{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Headroom.AppConfigSpec ( spec ) where import Headroom.AppConfig import Headroom.Types ( AppConfigError(..) , HeadroomError(..) , RunMode(..) ) import RIO import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM import Test.Hspec import Test.Utils ( matchesException ) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "loadAppConfig" $ do it "loads full configuration from YAML file" $ do appConfig <- loadAppConfig "test-data/configs/full.yaml" let options = HM.fromList [ ("copyright", "(c) 2019 John Smith") , ("email" , "john.smith@example.com") ] sourcePaths = ["test-data/configs/path/to/src"] templatePaths = ["test-data/configs/path/to/dir1", "test-data/configs/path/to/dir2"] expected = AppConfig Add sourcePaths templatePaths options appConfig `shouldBe` expected describe "parseVariables" $ do it "parses variables map from raw string list" $ do let raw = ["key1=value1", "key2=value with spaces"] expected = HM.fromList [("key1", "value1"), ("key2", "value with spaces")] parseVariables raw `shouldBe` Just expected let ph1 = HM.fromList [("key1", "value1")] ph2 = HM.fromList [("key2", "value2")] appConfig1 = AppConfig Replace ["source1"] [] ph1 appConfig2 = AppConfig Add ["source2"] ["template1"] ph2 appConfig3 = AppConfig Add [] ["template1"] ph2 expected' = AppConfig Replace ["source1", "source2"] ["template1"] (HM.fromList [("key1", "value1"), ("key2", "value2")]) describe "prettyPrintAppConfig" $ do it "can pretty print AppConfig" $ do let result = prettyPrintAppConfig appConfig2 expected = mconcat [ "run-mode: add\nsource-paths:\n- source2\n" , "template-paths:\n- template1\nvariables:\n key2: value2\n" ] result `shouldBe` expected describe "validateAppConfig" $ do it "validates configuration version" $ do let check (Just (InvalidAppConfig [EmptySourcePaths])) = True check _ = False validateAppConfig appConfig3 `shouldSatisfy` matchesException check describe "<>" $ do it "joins two AppConfig records" $ do (appConfig1 <> appConfig2) `shouldBe` expected' describe "mconcat" $ do it "folds a list of AppConfig records" $ do mconcat [appConfig1, appConfig2] `shouldBe` expected'