () viewByStep targets serv convName = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config let (servings, conv) = getServingsAndConv serv convName config liftIO $ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering forM_ targets $ \ target -> case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStr $ target ++ t Str.doesNotExist Just recp -> viewRecipeByStep (convertRecipeUnits conv recp) servings viewRecipeByStep :: Recipe -> Maybe Int -> HermsReader IO () viewRecipeByStep recp servings = do (config, _) <- ask let t = translator config liftIO $ putText $ showRecipeHeader t recp servings let steps = showRecipeSteps recp liftIO $ forM_ (init steps) $ \ step -> do putStr $ step ++ t Str.more getLine liftIO $ putStr $ last steps ++ "\n" list :: [String] -> Bool -> Bool -> HermsReader IO () list inputTags groupByTags nameOnly = do (_, recipes) <- ask let recipesWithIndex = zip [1..] recipes let targetRecipes = filterByTags inputTags recipesWithIndex if groupByTags then listByTags nameOnly inputTags targetRecipes else listDefault nameOnly targetRecipes filterByTags :: [String] -> [(Int, Recipe)] -> [(Int, Recipe)] filterByTags [] = id filterByTags inputTags = filter (inTags . tags . snd) where inTags r = all (`elem` r) inputTags listDefault :: Bool -> [(Int, Recipe)] -> HermsReader IO () listDefault nameOnly (unzip -> (indices, recipes)) = do (config, _) <- ask let recipeList = map (showRecipeInfo (translator config)) recipes size = length $ show $ length recipeList strIndices = map (padLeft size . show) indices liftIO $ if nameOnly then mapM_ (putStrLn . recipeName) recipes else mapM_ putTextLn $ zipWith (\ i -> ((i ~~ ". ") ~~)) strIndices recipeList listByTags :: Bool -> [String] -> [(Int, Recipe)] -> HermsReader IO () listByTags nameOnly inputTags recipesWithIdx = do (config, _) <- ask let tagsRecipes :: [[(String, (Int, Recipe))]] tagsRecipes = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ concat $ flip map recipesWithIdx $ \recipeWithIdx -> map (flip (,) recipeWithIdx) $ tags $ snd recipeWithIdx liftIO $ forM_ tagsRecipes $ \tagRecipes -> do putTextLn $ bold $ fontColor Magenta $ fst $ head tagRecipes -- Tag name forM_ (map snd tagRecipes) $ \(i, recipe) -> if nameOnly then putStrLn $ recipeName recipe else putTextLn $ " " ~~ show i ~~ ". " ~~ showRecipeInfo (translator config) recipe putStrLn "" showRecipeInfo :: Translator -> Recipe -> RichText showRecipeInfo t recipe = name ~~ "\n\t" ~~ desc ~~ "\n\t[" ~~ tagsStr ~~ ": " ~~ showTags ~~ "]" where name = fontColor Blue $ recipeName recipe desc = (takeFullWords . description) recipe showTags = fontColor Green $ (intercalate ", " . tags) recipe tagsStr = fontColor White (t Str.capTags) takeFullWords :: String -> String takeFullWords = unwords . takeFullWords' 0 . words where takeFullWords' _ [] = [] takeFullWords' n [x] | (length x + n) > 40 = [] | otherwise = [x] takeFullWords' n (x:xs) | (length x + n) > 40 = [x ++ "..."] | otherwise = x : takeFullWords' (length x + n) xs -- | @replaceDataFile fp str@ replaces the target data file @fp@ with -- the new content @str@ in a safe manner: it opens a temporary file -- first, writes to it, closes the handle, removes the target, -- and finally moves the temporary file over to the target @fp@. replaceDataFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO () replaceDataFile fileName str = do (tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "herms_temp" hPutStr tempHandle str hClose tempHandle removeFile fileName let exdev e = if ioe_errno e == Just ((\(Errno a) -> a) eXDEV) then copyFile tempName fileName >> removeFile tempName else throw e renameFile tempName fileName `catch` exdev -- | @removeWithVerbosity v recipes@ deletes the @recipes@ from the -- book, listing its work only if @v@ is set to @True@. -- This subsumes both @remove@ and @removeSilent@. removeWithVerbosity :: Bool -> [String] -> HermsReader IO () removeWithVerbosity v targets = do (config, recipeBook) <- ask let t = translator config mrecipes <- liftIO $ forM targets $ \ target -> do -- Resolve the recipes all at once; this way if we remove multiple -- recipes based on their respective index, all of the index are -- resolved based on the state the book was in before we started to -- remove anything let mrecp = readRecipeRef target recipeBook () <- putStr $ case mrecp of Nothing -> target ++ t Str.doesNotExist Just r -> guard v *> t Str.removingRecipe ++ recipeName r ++ "...