module Hasql.Postgres.Connector where

import Hasql.Postgres.Prelude hiding (Error)
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.ASCII as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL

-- |
-- Connection settings.
data Settings =
  -- | 
  -- A host, a port, a user, a password and a database.
  ParamSettings ByteString Word16 ByteString ByteString ByteString |
  -- | 
  -- All settings encoded in a single byte string according to 
  -- < the PostgreSQL format>.
  StringSettings ByteString
  deriving (Show)

data Error =
  BadStatus (Maybe ByteString) |
  UnsupportedVersion Int
  deriving (Show)

-- |
-- Establish and initialize a connection.
open :: Settings -> IO (Either Error PQ.Connection)
open s =
  runEitherT $ do
    c <- lift $ PQ.connectdb (settingsBS s)
      s <- lift $ PQ.status c
      when (s /= PQ.ConnectionOk) $ do
        m <- lift $ PQ.errorMessage c
        left $ BadStatus m
      v <- lift $ PQ.serverVersion c
      when (v < 80200) $ left $ UnsupportedVersion v
    lift $ PQ.exec c $ BL.toStrict $ BB.toLazyByteString $ mconcat $ map (<> BB.char7 ';') $ 
        BB.string7 "SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'",
        BB.string7 "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING"
    return c

settingsBS :: Settings -> ByteString
settingsBS =
    ParamSettings host port user password database ->
      BL.toStrict $ BB.toLazyByteString $ mconcat $ intersperse (BB.char7 ' ') $ catMaybes $
        mappend (BB.string7 "host=") . BB.byteString <$> 
        partial (not . B.null) host
        mappend (BB.string7 "port=") . BB.word16Dec <$> 
        partial (/= 0) port
        mappend (BB.string7 "user=") . BB.byteString <$> 
        partial (not . B.null) user
        mappend (BB.string7 "password=") . BB.byteString <$> 
        partial (not . B.null) password
        mappend (BB.string7 "dbname=") . BB.byteString <$> 
        partial (not . B.null) database
    StringSettings x -> x