{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Node.Peer where

import           Control.Concurrent              (killThread, myThreadId,
import           Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted (link, race, waitAnyCancel,
                                                  waitCatch, withAsync)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM          (STM, atomically, modifyTVar',
                                                  newTVarIO, readTVar, retry,
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMChan  (TBMChan, closeTBMChan,
                                                  newTBMChan, writeTBMChan)
import           Control.Exception               (AsyncException(ThreadKilled))
import           Control.Exception.Lifted        (finally, fromException, throw,
import           Control.Monad                   (forM_, forever, join, unless,
import           Control.Monad.Logger            (MonadLoggerIO, logDebug,
                                                  logError, logInfo, logWarn)
import           Control.Monad.Reader            (asks)
import           Control.Monad.State             (StateT, evalStateT, get, put)
import           Control.Monad.Trans             (MonadIO, lift, liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control     (MonadBaseControl)
import           Data.Bits                       (testBit)
import qualified Data.ByteString                 as BS (ByteString, append,
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8           as C (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy            as BL (toStrict)
import           Data.Conduit                    (Conduit, Sink, awaitForever,
                                                  yield, ($$), ($=))
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary             as CB (take)
import           Data.Conduit.Network            (appSink, appSource,
import           Data.Conduit.TMChan             (sourceTBMChan)
import           Data.List                       (nub, sort, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map                        as M (assocs, elems, fromList,
                                                       keys, lookup, unionWith)
import           Data.Maybe                      (fromMaybe, isJust,
import           Data.Serialize                  (decode, encode)
import           Data.String.Conversions         (cs)
import           Data.Text                       (Text, pack)
import           Data.Time.Clock                 (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX           (getPOSIXTime)
import           Data.Unique                     (hashUnique, newUnique)
import           Data.Word                       (Word32)
import           Network.Haskoin.Block
import           Network.Haskoin.Constants
import           Network.Haskoin.Node
import           Network.Haskoin.Node.HeaderTree
import           Network.Haskoin.Node.STM
import           Network.Haskoin.Transaction
import           Network.Haskoin.Util
import           Network.Socket                  (SockAddr (SockAddrInet))
import           System.Random                   (randomIO)

-- TODO: Move constants elsewhere ?
minProtocolVersion :: Word32
minProtocolVersion = 70001

-- Start a reconnecting peer that will idle once the connection is established
-- and the handshake is performed.
startPeer :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
          => PeerHost
          -> NodeT m ()
startPeer ph@PeerHost{..} = do
    -- Create a new unique ID for this peer
    pid <- liftIO newUnique
    -- Start the peer with the given PID
    startPeerPid pid ph

-- Start a peer that will try to reconnect when the connection is closed. The
-- reconnections are performed using an expoential backoff time. This function
-- blocks until the peer cannot reconnect (either the peer is banned or we
-- already have a peer connected to the given peer host).
startReconnectPeer :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
                   => PeerHost
                   -> NodeT m ()
startReconnectPeer ph@PeerHost{..} = do
    -- Create a new unique ID for this peer
    pid <- liftIO newUnique
    -- Wait if there is a reconnection timeout
    maybeWaitReconnect pid
    -- Launch the peer
    withAsync (startPeerPid pid ph) $ \a -> do
        resE <- liftIO $ waitCatch a
        reconnect <- case resE of
            Left se -> do
                $(logError) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                    [ "Peer thread stopped with exception:", show se ]
                return $ case fromException se of
                    Just  NodeExceptionBanned         -> False
                    Just  NodeExceptionConnected      -> False
                    Just (NodeExceptionInvalidPeer _) -> False
                    _ -> fromException se /= Just ThreadKilled
            Right _ -> do
                $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Peer thread stopped"
                return True
        -- Try to reconnect
        when reconnect $ startReconnectPeer ph
    maybeWaitReconnect pid = do
        reconnect <- atomicallyNodeT $ do
            sessM <- getHostSession ph
            case sessM of
                Just PeerHostSession{..} -> do
                    -- Compute the new reconnection time (max 15 minutes)
                    let reconnect = min 900 $ 2 * peerHostSessionReconnect
                    -- Save the reconnection time
                    modifyHostSession ph $ \s ->
                        s{ peerHostSessionReconnect = reconnect }
                    return reconnect
                _ -> return 0