\n" return mrecp -- Remove all the resolved recipes at once let newRecipeBook = recipeBook \\ catMaybes mrecipes liftIO $ replaceDataFile (recipesFile' config) $ unlines $ show <$> newRecipeBook remove :: [String] -> HermsReader IO () remove = removeWithVerbosity True removeSilent :: [String] -> HermsReader IO () removeSilent = removeWithVerbosity False shop :: [String] -> Int -> HermsReader IO () shop targets serv = do (_, recipeBook) <- ask let getFactor recp | serv == 0 = servingSize recp % 1 | otherwise = serv % 1 let ingrts = concatMap (\target -> case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> [] Just recp -> adjustIngredients (getFactor recp) $ ingredients recp) targets liftIO $ forM_ (sort ingrts) $ \ingr -> putStrLn $ showIngredient 1 ingr printDataDir :: HermsReader IO () printDataDir = do (config, _) <- ask liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . cleanDirPath) [dataDir config, configDir config] where cleanDirPath = (++ "/") . filter (/= '\"') main :: IO () main = do config <- getConfig recipeBook <- getRecipeBookWith config command <- execParser (commandPI (translator config)) runReaderT (runWithOpts command) (config, recipeBook) -- @runWithOpts runs the action of selected command. runWithOpts :: Command -> HermsReader IO () runWithOpts (List tags group nameOnly) = list tags group nameOnly runWithOpts Add = add runWithOpts (Edit target) = edit target runWithOpts (Import target) = importFile target runWithOpts (Export targets) = export targets runWithOpts (Remove targets) = remove targets runWithOpts (View targets serving step conversion) = if step then viewByStep targets serving conversion else view targets serving conversion runWithOpts (Shop targets serving) = shop targets serving runWithOpts DataDir = printDataDir ------------------------------ ------------ CLI ------------- ------------------------------ -- | 'Command' data type represents commands of CLI data Command = List [String] Bool Bool -- ^ shows recipes | View [String] Int Bool String -- ^ shows specified recipes with given serving | Add -- ^ adds the recipe (interactively) | Edit String -- ^ edits the recipe | Import String -- ^ imports a recipe file | Export [String] -- ^ exports recipes to stdout | Remove [String] -- ^ removes specified recipes | Shop [String] Int -- ^ generates the shopping list for given recipes | DataDir -- ^ prints the directories of recipe file and config.hs listP, addP, viewP, editP, importP, exportP, removeP, shopP, dataDirP :: Translator -> Parser Command listP t = List <$> (words <$> tagsP t) <*> groupByTagsP t <*> nameOnlyP t addP _ = pure Add editP t = Edit <$> recipeNameP t importP t = Import <$> fileNameP t exportP t = Export <$> severalRecipesP t removeP t = Remove <$> severalRecipesP t viewP t = View <$> severalRecipesP t <*> servingP t <*> stepP t <*> conversionP t shopP t = Shop <$> severalRecipesP t <*> servingP t dataDirP _ = pure DataDir -- | @groupByTagsP is flag for grouping recipes by tags groupByTagsP :: Translator -> Parser Bool groupByTagsP t = switch ( long (t Str.group) <> short Str.groupShort <> help (t Str.groupDesc) ) -- | @nameOnlyP is flag for showing recipe names only nameOnlyP :: Translator -> Parser Bool nameOnlyP t = switch ( long (t Str.nameOnly) <> short Str.nameOnlyShort <> help (t Str.nameOnlyDesc) ) -- | @tagsP returns the parser of tags tagsP :: Translator -> Parser String tagsP t = strOption (long (t Str.tags) <> value "" <> metavar (t Str.tagsMetavar) <> help (t Str.tagsDesc) ) -- | @servingP returns the parser of number of servings. servingP :: Translator -> Parser Int servingP t = option auto ( long (t Str.serving) <> short Str.servingShort <> help (t Str.servingDesc) <> showDefault <> value 0 <> metavar (t Str.servingMetavar) ) stepP :: Translator -> Parser Bool stepP t = switch ( long (t Str.step) <> short Str.stepShort <> help (t Str.stepDesc) ) -- | @recipeNameP parses the string of recipe name. recipeNameP :: Translator -> Parser String recipeNameP t = strArgument ( metavar (t Str.recipeNameMetavar) <> help (t Str.recipeNameDesc)) -- | @fileNameP parses the string of a file name. fileNameP :: Translator -> Parser String fileNameP t = strArgument ( metavar (t Str.fileNameMetavar) <> help (t Str.fileNameDesc)) -- | @severalRecipesP parses several recipe names at once -- and returns the parser of list of names severalRecipesP :: Translator -> Parser [String] severalRecipesP t = many (recipeNameP t) -- | @conversionP flags recipes for unit conversion conversionP :: Translator -> Parser String conversionP t = strOption (long (t Str.convert) <> short Str.convertShort <> help (t Str.convertDesc) <> metavar (t Str.convertMetavar) <> value (t Str.none)) -- @optP parses particular command. optP :: Translator -> Parser Command optP t = subparser $ command (t Str.list) (info (helper <*> listP t) (progDesc (t Str.listDesc))) <> command (t Str.view) (info (helper <*> viewP t) (progDesc (t Str.viewDesc))) <> command (t Str.add) (info (helper <*> addP t) (progDesc (t Str.addDesc))) <> command (t Str.edit) (info (helper <*> editP t) (progDesc (t Str.editDesc))) <> command (t Str.import') (info (helper <*> importP t) (progDesc (t Str.importDesc))) <> command (t Str.export) (info (helper <*> exportP t) (progDesc (t Str.exportDesc))) <> command (t Str.remove) (info (helper <*> removeP t) (progDesc (t Str.removeDesc))) <> command (t Str.shopping) (info (helper <*> shopP t) (progDesc (t Str.shoppingDesc))) <> command (t Str.datadir) (info (helper <*> dataDirP t) (progDesc (t Str.datadirDesc))) versionOption :: Parser (a -> a) versionOption = infoOption versionStr (long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Show version") -- @prsr is the main parser of all CLI arguments. commandPI :: Translator -> ParserInfo Command commandPI t = info ( helper <*> versionOption <*> optP t) $ fullDesc <> progDesc (t Str.progDesc)