{-| Module : Headroom.Command.Gen.Env Description : Environment for the Generate command Copyright : (c) 2019-2020 Vaclav Svejcar License : BSD-3 Maintainer : vaclav.svejcar@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Data types and instances for the /Generator/ command environment. -} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Headroom.Command.Gen.Env ( Env(..) , GenMode(..) , GenOptions(..) ) where import RIO -- | /RIO/ Environment for the /Generator/ command. data Env = Env { envLogFunc :: !LogFunc -- ^ logging function , envGenOptions :: !GenOptions -- ^ options } -- | Represents what action should the /Generator/ perform. data GenMode = GenConfigFile -- ^ generate /YAML/ config file stub | GenLicense Text -- ^ generate license header template deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Options for the /Generator/ command. newtype GenOptions = GenOptions { goGenMode :: GenMode -- ^ used /Generator/ command mode } deriving Show instance HasLogFunc Env where logFuncL = lens envLogFunc (\x y -> x { envLogFunc = y })