module Hasmin.Parser.Internal
( stylesheet
, atRule
, atMedia
, styleRule
, rule
, rules
, declaration
, declarations
, selector
, supportsCondition
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many, some, empty, optional)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (lookAhead, sepBy, endOfInput)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (asciiCI, char, many1, manyTill,
option, Parser, satisfy, string)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty( (:|) ))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LB
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Hasmin.Parser.Utils
import Hasmin.Parser.Value
import Hasmin.Types.Selector
import Hasmin.Types.Stylesheet
import Hasmin.Types.Declaration
import Hasmin.Types.String
selector :: Parser Selector
selector = Selector <$> compoundSelector <*> combinatorsAndSelectors
where combinatorsAndSelectors = many ((,) <$> combinator <* skipComments <*> compoundSelector)
combinator :: Parser Combinator
combinator = (skipComments *> ((string ">>" $> DescendantBrackets)
<|> (char '>' $> Child)
<|> (char '+' $> AdjacentSibling)
<|> (char '~' $> GeneralSibling)))
<|> (satisfy ws $> DescendantSpace)
where ws c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f'
compoundSelector :: Parser CompoundSelector
compoundSelector =
(:|) <$> (typeSelector <|> universal)
<*> many p
<|> ((Universal mempty :|) <$> many1 p)
where p = idSel <|> classSel <|> attributeSel <|> pseudo
idSel :: Parser SimpleSelector
idSel = do
_ <- char '#'
name <- mconcat <$> many1 nmchar
pure . IdSel . TL.toStrict $ toLazyText name
classSel :: Parser SimpleSelector
classSel = char '.' *> (ClassSel <$> ident)
attributeSel :: Parser SimpleSelector
attributeSel = do
_ <- char '['
attId <- lexeme ident
g <- option Attribute attValue
_ <- char ']'
pure $ AttributeSel (g attId)
where attValue = do
f <- ((string "^=" $> (:^=:)) <|>
(string "$=" $> (:$=:)) <|>
(string "*=" $> (:*=:)) <|>
(string "=" $> (:=:)) <|>
(string "~=" $> (:~=:)) <|>
(string "|=" $> (:|=:))) <* skipComments
attval <- identOrString <* skipComments
pure (`f` attval)
identOrString :: Parser (Either Text StringType)
identOrString = (Left <$> ident) <|> (Right <$> stringtype)
typeSelector :: Parser SimpleSelector
typeSelector = Type <$> opt namespacePrefix <*> ident
universal :: Parser SimpleSelector
universal = Universal <$> opt namespacePrefix <* char '*'
namespacePrefix :: Parser Text
namespacePrefix = opt (ident <|> string "*") <* char '|'
pseudo :: Parser SimpleSelector
pseudo = char ':' *> (pseudoElementSelector <|> pseudoClassSelector)
where pseudoClassSelector = do
i <- ident
c <- A.peekChar
case c of
Just '(' -> char '(' *> case Map.lookup (T.toCaseFold i) fpcMap of
Just p -> functionParser p
Nothing -> functionParser (FunctionalPseudoClass i <$> A.takeWhile (/= ')'))
_ -> pure $ PseudoClass i
pseudoElementSelector =
(char ':' *> (PseudoElem <$> ident)) <|> (ident >>= handleSpecialCase)
handleSpecialCase :: Text -> Parser SimpleSelector
handleSpecialCase t
| isSpecialPseudoElement = pure $ PseudoElem t
| otherwise = empty
where isSpecialPseudoElement = T.toCaseFold t `elem` specialPseudoElements
anplusb :: Parser AnPlusB
anplusb = (asciiCI "even" $> Even)
<|> (asciiCI "odd" $> Odd)
<|> do
s <- optional parseSign
dgts <- option mempty digits
case dgts of
[] -> ciN *> skipComments *> option (A s Nothing) (AB s Nothing <$> bValue)
_ -> let n = read dgts :: Int
in (ciN *> skipComments *> option (A s $ Just n) (AB s (Just n) <$> bValue))
