{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Server.Handler where import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMChan (TBMChan) import Control.Exception (SomeException (..), tryJust) import Control.Monad (liftM, unless, when) import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, throwM) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLoggerIO, logError, logInfo) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, lift, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource) import Data.Aeson (Value (..), toJSON) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M (elems, fromList, intersectionWith) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import Data.Word (Word32) import Database.Esqueleto (Entity (..), SqlPersistT) import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, SqlPersistM, runSqlPersistMPool, runSqlPool) import Network.Haskoin.Block import Network.Haskoin.Crypto import Network.Haskoin.Node.BlockChain import Network.Haskoin.Node.HeaderTree import Network.Haskoin.Node.Peer import Network.Haskoin.Node.STM import Network.Haskoin.Transaction import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Accounts import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Block import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Model import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Settings import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Transaction import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Types type Handler m = ReaderT HandlerSession m data HandlerSession = HandlerSession { handlerConfig :: !Config , handlerPool :: !ConnectionPool , handlerNodeState :: !(Maybe SharedNodeState) , handlerNotifChan :: !(TBMChan Notif) } runHandler :: Monad m => Handler m a -> HandlerSession -> m a runHandler = runReaderT runDB :: MonadBaseControl IO m => SqlPersistT m a -> Handler m a runDB action = asks handlerPool >>= lift . runDBPool action runDBPool :: MonadBaseControl IO m => SqlPersistT m a -> ConnectionPool -> m a runDBPool = runSqlPool tryDBPool :: MonadLoggerIO m => ConnectionPool -> SqlPersistM a -> m (Maybe a) tryDBPool pool action = do resE <- liftIO $ tryJust f $ runSqlPersistMPool action pool case resE of Right res -> return $ Just res Left err -> do $(logError) $ pack $ unwords [ "A database error occured:", err] return Nothing where f (SomeException e) = Just $ show e runNode :: MonadIO m => NodeT m a -> Handler m a runNode action = do nodeStateM <- asks handlerNodeState case nodeStateM of Just nodeState -> lift $ runNodeT action nodeState _ -> error "runNode: No node state available" {- Server Handlers -} getAccountsR :: ( MonadLoggerIO m , MonadBaseControl IO m , MonadBase IO m , MonadThrow m , MonadResource m ) => ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getAccountsR lq@ListRequest{..} = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetAccountsR" , " Offset : " ++ show listOffset , " Limit : " ++ show listLimit , " Reversed : " ++ show listReverse ] (accs, cnt) <- runDB $ accounts lq return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult (map (toJsonAccount Nothing) accs) cnt postAccountsR :: (MonadResource m, MonadThrow m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => NewAccount -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postAccountsR newAcc@NewAccount{..} = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostAccountsR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack newAccountName , " Account type: " ++ show newAccountType ] (Entity _ newAcc', mnemonicM) <- runDB $ newAccount newAcc -- Update the bloom filter if the account is complete whenOnline $ when (isCompleteAccount newAcc') updateNodeFilter return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAccount mnemonicM newAcc' postAccountRenameR :: (MonadResource m, MonadThrow m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => AccountName -> AccountName -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postAccountRenameR oldName newName = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostAccountRenameR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack oldName , " New name : " ++ unpack newName ] newAcc <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount oldName renameAccount accE newName return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAccount Nothing newAcc getAccountR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getAccountR name = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetAccountR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name ] Entity _ acc <- runDB $ getAccount name return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAccount Nothing acc postAccountKeysR :: (MonadResource m, MonadThrow m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => AccountName -> [XPubKey] -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postAccountKeysR name keys = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostAccountKeysR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Key count : " ++ show (length keys) ] newAcc <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name addAccountKeys accE keys -- Update the bloom filter if the account is complete whenOnline $ when (isCompleteAccount newAcc) updateNodeFilter return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAccount Nothing newAcc postAccountGapR :: ( MonadLoggerIO m , MonadBaseControl IO m , MonadBase IO m , MonadThrow m , MonadResource m ) => AccountName -> SetAccountGap -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postAccountGapR name (SetAccountGap gap) = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostAccountGapR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " New gap size: " ++ show gap ] -- Update the gap Entity _ newAcc <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name setAccountGap accE gap -- Update the bloom filter whenOnline updateNodeFilter return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAccount Nothing newAcc getAddressesR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> AddressType -> Word32 -> Bool -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getAddressesR name addrType minConf offline listReq = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetAddressesR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Address type: " ++ show addrType , " Start index : " ++ show (listOffset listReq) , " Reversed : " ++ show (listReverse listReq) , " MinConf : " ++ show minConf , " Offline : " ++ show offline ] (res, bals, cnt) <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name (res, cnt) <- addressList accE addrType listReq case res of [] -> return (res, [], cnt) _ -> do let is = map walletAddrIndex res (iMin, iMax) = (minimum is, maximum is) bals <- addressBalances accE iMin iMax addrType minConf offline return (res, bals, cnt) -- Join addresses and balances together let g (addr, bal) = toJsonAddr addr (Just bal) addrBals = map g $ M.elems $ joinAddrs res bals return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult addrBals cnt where joinAddrs addrs bals = let f addr = (walletAddrIndex addr, addr) in M.intersectionWith (,) (M.fromList $ map f addrs) (M.fromList bals) getAddressesUnusedR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> AddressType -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getAddressesUnusedR name addrType lq@ListRequest{..} = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetAddressesUnusedR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Address type: " ++ show addrType , " Offset : " ++ show listOffset , " Limit : " ++ show listLimit , " Reversed : " ++ show listReverse ] (addrs, cnt) <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name unusedAddresses accE addrType lq return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult (map (`toJsonAddr` Nothing) addrs) cnt getAddressR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> KeyIndex -> AddressType -> Word32 -> Bool -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getAddressR name i addrType minConf offline = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetAddressR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Index : " ++ show i , " Address type: " ++ show addrType ] (addr, balM) <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name addrE <- getAddress accE addrType i bals <- addressBalances accE i i addrType minConf offline return $ case bals of ((_,bal):_) -> (entityVal addrE, Just bal) _ -> (entityVal addrE, Nothing) return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAddr addr balM putAddressR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> KeyIndex -> AddressType -> AddressLabel -> Handler m (Maybe Value) putAddressR name i addrType (AddressLabel label) = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PutAddressR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Index : " ++ show i , " Label : " ++ unpack label ] newAddr <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name setAddrLabel accE i addrType label return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonAddr newAddr Nothing postAddressesR :: ( MonadLoggerIO m , MonadBaseControl IO m , MonadThrow m , MonadBase IO m , MonadResource m ) => AccountName -> KeyIndex -> AddressType -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postAddressesR name i addrType = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostAddressesR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Index : " ++ show i ] cnt <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name generateAddrs accE addrType i -- Update the bloom filter whenOnline updateNodeFilter return $ Just $ toJSON cnt getTxs :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> ListRequest -> String -> (AccountId -> ListRequest -> SqlPersistT m ([WalletTx], Word32)) -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getTxs name lq@ListRequest{..} cmd f = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ cmd , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Offset : " ++ show listOffset , " Limit : " ++ show listLimit , " Reversed : " ++ show listReverse ] (res, cnt, bb) <- runDB $ do Entity ai _ <- getAccount name bb <- walletBestBlock (res, cnt) <- f ai lq return (res, cnt, bb) return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult (map (g bb) res) cnt where g bb = toJsonTx name (Just bb) getTxsR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getTxsR name lq = getTxs name lq "GetTxsR" (txs Nothing) getPendingR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getPendingR name lq = getTxs name lq "GetPendingR" (txs (Just TxPending)) getDeadR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getDeadR name lq = getTxs name lq "GetDeadR" (txs (Just TxDead)) getAddrTxsR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> KeyIndex -> AddressType -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getAddrTxsR name index addrType lq@ListRequest{..} = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetAddrTxsR" , " Account name : " ++ unpack name , " Address index: " ++ show index , " Address type : " ++ show addrType , " Offset : " ++ show listOffset , " Limit : " ++ show listLimit , " Reversed : " ++ show listReverse ] (res, cnt, bb) <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name addrE <- getAddress accE addrType index bb <- walletBestBlock (res, cnt) <- addrTxs accE addrE lq return (res, cnt, bb) return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult (map (f bb) res) cnt where f bb = toJsonTx name (Just bb) postTxsR :: ( MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m , MonadThrow m, MonadResource m ) => AccountName -> Maybe XPrvKey -> TxAction -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postTxsR name masterM action = do (accE@(Entity ai _), bb) <- runDB $ do accE <- getAccount name bb <- walletBestBlock return (accE, bb) notif <- asks handlerNotifChan (txRes, newAddrs) <- case action of CreateTx rs fee minconf rcptFee sign -> do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostTxsR CreateTx" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Recipients : " ++ show (map (first addrToBase58) rs) , " Fee : " ++ show fee , " Minconf : " ++ show minconf , " Rcpt. Fee : " ++ show rcptFee , " Sign : " ++ show sign ] runDB $ createWalletTx accE (Just notif) masterM rs fee minconf rcptFee sign ImportTx tx -> do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostTxsR ImportTx" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " TxId : " ++ cs (txHashToHex (txHash tx)) ] runDB $ do (res, newAddrs) <- importTx tx (Just notif) ai case filter ((== ai) . walletTxAccount) res of (txRes:_) -> return (txRes, newAddrs) _ -> throwM $ WalletException "Could not import the transaction" SignTx txid -> do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostTxsR SignTx" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " TxId : " ++ cs (txHashToHex txid) ] runDB $ do (res, newAddrs) <- signAccountTx accE (Just notif) masterM txid case filter ((== ai) . walletTxAccount) res of (txRes:_) -> return (txRes, newAddrs) _ -> throwM $ WalletException "Could not import the transaction" whenOnline $ do -- Update the bloom filter unless (null newAddrs) updateNodeFilter -- If the transaction is pending, broadcast it to the network when (walletTxConfidence txRes == TxPending) $ runNode $ broadcastTxs [walletTxHash txRes] return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonTx name (Just bb) txRes getTxR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> TxHash -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getTxR name txid = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetTxR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " TxId : " ++ cs (txHashToHex txid) ] (res, bb) <- runDB $ do Entity ai _ <- getAccount name bb <- walletBestBlock res <- getAccountTx ai txid return (res, bb) return $ Just $ toJSON $ toJsonTx name (Just bb) res deleteTxIdR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => TxHash -> Handler m (Maybe Value) deleteTxIdR txid = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "DeleteTxR" , " TxId: " ++ cs (txHashToHex txid) ] runDB $ deleteTx txid return Nothing getBalanceR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => AccountName -> Word32 -> Bool -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getBalanceR name minconf offline = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetBalanceR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack name , " Minconf : " ++ show minconf , " Offline : " ++ show offline ] bal <- runDB $ do Entity ai _ <- getAccount name accountBalance ai minconf offline return $ Just $ toJSON bal getOfflineTxR :: ( MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m , MonadBase IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadResource m ) => AccountName -> TxHash -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getOfflineTxR accountName txid = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetOfflineTxR" , " Account name: " ++ unpack accountName , " TxId : " ++ cs (txHashToHex txid) ] (dat, _) <- runDB $ do Entity ai _ <- getAccount accountName getOfflineTxData ai txid return $ Just $ toJSON dat postOfflineTxR :: ( MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m , MonadBase IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadResource m ) => AccountName -> Maybe XPrvKey -> Tx -> [CoinSignData] -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postOfflineTxR accountName masterM tx signData = do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "PostTxsR SignOfflineTx" , " Account name: " ++ unpack accountName , " TxId : " ++ cs (txHashToHex (txHash tx)) ] Entity _ acc <- runDB $ getAccount accountName let signedTx = signOfflineTx acc masterM tx signData complete = verifyStdTx signedTx $ map toDat signData toDat CoinSignData{..} = (coinSignScriptOutput, coinSignOutPoint) return $ Just $ toJSON $ TxCompleteRes signedTx complete postNodeR :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) => NodeAction -> Handler m (Maybe Value) postNodeR action = case action of NodeActionRescan tM -> do t <- case tM of Just t -> return $ adjustFCTime t Nothing -> do timeM <- runDB firstAddrTime maybe err (return . adjustFCTime) timeM $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "NodeR Rescan" , " Timestamp: " ++ show t ] whenOnline $ do runDB resetRescan runNode $ atomicallyNodeT $ rescanTs t return $ Just $ toJSON $ RescanRes t NodeActionStatus -> do status <- runNode $ atomicallyNodeT nodeStatus return $ Just $ toJSON status where err = throwM $ WalletException "No keys have been generated in the wallet" getSyncR :: (MonadThrow m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => AccountName -> Either BlockHeight BlockHash -> ListRequest -> Handler m (Maybe Value) getSyncR acc blockE lq@ListRequest{..} = runDB $ do $(logInfo) $ format $ unlines [ "GetSyncR" , " Account name: " ++ cs acc , " Block : " ++ showBlock , " Offset : " ++ show listOffset , " Limit : " ++ show listLimit , " Reversed : " ++ show listReverse ] ListResult nodes cnt <- mainChain blockE lq case nodes of [] -> return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult ([] :: [()]) cnt b:_ -> do Entity ai _ <- getAccount acc ts <- accTxsFromBlock ai (nodeBlockHeight b) (fromIntegral $ length nodes) let bts = blockTxs nodes ts return $ Just $ toJSON $ ListResult (map f bts) cnt where f (block, txs') = JsonSyncBlock { jsonSyncBlockHash = nodeHash block , jsonSyncBlockHeight = nodeBlockHeight block , jsonSyncBlockPrev = nodePrev block , jsonSyncBlockTxs = map (toJsonTx acc Nothing) txs' } showBlock = case blockE of Left e -> show e Right b -> cs $ blockHashToHex b {- Helpers -} whenOnline :: Monad m => Handler m () -> Handler m () whenOnline handler = do mode <- configMode `liftM` asks handlerConfig when (mode == SPVOnline) handler updateNodeFilter :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadThrow m) => Handler m () updateNodeFilter = do $(logInfo) $ format "Sending a new bloom filter" (bloom, elems, _) <- runDB getBloomFilter runNode $ atomicallyNodeT $ sendBloomFilter bloom elems adjustFCTime :: Timestamp -> Timestamp adjustFCTime ts = fromInteger $ max 0 $ toInteger ts - 86400 * 7 format :: String -> Text format str = pack $ "[ZeroMQ] " ++ str