        when (reconnect > 0) $ do
            $(logInfo) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                [ "Reconnecting peer in", show reconnect, "seconds" ]
            -- Wait for some time before calling a reconnection
            liftIO $ threadDelay $ reconnect * 1000000

-- Start a peer with with the given peer host/peer id and initiate the
-- network protocol handshake. This function will block until the peer
-- connection is closed or an exception is raised.
startPeerPid :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
             => PeerId
             -> PeerHost
             -> NodeT m ()
startPeerPid pid ph@PeerHost{..} = do
    -- Check if the peer host is banned
    banned <- atomicallyNodeT $ isPeerHostBanned ph
    when banned $ do
        $(logWarn) $ formatPid pid ph "Failed to start banned host"
        liftIO $ throwIO NodeExceptionBanned

    -- Check if the peer host is already connected
    connected <- atomicallyNodeT $ isPeerHostConnected ph
    when connected $ do
        $(logWarn) $ formatPid pid ph "This host is already connected"
        liftIO $ throwIO NodeExceptionConnected

    tid     <- liftIO myThreadId
    chan    <- liftIO . atomically $ newTBMChan 1024
    mChan   <- liftIO . atomically $ newTBMChan 1024
    pings   <- liftIO $ newTVarIO []
    atomicallyNodeT $ do
        newPeerSession pid PeerSession
            { peerSessionConnected  = False
            , peerSessionVersion    = Nothing
            , peerSessionHeight     = 0
            , peerSessionChan       = chan
            , peerSessionHost       = ph
            , peerSessionThreadId   = tid
            , peerSessionMerkleChan = mChan
            , peerSessionPings      = pings
            , peerSessionScore      = Nothing
        newHostSession ph PeerHostSession
            { peerHostSessionScore     = 0
            , peerHostSessionReconnect = 1
            , peerHostSessionLog       = []

    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Starting a new client TCP connection"

    -- Start the client TCP connection
    let c  = clientSettings peerPort $ C.pack peerHost
    runGeneralTCPClient c (peerTCPClient chan) `finally` cleanupPeer
    return ()
    peerTCPClient chan ad = do
            -- Conduit for receiving messages from the remote host
        let recvMsg = appSource ad $$ decodeMessage pid ph
            -- Conduit for sending messages to the remote host
            sendMsg = sourceTBMChan chan $= encodeMessage $$ appSink ad

        withAsync (evalStateT recvMsg Nothing) $ \a1 -> link a1 >> do
            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph
                "Receiving message thread started..."
            withAsync sendMsg $ \a2 -> link a2 >> do
                $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph
                    "Sending message thread started..."
                -- Perform the peer handshake before we continue
                -- Timeout after 2 minutes
                resE <- raceTimeout 120 (disconnectPeer pid ph)
                                        (peerHandshake pid ph chan)
                case resE of
                    Left _ -> $(logError) $ formatPid pid ph
                        "Peer timed out during the connection handshake"
                    _ -> do
                        -- Send the bloom filter if we have one
                        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph
                            "Sending the bloom filter if we have one"
                        atomicallyNodeT $ do
                            bloomM <- readTVarS sharedBloomFilter
                            case bloomM of
                                Just (bloom, _) ->
                                    sendMessage pid $
                                        MFilterLoad $ FilterLoad bloom
                                _ -> return ()
                        withAsync (peerPing pid ph) $ \a3 -> link a3 >> do
                            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Ping thread started"
                            _ <- liftIO $ waitAnyCancel [a1, a2, a3]
                            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Exiting peer TCP thread"
                            return ()

