-- Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license,
-- found in the LICENSE file. An additional grant of patent rights can
-- be found in the PATENTS file.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | Base types used by all of Haxl.
module Haxl.Core.Types (

  -- * Initialization strategies

  -- * Tracing flags

  -- * Statistics

  -- * Data fetching

  -- * Result variables

  -- * Default fetch implementations
  asyncFetch, asyncFetchWithDispatch,

  -- * Utilities

  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Hashable
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
import Haxl.Core.Util (tryReadMVar)
import Haxl.Core.Show1
import Haxl.Core.StateStore

-- | Initialization strategy. 'FullInit' will do as much initialization as
-- possible. 'FastInit' will postpone part of initialization or omit part of
-- initialization by sharing more resources. Use 'FastInit' if you want
-- fast initialization but don't care much about performance, for example, in
-- interactive environment.
data InitStrategy
  = FullInit
  | FastInit
  deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)

-- | Flags that control the operation of the engine.
data Flags = Flags
  { trace :: Int
    -- ^ Tracing level (0 = quiet, 3 = very verbose).

defaultFlags :: Flags
defaultFlags = Flags { trace = 0 }

-- | Runs an action if the tracing level is above the given threshold.
ifTrace :: (Functor m, Monad m) => Flags -> Int -> m a -> m ()
ifTrace flags i m
  | trace flags >= i = void m
  | otherwise        = return ()

-- | Stats that we collect along the way.
newtype Stats = Stats [RoundStats]
  deriving ToJSON

-- | Maps data source name to the number of requests made in that round.
-- The map only contains entries for sources that made requests in that
-- round.
newtype RoundStats = RoundStats (HashMap Text Int)
  deriving ToJSON

fetchesInRound :: RoundStats -> Int
fetchesInRound (RoundStats hm) = sum $ HashMap.elems hm

emptyStats :: Stats
emptyStats = Stats []

numRounds :: Stats -> Int
numRounds (Stats rs) = length rs

numFetches :: Stats -> Int
numFetches (Stats rs) = sum (map fetchesInRound rs)

-- | The class of data sources, parameterised over the request type for
-- that data source. Every data source must implement this class.
-- A data source keeps track of its state by creating an instance of
-- 'StateKey' to map the request type to its state. In this case, the
-- type of the state should probably be a reference type of some kind,
-- such as 'IORef'.
-- For a complete example data source, see
-- <https://phabricator.fb.com/diffusion/FBCODE/browse/master/sigma/haxl/core/tests/ExampleDataSource.hs ExampleDataSource>.
class (DataSourceName req, StateKey req, Show1 req) => DataSource u req where

  -- | Issues a list of fetches to this 'DataSource'. The 'BlockedFetch'
  -- objects contain both the request and the 'MVar's into which to put
  -- the results.
    :: State req
      -- ^ Current state.
    -> Flags
      -- ^ Tracing flags.
    -> u
      -- ^ User environment.
    -> [BlockedFetch req]
      -- ^ Requests to fetch.
    -> PerformFetch
      -- ^ Fetch the data; see 'PerformFetch'.

class DataSourceName req where
  -- | The name of this 'DataSource', used in tracing and stats. Must
  -- take a dummy request.
  dataSourceName :: req a -> Text

-- The 'Show1' class is a workaround for the fact that we can't write
-- @'Show' (req a)@ as a superclass of 'DataSource', without also
-- parameterizing 'DataSource' over @a@, which is a pain (I tried
-- it). 'Show1' seems fairly benign, though.

-- | A convenience only: package up 'Eq', 'Hashable', 'Typeable', and 'Show'
-- for requests into a single constraint.
type Request req a =
  ( Eq (req a)
  , Hashable (req a)
  , Typeable (req a)
  , Show (req a)
  , Show a

-- | A data source can fetch data in one of two ways.
--   * Synchronously ('SyncFetch'): the fetching operation is an
--     @'IO' ()@ that fetches all the data and then returns.
--   * Asynchronously ('AsyncFetch'): we can do something else while the
--     data is being fetched. The fetching operation takes an @'IO' ()@ as
--     an argument, which is the operation to perform while the data is
--     being fetched.
-- See 'syncFetch' and 'asyncFetch' for example usage.
data PerformFetch
  = SyncFetch  (IO ())
  | AsyncFetch (IO () -> IO ())

-- | A 'BlockedFetch' is a pair of
--   * The request to fetch (with result type @a@)
--   * An 'MVar' to store either the result or an error
-- We often want to collect together multiple requests, but they return
-- different types, and the type system wouldn't let us put them
-- together in a list because all the elements of the list must have the
-- same type. So we wrap up these types inside the 'BlockedFetch' type,
-- so that they all look the same and we can put them in a list.
-- When we unpack the 'BlockedFetch' and get the request and the 'MVar'
-- out, the type system knows that the result type of the request
-- matches the type parameter of the 'MVar', so it will let us take the
-- result of the request and store it in the 'MVar'.
data BlockedFetch r = forall a. BlockedFetch (r a) (ResultVar a)

