-- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license,
-- found in the LICENSE file. An additional grant of patent rights can
-- be found in the PATENTS file.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | The implementation of the 'Haxl' monad.
module Haxl.Core.Monad (
    -- * The monad
    GenHaxl (..), runHaxl,

    -- * Env
    Env(..), caches, initEnvWithData, initEnv, emptyEnv,

    -- * Exceptions
    throw, catch, catchIf, try, tryToHaxlException,

    -- * Data fetching and caching
    dataFetch, uncachedRequest,
    cacheRequest, cacheResult, cachedComputation,

    -- * Unsafe operations
    unsafeLiftIO, unsafeToHaxlException,
  ) where

import Haxl.Core.Types
import Haxl.Core.Show1
import Haxl.Core.StateStore
import Haxl.Core.Exception
import Haxl.Core.RequestStore
import Haxl.Core.Util
import Haxl.Core.DataCache as DataCache

import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
import Control.Exception (SomeAsyncException(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
import Control.Exception (AllocationLimitExceeded(..))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import GHC.Exts (IsString(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Text.Printf
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ((<>))
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Exception (bracket_)
import Debug.Trace (traceEventIO)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The environment

-- | The data we carry around in the Haxl monad.
data Env u = Env
  { cacheRef     :: IORef (DataCache ResultVar) -- cached data fetches
  , memoRef      :: IORef (DataCache (MemoVar u))   -- memoized computations
  , flags        :: Flags
  , userEnv      :: u
  , statsRef     :: IORef Stats
  , states       :: StateStore
  -- ^ Data sources and other components can store their state in
  -- here. Items in this store must be instances of 'StateKey'.

type Caches u = (IORef (DataCache ResultVar), IORef (DataCache (MemoVar u)))

caches :: Env u -> Caches u
caches env = (cacheRef env, memoRef env)

-- | Initialize an environment with a 'StateStore', an input map, a
-- preexisting 'DataCache', and a seed for the random number generator.
initEnvWithData :: StateStore -> u -> Caches u -> IO (Env u)
initEnvWithData states e (cref, mref) = do
  sref <- newIORef emptyStats
  return Env
    { cacheRef = cref
    , memoRef = mref
    , flags = defaultFlags
    , userEnv = e
    , states = states
    , statsRef = sref

-- | Initializes an environment with 'DataStates' and an input map.
initEnv :: StateStore -> u -> IO (Env u)
initEnv states e = do
  cref <- newIORef DataCache.empty
  mref <- newIORef DataCache.empty
  initEnvWithData states e (cref,mref)

-- | A new, empty environment.
emptyEnv :: u -> IO (Env u)
emptyEnv = initEnv stateEmpty

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The Haxl monad, which does several things:
--  * It is a reader monad for 'Env' and 'IORef' 'RequestStore', The
--    latter is the current batch of unsubmitted data fetch requests.
--  * It is a concurrency, or resumption, monad. A computation may run
--    partially and return 'Blocked', in which case the framework should
--    perform the outstanding requests in the 'RequestStore', and then
--    resume the computation.
--  * The Applicative combinator '<*>' explores /both/ branches in the
--    event that the left branch is 'Blocked', so that we can collect
--    multiple requests and submit them as a batch.
--  * It contains IO, so that we can perform real data fetching.
newtype GenHaxl u a = GenHaxl
  { unHaxl :: Env u -> IORef (RequestStore u) -> IO (Result u a) }

-- | The result of a computation is either 'Done' with a value, 'Throw'
-- with an exception, or 'Blocked' on the result of a data fetch with
-- a continuation.
data Result u a
  = Done a
  | Throw SomeException
  | Blocked (GenHaxl u a)

instance (Show a) => Show (Result u a) where
  show (Done a) = printf "Done(%s)" $ show a
  show (Throw e) = printf "Throw(%s)" $ show e
  show Blocked{} = "Blocked"

instance Monad (GenHaxl u) where
  return a = GenHaxl $ \_env _ref -> return (Done a)
  GenHaxl m >>= k = GenHaxl $ \env ref -> do
    e <- m env ref
    case e of
      Done a       -> unHaxl (k a) env ref
      Throw e      -> return (Throw e)
      Blocked cont -> return (Blocked (cont >>= k))