    cleanupPeer = do
        $(logWarn) $ formatPid pid ph "Peer is closing. Running cleanup..."
        atomicallyNodeT $ do
            -- Remove the header syncing peer if necessary
            hPidM <- readTVarS sharedHeaderPeer
            when (hPidM == Just pid) $ writeTVarS sharedHeaderPeer Nothing
            -- Remove the merkle syncing peer if necessary
            mPidM <- readTVarS sharedMerklePeer
            when (mPidM == Just pid) $ writeTVarS sharedMerklePeer Nothing
            -- Remove the session and close the channels
            sessM <- removePeerSession pid
            case sessM of
                Just PeerSession{..} -> lift $ do
                    closeTBMChan peerSessionChan
                    closeTBMChan peerSessionMerkleChan
                _ -> return ()
            -- Update the network height

-- Return True if the PeerHost is banned
isPeerHostBanned :: PeerHost -> NodeT STM Bool
isPeerHostBanned ph = do
    hostMap <- readTVarS sharedHostMap
    case M.lookup ph hostMap of
        Just sessTVar -> do
            sess <- lift $ readTVar sessTVar
            return $ isHostScoreBanned $ peerHostSessionScore sess
        _ -> return False

-- Returns True if we have a peer connected to that PeerHost already
isPeerHostConnected :: PeerHost -> NodeT STM Bool
isPeerHostConnected ph = do
    peerMap <- readTVarS sharedPeerMap
    sess <- lift $ mapM readTVar $ M.elems peerMap
    return $ ph `elem` map peerSessionHost sess

-- | Decode messages sent from the remote host and send them to the peers main
-- message queue for processing. If we receive invalid messages, this function
-- will also notify the PeerManager about a misbehaving remote host.
    :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
    => PeerId
    -> PeerHost
    -> Sink BS.ByteString (StateT (Maybe (MerkleBlock, MerkleTxs)) (NodeT m)) ()
decodeMessage pid ph = do
    -- Message header is always 24 bytes
    headerBytes <- BL.toStrict <$> CB.take 24
    -- If headerBytes is empty, the conduit has disconnected and we need to
    -- exit (not recurse). Otherwise, we go into an infinite loop here.
    unless (BS.null headerBytes) $ do
        -- Introspection required to know the length of the payload
        case decode headerBytes of
            Left err -> lift . lift $ misbehaving pid ph moderateDoS $ unwords
                [ "Could not decode message header:", err
                , "Bytes:", cs (encodeHex headerBytes)
            Right (MessageHeader _ cmd len _) -> do
                $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                    [ "Received message header of type", show cmd ]
                payloadBytes <- BL.toStrict <$> CB.take (fromIntegral len)
                case decode $ headerBytes `BS.append` payloadBytes of
                    Left err -> lift . lift $ misbehaving pid ph moderateDoS $
                        unwords [ "Could not decode message payload:", err ]
                    Right msg -> lift $ processMessage pid ph msg
        decodeMessage pid ph