<|> (pure . B $ getSign s * n)
where ciN = satisfy (\c -> c == 'N' || c == 'n')
parseSign = (char '-' $> Minus) <|> (char '+' $> Plus)
getSign (Just Minus) = 1
getSign _ = 1
bValue = do
readPlus <- (char '-' $> False) <|> (char '+' $> True)
d <- skipComments *> digits
if readPlus
then pure $ read d
else pure $ read ('-':d)
fpcMap :: Map Text (Parser SimpleSelector)
fpcMap = Map.fromList
[buildTuple "nth-of-type" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
,buildTuple "nth-last-of-type" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
,buildTuple "nth-column" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
,buildTuple "nth-last-column" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass2 x <$> anplusb)
,buildTuple "not" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass1 x <$> compoundSelectorList)
,buildTuple "matches" (\x -> FunctionalPseudoClass1 x <$> compoundSelectorList)
,buildTuple "nth-child" (anbAndSelectors . FunctionalPseudoClass3)
,buildTuple "nth-last-child" (anbAndSelectors . FunctionalPseudoClass3)
,buildTuple "lang" (const (Lang <$> identOrString))
where buildTuple t c = (t, c t)
compoundSelectorList = (:) <$> compoundSelector <*> many (comma *> compoundSelector)
anbAndSelectors constructor = do
a <- anplusb <* skipComments
o <- option [] (asciiCI "of" *> skipComments *> compoundSelectorList)
pure $ constructor a o
selectors :: Parser [Selector]
selectors = lexeme selector `sepBy` char ','
declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration = do
p <- property <* colon
v <- valuesFor p <|> valuesFallback
i <- important
ie <- lexeme iehack
pure $ Declaration p v i ie
property :: Parser Text
property = mappend <$> opt ie7orLessHack <*> ident
where ie7orLessHack = T.singleton <$> satisfy (`Set.member` ie7orLessHacks)
ie7orLessHacks = Set.fromList ("!$&*()=%+@,./`[]#~?:<>|" :: String)
important :: Parser Bool
important = option False (char '!' *> skipComments *> asciiCI "important" $> True)
iehack :: Parser Bool
iehack = option False (string "\\9" $> True)
declarations :: Parser [Declaration]
declarations = many (declaration <* handleSemicolons) <* handleSemicolons
where handleSemicolons = many (string ";" *> skipComments)
atRule :: Parser Rule
atRule = do
_ <- char '@'
ruleType <- ident
fromMaybe (atBlock ruleType) (Map.lookup ruleType m)
where m = Map.fromList [("charset", atCharset)
,("import", atImport)
,("namespace", atNamespace)
,("media", atMedia)
,("supports", atSupports)
,("font-face", skipComments *> atBlock "font-face")
,("keyframes", atKeyframe mempty )
,("-webkit-keyframes", atKeyframe "-webkit-")
,("-moz-keyframes", atKeyframe "-moz-")
,("-o-keyframes", atKeyframe "-o-")
atImport :: Parser Rule
atImport = do
esu <- skipComments *> stringOrUrl
mql <- option [] mediaQueryList
_ <- skipComments <* char ';'
pure $ AtImport esu mql
atCharset :: Parser Rule
atCharset = AtCharset <$> (lexeme stringtype <* char ';')
atNamespace :: Parser Rule
atNamespace = do
i <- skipComments *> option mempty ident
ret <- if T.null i
then (AtNamespace i . Left) <$> stringtype
else decideBasedOn i
_ <- skipComments <* char ';'
pure ret
where decideBasedOn x
| T.toCaseFold x == "url" =
do c <- A.peekChar
case c of
Just '(' -> AtNamespace mempty <$> (char '(' *> (Right <$> url))
_ -> AtNamespace x <$> (skipComments *> stringOrUrl)
| otherwise = AtNamespace x <$> (skipComments *> stringOrUrl)
atKeyframe :: Text -> Parser Rule
atKeyframe t = do
name <- lexeme ident <* char '{'
bs <- many (keyframeBlock <* skipComments)
