# haspara [![Hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/haspara.svg?label=Hackage)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/haspara) ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/telostat/haspara) ![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/telostat/haspara) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/telostat/haspara) > **Note:** This software is under development and of prototype quality at the > moment. Expect significant breaking changes without notification until we > reach the first minor version. Until then, we will keep bumping the patch > version. *haspara* is a Haskell library that provides monetary definitions and a rudimentary (and experimental) accounting functionality. ## Development Before committing code to repository, reformat the code: ```sh stylish-haskell -i -r src/ ``` Compile the codebase, check warnings and errors: ```sh stack test stack build stack haddock ``` Run [hlint](https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint): ```sh hlint src/ ``` Run [weeder](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/weeder): ```sh weeder --require-hs-files ``` ## Making Releases 1. Switch to `develop` branch: ```sh git checkout develop ``` 1. Ensure that your development branch is up to date: ```sh git pull ``` 1. Checkout `main` branch: ```sh git checkout main ``` 1. Merge `develop` branch to `main`: ```sh git merge --no-ff develop ``` 1. Update the `version` information in [package.yaml](./package.yaml) if required and recompile the project to reflect the change on the `.cabal` file: ```sh stack build ``` 1. Update [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md) file: ```sh git-chglog --next-tag -o CHANGELOG.md ``` 1. Commit, tag and push: ```sh git commit -am "chore(release): " git tag -a -m "Release " git push --follow-tags origin main ``` 1. Release to Hackage as a candidate first and check the result: ```sh stack upload --pvp-bounds both --candidate . ``` 1. If the candidate package release works fine, release to Hackage: ```sh stack upload --pvp-bounds both . ``` 1. Checkout to `develop` and rebase onto `main`: ```sh git checkout develop git rebase main ``` 1. Update the `version` information in [package.yaml](./package.yaml) with the upcoming version and recompile the project to reflect the change on the `.cabal` file: ```sh stack build ``` 1. Commit and push: ```sh git commit -am "chore: bump development version to " git push ``` ## License Copyright Telostat Pte Ltd (c) 2021-2022. This work is licensed under MIT license. See [LICENSE](./LICENSE).