-- | Function for easily setting a fetch to a particular exception
setError :: (Exception e) => (forall a. r a -> e) -> BlockedFetch r -> IO ()
setError e (BlockedFetch req m) = putFailure m (e req)

except :: (Exception e) => e -> Either SomeException a
except = Left . toException

-- | A sink for the result of a data fetch, used by 'BlockedFetch' and the
-- 'DataCache'. Why do we need an 'MVar' here?  The reason is that the cache
-- serves two purposes:
--  1. To cache the results of requests that were submitted in a previous round.
--  2. To remember requests that have been encountered in the current round but
--     are not yet submitted, so that if we see the request again we can make
--     sure that we only submit it once.
-- Storing the result as an 'MVar' gives two benefits:
--   * We can tell the difference between (1) and (2) by testing whether the
--     'MVar' is empty. See 'Haxl.Fetch.cached'.
--   * In the case of (2), we don't have to update the cache again after the
--     current round, and after the round we can read the result of each request
--     from its 'MVar'. All instances of identical requests will share the same
--     'MVar' to obtain the result.
newtype ResultVar a = ResultVar (MVar (Either SomeException a))

newResult :: a -> IO (ResultVar a)
newResult x = ResultVar <$> newMVar (Right x)

newEmptyResult :: IO (ResultVar a)
newEmptyResult = ResultVar <$> newEmptyMVar

putFailure :: (Exception e) => ResultVar a -> e -> IO ()
putFailure r = putResult r . except

putSuccess :: ResultVar a -> a -> IO ()
putSuccess r = putResult r . Right

putResult :: ResultVar a -> Either SomeException a -> IO ()
putResult (ResultVar var) = putMVar var

takeResult :: ResultVar a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
takeResult (ResultVar var) = takeMVar var

tryReadResult :: ResultVar a -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
tryReadResult (ResultVar var) = tryReadMVar var

tryTakeResult :: ResultVar a -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
tryTakeResult (ResultVar var) = tryTakeMVar var

-- Fetch templates

  :: (Exception e) => (forall a. r a -> e)
  -> State r -> Flags -> u -> [BlockedFetch r] -> PerformFetch
stubFetch e _state _flags _si bfs = SyncFetch $ mapM_ (setError e) bfs

-- | Common implementation templates for 'fetch' of 'DataSource'.
-- Example usage:
-- > fetch = syncFetch MyDS.withService MyDS.retrieve
-- >   $ \service request -> case request of
-- >     This x -> MyDS.fetchThis service x
-- >     That y -> MyDS.fetchThat service y
  :: ((service -> IO ()) -> IO ())
  -- ^ Wrapper to perform an action in the context of a service.

  -> (service -> IO ())
  -- ^ Dispatch all the pending requests

  -> (service -> IO ())
  -- ^ Wait for the results

  -> (forall a. service -> request a -> IO (IO (Either SomeException a)))
  -- ^ Enqueue an individual request to the service.

  -> State request
  -- ^ Currently unused.

  -> Flags
  -- ^ Currently unused.

  -> u
  -- ^ Currently unused.

  -> [BlockedFetch request]
  -- ^ Requests to submit.

  -> PerformFetch

asyncFetch, syncFetch
  :: ((service -> IO ()) -> IO ())
  -- ^ Wrapper to perform an action in the context of a service.

  -> (service -> IO ())
  -- ^ Dispatch all the pending requests and wait for the results

  -> (forall a. service -> request a -> IO (IO (Either SomeException a)))
  -- ^ Submits an individual request to the service.

  -> State request
  -- ^ Currently unused.

  -> Flags
  -- ^ Currently unused.

  -> u
  -- ^ Currently unused.

  -> [BlockedFetch request]
  -- ^ Requests to submit.

  -> PerformFetch

  withService dispatch wait enqueue _state _flags _si requests =
  AsyncFetch $ \inner -> withService $ \service -> do
    getResults <- mapM (submitFetch service enqueue) requests
    dispatch service
    wait service
    sequence_ getResults

asyncFetch withService wait enqueue _state _flags _si requests =
  AsyncFetch $ \inner -> withService $ \service -> do
    getResults <- mapM (submitFetch service enqueue) requests
    wait service
    sequence_ getResults

syncFetch withService dispatch enqueue _state _flags _si requests =
  SyncFetch . withService $ \service -> do
  getResults <- mapM (submitFetch service enqueue) requests
  dispatch service
  sequence_ getResults

-- | Used by 'asyncFetch' and 'syncFetch' to retrieve the results of
-- requests to a service.
  :: service
  -> (forall a. service -> request a -> IO (IO (Either SomeException a)))
  -> BlockedFetch request
  -> IO (IO ())
submitFetch service fetch (BlockedFetch request result)
  = (putResult result =<<) <$> fetch service request