-- |The data type 'Event' consists of a yank text and metadata identifying its source and time. module Helic.Data.Event where import qualified Chronos import Polysemy.Chronos (ChronosTime) import qualified Polysemy.Time as Time import Helic.Data.AgentId (AgentId) import Helic.Data.InstanceName (InstanceName) -- |The central data type representing a clipboard event. data Event = Event { -- |The host from which the event originated. sender :: InstanceName, -- |The entity that caused the event. source :: AgentId, -- |Timestamp. time :: Chronos.Time, -- |Payload. content :: Text } deriving stock (Eq, Show) json ''Event -- |Construct an event for the current host and time. now :: Members [ChronosTime, Reader InstanceName] r => AgentId -> Text -> Sem r Event now source content = do sender <- ask time <- Time.now pure Event {..}