instance Functor (GenHaxl u) where
  fmap f m = pure f <*> m

instance Applicative (GenHaxl u) where
  pure = return
  GenHaxl f <*> GenHaxl a = GenHaxl $ \env ref -> do
    r <- f env ref
    case r of
      Throw e -> return (Throw e)
      Done f' -> do
        ra <- a env ref
        case ra of
          Done a'    -> return (Done (f' a'))
          Throw e    -> return (Throw e)
          Blocked a' -> return (Blocked (f' <$> a'))
      Blocked f' -> do
        ra <- a env ref  -- left is blocked, explore the right
        case ra of
          Done a'    -> return (Blocked (f' <*> return a'))
          Throw e    -> return (Blocked (f' <*> throw e))
          Blocked a' -> return (Blocked (f' <*> a'))

-- | Runs a 'Haxl' computation in an 'Env'.
runHaxl :: Env u -> GenHaxl u a -> IO a
runHaxl env h = do
  let go !n env (GenHaxl haxl) = do
        traceEventIO "START computation"
        ref <- newIORef noRequests
        e <- haxl env ref
        traceEventIO "STOP computation"
        case e of
          Done a       -> return a
          Throw e      -> Exception.throw e
          Blocked cont -> do
            bs <- readIORef ref
            writeIORef ref noRequests -- Note [RoundId]
            traceEventIO "START performFetches"
            n' <- performFetches n env bs
            traceEventIO "STOP performFetches"
            go n' env cont
  traceEventIO "START runHaxl"
  r <- go 0 env h
  traceEventIO "STOP runHaxl"
  return r
runHaxl env (GenHaxl haxl) = do
  ref <- newIORef noRequests
  e <- haxl env ref
  case e of
    Done a       -> return a
    Throw e      -> Exception.throw e
    Blocked cont -> do
      bs <- readIORef ref
      writeIORef ref noRequests -- Note [RoundId]
      void (performFetches 0 env bs)
      runHaxl env cont

-- | Extracts data from the 'Env'.
env :: (Env u -> a) -> GenHaxl u a
env f = GenHaxl $ \env _ref -> return (Done (f env))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Exceptions

-- | Throw an exception in the Haxl monad
throw :: (Exception e) => e -> GenHaxl u a
throw e = GenHaxl $ \_env _ref -> raise e

raise :: (Exception e) => e -> IO (Result u a)
raise = return . Throw . toException

-- | Catch an exception in the Haxl monad
catch :: Exception e => GenHaxl u a -> (e -> GenHaxl u a) -> GenHaxl u a
catch (GenHaxl m) h = GenHaxl $ \env ref -> do
   r <- m env ref
   case r of
     Done a    -> return (Done a)
     Throw e | Just e' <- fromException e -> unHaxl (h e') env ref
             | otherwise -> return (Throw e)
     Blocked k -> return (Blocked (catch k h))

-- | Catch exceptions that satisfy a predicate
  :: Exception e => (e -> Bool) -> GenHaxl u a -> (e -> GenHaxl u a)
  -> GenHaxl u a
catchIf cond haxl handler =
  catch haxl $ \e -> if cond e then handler e else throw e

-- | Returns @'Left' e@ if the computation throws an exception @e@, or
-- @'Right' a@ if it returns a result @a@.
try :: Exception e => GenHaxl u a -> GenHaxl u (Either e a)
try haxl = (Right <$> haxl) `catch` (return . Left)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Unsafe operations

-- | Under ordinary circumstances this is unnecessary; users of the Haxl
-- monad should generally /not/ perform arbitrary IO.
unsafeLiftIO :: IO a -> GenHaxl u a
unsafeLiftIO m = GenHaxl $ \_env _ref -> Done <$> m

-- | Convert exceptions in the underlying IO monad to exceptions in
-- the Haxl monad.  This is morally unsafe, because you could then
-- catch those exceptions in Haxl and observe the underlying execution
-- order.  Not to be exposed to user code.
unsafeToHaxlException :: GenHaxl u a -> GenHaxl u a
unsafeToHaxlException (GenHaxl m) = GenHaxl $ \env ref -> do
  r <- m env ref `Exception.catch` \e -> return (Throw e)
  case r of
    Blocked c -> return (Blocked (unsafeToHaxlException c))
    other -> return other