-- Handle a message from a peer
processMessage :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
               => PeerId
               -> PeerHost
               -> Message
               -> StateT (Maybe (MerkleBlock, MerkleTxs)) (NodeT m) ()
processMessage pid ph msg = checkMerkleEnd >> case msg of
    MVersion v -> lift $ do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MVersion message"
        join . atomicallyNodeT $ do
            oldVerM <- peerSessionVersion <$> getPeerSession pid
            case oldVerM of
                Just _ -> do
                    _ <- trySendMessage pid $ MReject $ reject
                        MCVersion RejectDuplicate "Duplicate version message"
                    return $
                        misbehaving pid ph minorDoS "Duplicate version message"
                Nothing -> do
                    modifyPeerSession pid $ \s ->
                        s{ peerSessionVersion = Just v }
                    return $ return ()
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Done processing MVersion message"
    MPing (Ping nonce) -> lift $ do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MPing message"
        -- Just reply to the Ping with a Pong message
        _ <- atomicallyNodeT $ trySendMessage pid $ MPong $ Pong nonce
        return ()
    MPong (Pong nonce) -> lift $ do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MPong message"
        atomicallyNodeT $ do
            PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
            -- Add the Pong response time
            lift $ modifyTVar' peerSessionPings (++ [nonce])
    MHeaders h -> lift $ do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MHeaders message"
        _ <- atomicallyNodeT $ tryPutTMVarS sharedHeaders (pid, h)
        return ()
    MInv inv -> lift $ do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MInv message"
        processInvMessage pid ph inv
    MGetData (GetData inv) -> do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MGetData message"
        let txlist = filter ((== InvTx) . invType) inv
            txids  = nub $ map (TxHash . invHash) txlist
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unlines $
            "Received GetData request for transactions"
            : map (("  " ++) . cs . txHashToHex) txids
        -- Add the txids to the GetData request map
        mapTVar <- asks sharedTxGetData
        liftIO . atomically $ modifyTVar' mapTVar $ \datMap ->
            let newMap = M.fromList $ map (\tid -> (tid, [(pid, ph)])) txids
            in  M.unionWith (\x -> nub . (x ++)) newMap datMap
    MTx tx -> do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MTx message"
        PeerSession{..} <- lift . atomicallyNodeT $ getPeerSession pid
        txChan <- lift $ asks sharedTxChan
        get >>= \merkleM -> case merkleM of
            Just (_, mTxs) -> if txHash tx `elem` mTxs
                then do
                    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                        [ "Received merkle tx", cs $ txHashToHex $ txHash tx ]
                    liftIO . atomically $
                        writeTBMChan peerSessionMerkleChan $ Right tx
                else do
                    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                        [ "Received tx broadcast (ending a merkle block)"
                        , cs $ txHashToHex $ txHash tx
                    liftIO . atomically $ writeTBMChan txChan (pid, ph, tx)
            _ -> do
                $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                    [ "Received tx broadcast", cs $ txHashToHex $ txHash tx ]
                liftIO . atomically $ writeTBMChan txChan (pid, ph, tx)
    MMerkleBlock mb@(MerkleBlock mHead ntx hs fs) -> do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Processing MMerkleBlock message"
        case extractMatches fs hs (fromIntegral ntx) of
            Left err -> lift $ misbehaving pid ph severeDoS $ unwords
                [ "Received an invalid merkle block:", err ]
            Right (decodedRoot, mTxs) ->
                -- Make sure that the merkle roots match
                if decodedRoot == merkleRoot mHead
                    then do
                        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                            [ "Received valid merkle block"
                            , cs $ blockHashToHex $ headerHash mHead
                        forM_ mTxs $ \h ->
                            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                                [ "Matched merkle tx:", cs $ txHashToHex h ]
                        if null mTxs
                            -- Deliver the merkle block
                            then lift . atomicallyNodeT $ do
                                PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
                                lift $ writeTBMChan peerSessionMerkleChan $
                                    Left (mb, [])
                            -- Buffer the merkle block until we received all txs
                            else put $ Just (mb, mTxs)
                    else lift $ misbehaving pid ph severeDoS
                        "Received a merkle block with an invalid merkle root"
    _ -> return () -- Ignore other requests
    checkMerkleEnd = unless (isTxMsg msg) endMerkle
    endMerkle = get >>= \merkleM -> case merkleM of
        Just (mb, mTxs) -> do
            lift . atomicallyNodeT $ do
                PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
                lift $ writeTBMChan peerSessionMerkleChan $ Left (mb, mTxs)
            put Nothing
        _ -> return ()
    isTxMsg (MTx _) = True
    isTxMsg _       = False

