Would you like to have nice, up-to-date license/copyright headers in your source code files but hate to manage them by hand? Then __Headroom__ is the right tool for you! Now you can define your license header as [Mustache][web:mustache] template, put all the variables (such as author's name, year, etc.) into the [YAML][wiki:yaml] config file and Headroom will take care to add such license headers to all your source code files. [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/4Pfxdss0V4msFjjt2z6mgCZCp.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/4Pfxdss0V4msFjjt2z6mgCZCp) See the [GitHub project page](https://github.com/vaclavsvejcar/headroom/) for more details. [web:mustache]: https://mustache.github.io