-- | Like 'try', but lifts all exceptions into the 'HaxlException'
-- hierarchy.  Uses 'unsafeToHaxlException' internally.  Typically
-- this is used at the top level of a Haxl computation, to ensure that
-- all exceptions are caught.
tryToHaxlException :: GenHaxl u a -> GenHaxl u (Either HaxlException a)
tryToHaxlException h = left asHaxlException <$> try (unsafeToHaxlException h)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Data fetching and caching

-- | Possible responses when checking the cache.
data CacheResult a
  -- | The request hadn't been seen until now.
  = Uncached (ResultVar a)

  -- | The request has been seen before, but its result has not yet been
  -- fetched.
  | CachedNotFetched (ResultVar a)

  -- | The request has been seen before, and its result has already been
  -- fetched.
  | Cached (Either SomeException a)

-- | Checks the data cache for the result of a request.
cached :: (Request r a) => Env u -> r a -> IO (CacheResult a)
cached env req = do
  cache <- readIORef (cacheRef env)
    do_fetch = do
      rvar <- newEmptyResult
      writeIORef (cacheRef env) $! DataCache.insert req rvar cache
      return (Uncached rvar)
  case DataCache.lookup req cache of
    Nothing -> do_fetch
    Just rvar -> do
      mb <- tryReadResult rvar
      case mb of
        Nothing -> return (CachedNotFetched rvar)
        -- Use the cached result, even if it was an error.
        Just r -> do
          ifTrace (flags env) 3 $ putStrLn $ case r of
            Left _ -> "Cached error: " ++ show req
            Right _ -> "Cached request: " ++ show req
          return (Cached r)

-- | Performs actual fetching of data for a 'Request' from a 'DataSource'.
dataFetch :: (DataSource u r, Request r a) => r a -> GenHaxl u a
dataFetch req = GenHaxl $ \env ref -> do
  -- First, check the cache
  res <- cached env req
  case res of
    -- Not seen before: add the request to the RequestStore, so it
    -- will be fetched in the next round.
    Uncached rvar -> do
      modifyIORef' ref $ \bs -> addRequest (BlockedFetch req rvar) bs
      return $ Blocked (continueFetch req rvar)

    -- Seen before but not fetched yet.  We're blocked, but we don't have
    -- to add the request to the RequestStore.
    CachedNotFetched rvar -> return
      $ Blocked (continueFetch req rvar)

    -- Cached: either a result, or an exception
    Cached (Left ex) -> return (Throw ex)
    Cached (Right a) -> return (Done a)

-- | A data request that is not cached.  This is not what you want for
-- normal read requests, because then multiple identical requests may
-- return different results, and this invalidates some of the
-- properties that we expect Haxl computations to respect: that data
-- fetches can be aribtrarily reordered, and identical requests can be
-- commoned up, for example.
-- 'uncachedRequest' is useful for performing writes, provided those
-- are done in a safe way - that is, not mixed with reads that might
-- conflict in the same Haxl computation.
uncachedRequest :: (DataSource u r, Request r a) => r a -> GenHaxl u a
uncachedRequest req = GenHaxl $ \_env ref -> do
  rvar <- newEmptyResult
  modifyIORef' ref $ \bs -> addRequest (BlockedFetch req rvar) bs
  return $ Blocked (continueFetch req rvar)

  :: (DataSource u r, Request r a, Show a)
  => r a -> ResultVar a -> GenHaxl u a
continueFetch req rvar = GenHaxl $ \_env _ref -> do
  m <- tryReadResult rvar
  case m of
    Nothing -> raise . DataSourceError $
      textShow req <> " did not set contents of result var"
    Just r -> done r

-- | Transparently provides caching. Useful for datasources that can
-- return immediately, but also caches values.  Exceptions thrown by
-- the IO operation (except for asynchronous exceptions) are
-- propagated into the Haxl monad and can be caught by 'catch' and
-- 'try'.
cacheResult :: (Request r a)  => r a -> IO a -> GenHaxl u a
cacheResult req val = GenHaxl $ \env _ref -> do
  cachedResult <- cached env req
  case cachedResult of
    Uncached rvar -> do
      result <- Exception.try val
      putResult rvar result
      case result of
        Left e -> do rethrowAsyncExceptions e; done result
        _other -> done result
    Cached result -> done result
    CachedNotFetched _ -> corruptCache
    corruptCache = raise . DataSourceError $ Text.concat
      [ textShow req
      , " has a corrupted cache value: these requests are meant to"
      , " return immediately without an intermediate value. Either"
      , " the cache was updated incorrectly, or you're calling"
      , " cacheResult on a query that involves a blocking fetch."