processInvMessage :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
                  => PeerId
                  -> PeerHost
                  -> Inv
                  -> NodeT m ()
processInvMessage pid ph (Inv vs) = case tickleM of
    Just tickle -> do
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
            [ "Received block tickle", cs $ blockHashToHex tickle ]
        tickleChan <- asks sharedTickleChan
        liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBMChan tickleChan (pid, ph, tickle)
    _ -> do
        unless (null txlist) $ do
            forM_ txlist $ \tid -> $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                [ "Received transaction INV", cs (txHashToHex tid) ]
            -- We simply request the transactions.
            -- TODO: Should we do something more elaborate here?
            atomicallyNodeT $ sendMessage pid $ MGetData $ GetData $
                map (InvVector InvTx . getTxHash) txlist
        unless (null blocklist) $ do
            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unlines $
                "Received block INV"
                : map (("  " ++) . cs . blockHashToHex) blocklist
            -- We ignore block INVs as we do headers-first sync
            return ()
    -- Single blockhash INV is a tickle
    tickleM = case blocklist of
        [h] -> if null txlist then Just h else Nothing
        _ -> Nothing
    txlist :: [TxHash]
    txlist = map (TxHash . invHash) $
        filter ((== InvTx) . invType) vs
    blocklist :: [BlockHash]
    blocklist = map (BlockHash . invHash) $ filter ((== InvBlock) . invType) vs

-- | Encode message that are being sent to the remote host.
encodeMessage :: MonadLoggerIO m
              => Conduit Message (NodeT m) BS.ByteString
encodeMessage = awaitForever $ yield . encode

peerPing :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
         => PeerId
         -> PeerHost
         -> NodeT m ()
peerPing pid ph = forever $ do
    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph
        "Waiting until the peer is available for sending pings..."
    atomicallyNodeT $ waitPeerAvailable pid

    nonce <- liftIO randomIO
    nonceTVar <- atomicallyNodeT $ do
        PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
        sendMessage pid $ MPing $ Ping nonce
        return peerSessionPings

    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
        [ "Waiting for Ping nonce", show nonce ]
    -- Wait 120 seconds for the pong or time out
    startTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
    resE <- raceTimeout 120 (killPeer nonce) (waitPong nonce nonceTVar)
    case resE of
        Right _ -> do
            endTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
            (diff, score) <- atomicallyNodeT $ do
                PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
                -- Compute the ping time and the new score
                let diff  = diffUTCTime endTime startTime
                    score = 0.5 * diff + 0.5 * fromMaybe diff peerSessionScore
                -- Save the score in the peer session unless the peer is busy
                modifyPeerSession pid $ \s -> s{ peerSessionScore = Just score }
                return (diff, score)
            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph $ unwords
                [ "Got response to ping", show nonce
                , "with time", show diff, "and score", show score
        _ -> return ()

    -- Sleep 30 seconds before sending the next ping
    liftIO $ threadDelay $ 30 * 1000000
    -- Wait for the Pong message of our Ping nonce to arrive
    waitPong nonce nonceTVar = do
        ns <- liftIO . atomically $ do
            ns <- swapTVar nonceTVar []
            if null ns then retry else return ns
        unless (nonce `elem` ns) $ waitPong nonce nonceTVar
    killPeer nonce = do
        $(logWarn) $ formatPid pid ph $ concat
            [ "Did not receive a timely reply for Ping ", show nonce
            , ". Reconnecting the peer."
        disconnectPeer pid ph

isBloomDisabled :: Version -> Bool
isBloomDisabled ver = version ver >= 70011 && not (services ver `testBit` 2)

peerHandshake :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
              => PeerId
              -> PeerHost
              -> TBMChan Message
              -> NodeT m ()
peerHandshake pid ph chan = do
    ourVer <- buildVersion
    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Sending our version message"
    liftIO . atomically $ writeTBMChan chan $ MVersion ourVer
    -- Wait for the peer version message to arrive
    $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Waiting for the peers version message..."
    peerVer <- atomicallyNodeT $ waitPeerVersion pid
    $(logInfo) $ formatPid pid ph $ unlines
        [ unwords [ "Connected to peer host"
                  , show $ naAddress $ addrSend peerVer
        , unwords [ "  version  :", show $ version peerVer ]
        , unwords [ "  subVer   :", show $ userAgent peerVer ]
        , unwords [ "  services :", show $ services peerVer ]
        , unwords [ "  time     :", show $ timestamp peerVer ]
        , unwords [ "  blocks   :", show $ startHeight peerVer ]

