{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, TypeSynonymInstances,
    OverloadedStrings #-}

module Database.Redis.Types where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack)
import Data.ByteString.Lex.Double (readDouble)
import Data.Maybe

import Database.Redis.Protocol

-- Classes of types Redis understands
class RedisArg a where
    encode :: a -> ByteString

class RedisResult a where
    decode :: Reply -> Either Reply a

-- RedisArg instances
instance RedisArg ByteString where
    encode = id

instance RedisArg Integer where
    encode = pack . show

instance RedisArg Double where
    encode = pack . show

-- RedisResult instances
data Status = Ok | Pong | Status ByteString
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data RedisType = None |String | Hash | List | Set | ZSet
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance RedisResult Reply where
    decode = Right

instance RedisResult ByteString where
    decode (SingleLine s)  = Right s
    decode (Bulk (Just s)) = Right s
    decode r               = Left r

instance RedisResult Integer where
    decode (Integer n) = Right n
    decode r           = Left r

instance RedisResult Int where
    decode = fmap fromInteger . decode

instance RedisResult Double where
    decode r = maybe (Left r) (Right . fst) . readDouble =<< decode r

instance RedisResult Status where
    decode (SingleLine s) = Right $ case s of
        "OK"     -> Ok
        "PONG"   -> Pong
        _        -> Status s
    decode r = Left r
instance RedisResult RedisType where
    decode (SingleLine s) = Right $ case s of
        "none"   -> None
        "string" -> String
        "hash"   -> Hash
        "list"   -> List
        "set"    -> Set
        "zset"   -> ZSet
        _        -> error $ "Hedis: unhandled redis type: " ++ show s
    decode r = Left r

instance RedisResult Bool where
    decode (Integer 1)    = Right True
    decode (Integer 0)    = Right False
    decode (Bulk Nothing) = Right False -- Lua boolean false = nil bulk reply
    decode r              = Left r

instance (RedisResult a) => RedisResult (Maybe a) where
    decode (Bulk Nothing)      = Right Nothing
    decode (MultiBulk Nothing) = Right Nothing
    decode r                   = Just <$> decode r

instance (RedisResult a) => RedisResult [a] where
    decode (MultiBulk (Just rs)) = mapM decode rs
    decode r                     = Left r
instance (RedisResult a, RedisResult b) => RedisResult (a,b) where
    decode (MultiBulk (Just [x, y])) = (,) <$> decode x <*> decode y
    decode r                         = Left r

instance (RedisResult k, RedisResult v) => RedisResult [(k,v)] where
    decode r = case r of
                (MultiBulk (Just rs)) -> pairs rs
                _                     -> Left r
        pairs []         = Right []
        pairs (_:[])     = Left r
        pairs (r1:r2:rs) = do
            k   <- decode r1
            v   <- decode r2
            kvs <- pairs rs
            return $ (k,v) : kvs