-- We must be careful about turning IO monad exceptions into Haxl
-- exceptions.  An IO monad exception will normally propagate right
-- out of runHaxl and terminate the whole computation, whereas a Haxl
-- exception can get dropped on the floor, if it is on the right of
-- <*> and the left side also throws, for example.  So turning an IO
-- monad exception into a Haxl exception is a dangerous thing to do.
-- In particular, we never want to do it for an asynchronous exception
-- (AllocationLimitExceeded, ThreadKilled, etc.), because these are
-- supposed to unconditionally terminate the computation.
-- There are three places where we take an arbitrary IO monad exception and
-- turn it into a Haxl exception:
--  * wrapFetchInCatch.  Here we want to propagate a failure of the
--    data source to the callers of the data source, but if the
--    failure came from elsewhere (an asynchronous exception), then we
--    should just propagate it
--  * cacheResult (cache the results of IO operations): again,
--    failures of the IO operation should be visible to the caller as
--    a Haxl exception, but we exclude asynchronous exceptions from
--    this.

--  * unsafeToHaxlException: assume the caller knows what they're
--    doing, and just wrap all exceptions.
rethrowAsyncExceptions :: SomeException -> IO ()
rethrowAsyncExceptions e
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
  | Just SomeAsyncException{} <- fromException e = Exception.throw e
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
  | Just AllocationLimitExceeded{} <- fromException e = Exception.throw e
    -- AllocationLimitExceeded is not a child of SomeAsyncException,
    -- but it should be.
  | otherwise = return ()

-- | Inserts a request/result pair into the cache. Throws an exception
-- if the request has already been issued, either via 'dataFetch' or
-- 'cacheRequest'.
-- This can be used to pre-populate the cache when running tests, to
-- avoid going to the actual data source and ensure that results are
-- deterministic.
  :: (Request req a) => req a -> Either SomeException a -> GenHaxl u ()
cacheRequest request result = GenHaxl $ \env _ref -> do
  res <- cached env request
  case res of
    Uncached rvar -> do
      -- request was not in the cache: insert the result and continue
      putResult rvar result
      return $ Done ()

    -- It is an error if the request is already in the cache.  We can't test
    -- whether the cached result is the same without adding an Eq constraint,
    -- and we don't necessarily have Eq for all results.
    _other -> raise $
      DataSourceError "cacheRequest: request is already in the cache"

instance IsString a => IsString (GenHaxl u a) where
  fromString s = return (fromString s)

-- | Issues a batch of fetches in a 'RequestStore'. After
-- 'performFetches', all the requests in the 'RequestStore' are
-- complete, and all of the 'ResultVar's are full.
performFetches :: forall u. Int -> Env u -> RequestStore u -> IO Int
performFetches n env reqs = do
  let f = flags env
      sref = statsRef env
      jobs = contents reqs
      !n' = n + length jobs

  t0 <- getCurrentTime

    roundstats =
      [ (dataSourceName (getReq reqs), length reqs)
      | BlockedFetches reqs <- jobs ]
      getReq :: [BlockedFetch r] -> r a
      getReq = undefined

  ifTrace f 1 $
    printf "Batch data fetch (%s)\n" $
      intercalate (", "::String) $
        map (\(name,num) -> printf "%d %s" num (Text.unpack name)) roundstats

  ifTrace f 3 $
    forM_ jobs $ \(BlockedFetches reqs) ->
      forM_ reqs $ \(BlockedFetch r _) -> putStrLn (show1 r)

    applyFetch (i, BlockedFetches (reqs :: [BlockedFetch r])) =
      case stateGet (states env) of
        Nothing ->
          return (SyncFetch (mapM_ (setError (const e)) reqs))
          where req :: r a; req = undefined
                e = DataSourceError $
                      "data source not initialized: " <> dataSourceName req
        Just state ->
          return $ wrapFetchInTrace i (length reqs)
                    (dataSourceName (undefined :: r a))
                 $ wrapFetchInCatch reqs
                 $ fetch state f (userEnv env) reqs