_ <- char '}'
pure $ AtKeyframes t name bs
keyframeBlock :: Parser KeyframeBlock
keyframeBlock = do
sel <- lexeme kfsList
ds <- char '{' *> skipComments *> declarations <* char '}'
pure $ KeyframeBlock sel ds
where from = asciiCI "from" $> From
to = asciiCI "to" $> To
keyframeSelector = from <|> to <|> (KFPercentage <$> percentage)
kfsList = (:) <$> keyframeSelector <*> many (comma *> keyframeSelector)
atMedia :: Parser Rule
atMedia = do
m <- satisfy C.isSpace *> mediaQueryList
_ <- char '{' <* skipComments
r <- manyTill (rule <* skipComments) (lookAhead (char '}'))
_ <- char '}'
pure $ AtMedia m r
atSupports :: Parser Rule
atSupports = do
sc <- satisfy C.isSpace *> supportsCondition
_ <- lexeme (char '{')
r <- manyTill (rule <* skipComments) (lookAhead (char '}'))
_ <- char '}'
pure $ AtSupports sc r
supportsCondition :: Parser SupportsCondition
supportsCondition = asciiCI "not" *> skipComments *> (Not <$> supportsCondInParens)
<|> supportsConjunction
<|> supportsDisjunction
<|> (Parens <$> supportsCondInParens)
supportsDisjunction :: Parser SupportsCondition
supportsDisjunction = supportsHelper Or "or"
supportsConjunction :: Parser SupportsCondition
supportsConjunction = supportsHelper And "and"
supportsCondInParens :: Parser SupportsCondInParens
supportsCondInParens = do
_ <- char '('
x <- lexeme $ (ParensCond <$> supportsCondition) <|> (ParensDec <$> atSupportsDeclaration)
_ <- char ')'
pure x
atSupportsDeclaration :: Parser Declaration
atSupportsDeclaration = do
p <- property <* colon
v <- valuesFor p <|> valuesInParens
pure $ Declaration p v False False
supportsHelper :: (SupportsCondInParens -> NonEmpty SupportsCondInParens -> SupportsCondition)
-> Text -> Parser SupportsCondition
supportsHelper c t = do
x <- supportsCondInParens <* skipComments
xs <- some (asciiCI t *> lexeme supportsCondInParens)
pure $ c x (NE.fromList xs)
atBlock :: Text -> Parser Rule
atBlock i = do
t <- mappend i <$> A.takeWhile (/= '{') <* char '{'
r <- skipComments *> ((AtBlockWithDec t <$> declarations) <|> (AtBlockWithRules t <$> manyTill (rule <* skipComments) (lookAhead (char '}'))))
_ <- char '}'
pure r
styleRule :: Parser Rule
styleRule = do
sels <- selectors <* char '{' <* skipComments
decs <- declarations <* char '}'
pure $ StyleRule sels decs
rule :: Parser Rule
rule = atRule <|> styleRule
rules :: Parser [Rule]
rules = manyTill (rule <* skipComments) endOfInput
stylesheet :: Parser [Rule]
stylesheet = do
charset <- option [] ((:[]) <$> atCharset <* skipComments)
imports <- many (atImport <* skipComments)
namespaces <- many (atNamespace <* skipComments)
_ <- skipComments
rest <- rules
pure $ charset <> imports <> namespaces <> rest
mediaQueryList :: Parser [MediaQuery]
mediaQueryList = lexeme ((:) <$> mediaQuery <*> many (char ',' *> skipComments *> mediaQuery))
mediaQuery :: Parser MediaQuery
mediaQuery = mediaQuery1 <|> mediaQuery2
where mediaQuery1 = MediaQuery1 <$> optionalNotOrOnly <*> mediaType <*> andExpressions
mediaQuery2 = MediaQuery2 <$> ((:) <$> expression <*> andExpressions)
mediaType = lexeme ident
andExpressions = many (h *> expression)
h = lexeme (asciiCI "and" *> satisfy C.isSpace)
optionalNotOrOnly = option mempty (asciiCI "not" <|> asciiCI "only")
expression :: Parser Expression
expression = char '(' *> skipComments *> (expr <|> expFallback)
where expr = do
e <- ident <* skipComments
v <- optional (char ':' *> lexeme value)
_ <- char ')'
pure $ Expression e v
expFallback = InvalidExpression <$> A.takeWhile (/= ')') <* char ')'