-- | Interaction with @jack-dl@, @scsynth@ and @text-dl@.
module Sound.DF.Uniform.LL.Audition where

import Sound.OSC {- hosc -}
import qualified Sound.SC3 as S {- hsc3 -}
import Sound.SC3.UGen.External.RDU {- sc3-rdu -}
import System.Directory {- directory -}
import System.FilePath {- filepath -}
import System.Process {- process -}

import Sound.DF.Uniform.LL.CGen
import Sound.DF.Uniform.LL.Command
import Sound.DF.Uniform.LL.UId

-- * jack-dl

-- | Run action with @UDP@ link to @jack-dl@.
with_jack_dl :: Connection UDP a -> IO a
with_jack_dl = withTransport (openUDP "" 57190)

-- | Audition graph after sending initialisation messages.
audition :: [Message] -> Instructions -> IO ()
audition is ins = do
  t <- getTemporaryDirectory
  k <- generateId
  let fn = t </> ("audition" ++ show k)
  dl_gen fn (JACK,"/home/rohan/opt") ins
  with_jack_dl (mapM sendMessage is >>
                sendMessage (g_load (fn <.> "so")))

-- * scsynth

-- | Load graph.
u_cmd_g_load :: Int -> Int -> String -> Message
u_cmd_g_load nid uid s = S.u_cmd nid uid "/g_load" [string s]

-- | Audition graph after sending initialisation messages.
audition_sc3 :: [Message] -> Instructions -> IO ()
audition_sc3 is ins = do
  t <- getTemporaryDirectory
  k <- generateId
  let fn = t </> ("audition" ++ show k)
  dl_gen fn (SC3,"/home/rohan/opt") ins
  S.withSC3 (mapM sendMessage is >>
             S.play (S.out 0 (rdl 2 0)) >>
             sendMessage (u_cmd_g_load (-1) 0 (fn <.> "so")))

-- * text-dl

-- | Audition at @text-dl@.
audition_text :: Int -> Instructions -> IO ()
audition_text nf ins = do
  t <- getTemporaryDirectory
  k <- generateId
  let fn = t </> ("audition" ++ show k)
  dl_gen fn (Text,"/home/rohan/opt") ins
  _ <- rawSystem "text-dl" ["-f",show nf,fn <.> "so"]
  return ()