  fetches <- mapM applyFetch $ zip [n..] jobs

  times <-
    if report f >= 2
    then do
      (refs, timedfetches) <- mapAndUnzipM wrapFetchInTimer fetches
      scheduleFetches timedfetches
      mapM (fmap Just . readIORef) refs
    else do
      scheduleFetches fetches
      return $ repeat Nothing

  let dsroundstats = HashMap.fromList
         [ (name, DataSourceRoundStats { dataSourceFetches = fetches
                                       , dataSourceTime = time
         | ((name, fetches), time) <- zip roundstats times]

  t1 <- getCurrentTime
  let roundtime = realToFrac (diffUTCTime t1 t0) :: Double

  ifReport f 1 $
    modifyIORef' sref $ \(Stats rounds) ->
      Stats (RoundStats (microsecs roundtime) dsroundstats: rounds)

  ifTrace f 1 $
    printf "Batch data fetch done (%.2fs)\n" (realToFrac roundtime :: Double)

  return n'

-- Catch exceptions arising from the data source and stuff them into
-- the appropriate requests.  We don't want any exceptions propagating
-- directly from the data sources, because we want the exception to be
-- thrown by dataFetch instead.
wrapFetchInCatch :: [BlockedFetch req] -> PerformFetch -> PerformFetch
wrapFetchInCatch reqs fetch =
  case fetch of
    SyncFetch io ->
      SyncFetch (io `Exception.catch` handler)
    AsyncFetch fio ->
      AsyncFetch (\io -> fio io `Exception.catch` handler)
    handler :: SomeException -> IO ()
    handler e = do
      rethrowAsyncExceptions e
      mapM_ (forceError e) reqs

    -- Set the exception even if the request already had a result.
    -- Otherwise we could be discarding an exception.
    forceError e (BlockedFetch _ rvar) = do
      void $ tryTakeResult rvar
      putResult rvar (except e)

wrapFetchInTimer :: PerformFetch -> IO (IORef Microseconds, PerformFetch)
wrapFetchInTimer f = do
  r <- newIORef 0
  case f of
    SyncFetch io -> return (r, SyncFetch (time io >>= writeIORef r))
    AsyncFetch f -> do
       inner_r <- newIORef 0
       return (r, AsyncFetch $ \inner -> do
         total <- time (f (time inner >>= writeIORef inner_r))
         inner_t <- readIORef inner_r
         writeIORef r (total - inner_t))

wrapFetchInTrace :: Int -> Int -> Text.Text -> PerformFetch -> PerformFetch
wrapFetchInTrace i n dsName f =
  case f of
    SyncFetch io -> SyncFetch (wrapF "Sync" io)
    AsyncFetch fio -> AsyncFetch (wrapF "Async" . fio . unwrapF "Async")
    d = Text.unpack dsName
    wrapF :: String -> IO a -> IO a
    wrapF ty = bracket_ (traceEventIO $ printf "START %d %s (%d %s)" i d n ty)
                        (traceEventIO $ printf "STOP %d %s (%d %s)" i d n ty)
    unwrapF :: String -> IO a -> IO a
    unwrapF ty = bracket_ (traceEventIO $ printf "STOP %d %s (%d %s)" i d n ty)
                          (traceEventIO $ printf "START %d %s (%d %s)" i d n ty)
wrapFetchInTrace _ _ _ f = f

time :: IO () -> IO Microseconds
time io = do
  t0 <- getCurrentTime
  t1 <- getCurrentTime
  return . microsecs . realToFrac $ t1 `diffUTCTime` t0

microsecs :: Double -> Microseconds
microsecs t = round (t * 10^(6::Int))

-- | Start all the async fetches first, then perform the sync fetches before
-- getting the results of the async fetches.
scheduleFetches :: [PerformFetch] -> IO()
scheduleFetches fetches = async_fetches sync_fetches
  async_fetches :: IO () -> IO ()
  async_fetches = compose [f | AsyncFetch f <- fetches]

  sync_fetches :: IO ()
  sync_fetches = sequence_ [io | SyncFetch io <- fetches]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Memoization

-- | A variable in the cache representing the state of a memoized computation
newtype MemoVar u a = MemoVar (IORef (MemoStatus u a))

