{-| Module : Headroom.Command.Run.Env Description : Environment for the Run command Copyright : (c) 2019-2020 Vaclav Svejcar License : BSD-3 Maintainer : vaclav.svejcar@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Data types and instances for the /Run/ command environment. -} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Headroom.Command.Run.Env ( RunOptions(..) , StartupEnv(..) , Env(..) , HasAppConfig(..) , HasRunOptions(..) , toAppConfig ) where import Headroom.AppConfig ( AppConfig(..) , parseVariables ) import Headroom.Types ( RunMode ) import RIO -- | Options for the /Run/ command. data RunOptions = RunOptions { roRunMode :: RunMode -- ^ used /Run/ command mode , roSourcePaths :: [FilePath] -- ^ source code file paths , roTemplatePaths :: [FilePath] -- ^ template file paths , roVariables :: [Text] -- ^ raw variables , roDebug :: Bool -- ^ whether to run in debug mode } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Initial /RIO/ startup environment for the /Run/ command. data StartupEnv = StartupEnv { envLogFunc :: !LogFunc -- ^ logging function , envRunOptions :: !RunOptions -- ^ options } -- | Full /RIO/ environment for the /Run/ command. data Env = Env { envEnv :: !StartupEnv -- ^ startup /RIO/ environment , envAppConfig :: !AppConfig -- ^ application configuration } -- | Environment value with application configuration. class HasAppConfig env where -- | Application config lens. appConfigL :: Lens' env AppConfig class (HasLogFunc env, HasRunOptions env) => HasEnv env where envL :: Lens' env StartupEnv -- | Environment value with /Run/ command options. class HasRunOptions env where -- | /Run/ command options lens. runOptionsL :: Lens' env RunOptions instance HasAppConfig Env where appConfigL = lens envAppConfig (\x y -> x { envAppConfig = y }) instance HasEnv StartupEnv where envL = id instance HasEnv Env where envL = lens envEnv (\x y -> x { envEnv = y }) instance HasLogFunc StartupEnv where logFuncL = lens envLogFunc (\x y -> x { envLogFunc = y }) instance HasLogFunc Env where logFuncL = envL . logFuncL instance HasRunOptions StartupEnv where runOptionsL = lens envRunOptions (\x y -> x { envRunOptions = y }) instance HasRunOptions Env where runOptionsL = envL . runOptionsL -- | Converts options for /Run/ command into application config. toAppConfig :: MonadThrow m => RunOptions -- ^ /Run/ command options -> m AppConfig -- ^ application configuration toAppConfig opts = do variables' <- parseVariables (roVariables opts) pure $ mempty { acSourcePaths = roSourcePaths opts , acTemplatePaths = roTemplatePaths opts , acRunMode = roRunMode opts , acVariables = variables' }