-- | The state of a memoized computation
data MemoStatus u a
  = MemoInProgress (RoundId u) (GenHaxl u a)
      -- ^ Under evaluation in the given round, here is the latest
      -- continuation.  The continuation might be a little out of
      -- date, but that's fine, the worst that can happen is we do a
      -- little extra work.
  | MemoDone (Either SomeException a)
      -- fully evaluated, here is the result.

type RoundId u = IORef (RequestStore u)
Note [RoundId]

A token representing the round.  This needs to be unique per round,
and it needs to support Eq.  Fortunately the IORef RequestStore is
exactly what we need: IORef supports Eq, and we make a new one for
each round.  There's a danger that storing this in the DataCache could
cause a space leak, so we stub out the contents after each round (see

-- | 'cachedComputation' memoizes a Haxl computation.  The key is a
-- request.
-- /Note:/ These cached computations will /not/ be included in the output
-- of 'dumpCacheAsHaskell'.
   :: forall req u a. (Request req a)
   => req a -> GenHaxl u a -> GenHaxl u a
cachedComputation req haxl = GenHaxl $ \env ref -> do
  cache <- readIORef (memoRef env)
  case DataCache.lookup req cache of
    Nothing -> do
      memovar <- newIORef (MemoInProgress ref haxl)
      writeIORef (memoRef env) $! DataCache.insert req (MemoVar memovar) cache
      run memovar haxl env ref
    Just (MemoVar memovar) -> do
      status <- readIORef memovar
      case status of
        MemoDone r -> done r
        MemoInProgress round cont
          | round == ref -> return (Blocked (retryMemo req))
          | otherwise    -> run memovar cont env ref
          -- was blocked in a previous round; run the saved continuation to
          -- make more progress.
  -- If we got blocked on this memo in the current round, this is the
  -- continuation: just try to evaluate the memo again.  We know it is
  -- already in the cache (because we just checked), so the computation
  -- will never be used.
  retryMemo req =
   cachedComputation req (throw (CriticalError "retryMemo"))

  -- Run the memoized computation and store the result (complete or
  -- partial) back in the MemoVar afterwards.
 -- We don't attempt to catch IO monad exceptions here.  That may seem
 -- dangerous, because if an IO exception is raised we'll leave the
 -- MemoInProgress in the MemoVar.  But we always want to just
 -- propagate an IO monad exception (it should kill the whole runHaxl,
 -- unless there's a unsafeToHaxlException), so we should never be
 -- looking at the MemoVar again anyway.  Furthermore, storing the
 -- exception in the MemoVar is wrong, because that will turn it into
 -- a Haxl exception (see rethrowAsyncExceptions).
  run memovar cont env ref = do
    e <- unHaxl cont env ref
    case e of
      Done a -> complete memovar (Right a)
      Throw e -> complete memovar (Left e)
      Blocked cont -> do
        writeIORef memovar (MemoInProgress ref cont)
        return (Blocked (retryMemo req))

  -- We're finished: store the final result
  complete memovar r = do
    writeIORef memovar (MemoDone r)
    done r

-- | Lifts an 'Either' into either 'Throw' or 'Done'.
done :: Either SomeException a -> IO (Result u a)
done = return . either Throw Done

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Dump the contents of the cache as Haskell code that, when
-- compiled and run, will recreate the same cache contents.  For
-- example, the generated code looks something like this:
-- > loadCache :: GenHaxl u ()
-- > loadCache = do
-- >   cacheRequest (ListWombats 3) (Right ([1,2,3]))
-- >   cacheRequest (CountAardvarks "abcabc") (Right (2))
dumpCacheAsHaskell :: GenHaxl u String
dumpCacheAsHaskell = do
  ref <- env cacheRef  -- NB. cacheRef, not memoRef.  We ignore memoized
                       -- results when dumping the cache.
  entries <- unsafeLiftIO $ readIORef ref >>= showCache
    mk_cr (req, res) =
      text "cacheRequest" <+> parens (text req) <+> parens (result res)
    result (Left e) = text "except" <+> parens (text (show e))
    result (Right s) = text "Right" <+> parens (text s)

  return $ show $
    text "loadCache :: GenHaxl u ()" $$
    text "loadCache = do" $$
      nest 2 (vcat (map mk_cr (concatMap snd entries))) $$
    text "" -- final newline