    -- Check the protocol version
    go peerVer $ do
        atomicallyNodeT $ do
            -- Save the peers height and update the network height
            modifyPeerSession pid $ \s ->
                s{ peerSessionHeight    = startHeight peerVer
                , peerSessionConnected = True
            -- Reset the reconnection timer (exponential backoff)
            modifyHostSession ph $ \s ->
                s{ peerHostSessionReconnect = 1 }
            -- ACK the version message
            lift $ writeTBMChan chan MVerAck
        $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Handshake complete"
    go ver action
        | version ver < minProtocolVersion =
            misbehaving pid ph severeDoS $ unwords
                [ "Connected to a peer speaking protocol version"
                , show $ version ver
                , "but we require at least"
                , show minProtocolVersion
        | isBloomDisabled ver =
            misbehaving pid ph severeDoS "Peer does not support bloom filters"
        | otherwise = action
    buildVersion = do
        -- TODO: Get our correct IP here
        let add = NetworkAddress 1 $ SockAddrInet 0 0
            ua  = VarString haskoinUserAgent
        time <- floor <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime
        rdmn <- liftIO randomIO -- nonce
        height <- nodeBlockHeight <$> atomicallyNodeT (readTVarS sharedBestHeader)
        return Version { version     = 70011
                       , services    = 5
                       , timestamp   = time
                       , addrRecv    = add
                       , addrSend    = add
                       , verNonce    = rdmn
                       , userAgent   = ua
                       , startHeight = height
                       , relay       = False

-- Wait for the version message of a peer and return it
waitPeerVersion :: PeerId -> NodeT STM Version
waitPeerVersion pid = do
    PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
    case peerSessionVersion of
        Just ver -> return ver
        _ -> lift retry

-- Delete the session of a peer and send a kill signal to the peers thread.
-- Unless the peer is banned, the peer will try to reconnect.
disconnectPeer :: (MonadLoggerIO m)
               => PeerId
               -> PeerHost
               -> NodeT m ()
disconnectPeer pid ph = do
    sessM <- atomicallyNodeT $ tryGetPeerSession pid
    case sessM of
        Just PeerSession{..} -> do
            $(logDebug) $ formatPid pid ph "Killing the peer thread"
            liftIO $ killThread peerSessionThreadId
        _ -> return ()

{- Peer utility functions -}

--- Wait until the given peer is not syncing headers or merkle blocks
waitPeerAvailable :: PeerId -> NodeT STM ()
waitPeerAvailable pid = do
    hPidM <- readTVarS sharedHeaderPeer
    mPidM <- readTVarS sharedMerklePeer
    when (Just pid `elem` [hPidM, mPidM]) $ lift retry

-- Wait for a non-empty bloom filter to be available
waitBloomFilter :: NodeT STM BloomFilter
waitBloomFilter =
    maybe (lift retry) (return . fst) =<< readTVarS sharedBloomFilter

sendBloomFilter :: BloomFilter -> Int -> NodeT STM ()
sendBloomFilter bloom elems = unless (isBloomEmpty bloom) $ do
    oldBloomM <- readTVarS sharedBloomFilter
    let oldElems = maybe 0 snd oldBloomM
    -- Only update the bloom filter if the number of elements is larger
    when (elems > oldElems) $ do
        writeTVarS sharedBloomFilter $ Just (bloom, elems)
        sendMessageAll $ MFilterLoad $ FilterLoad bloom

-- Returns the median height of all the peers
getMedianHeight :: NodeT STM BlockHeight
getMedianHeight = do
    hs <- map (peerSessionHeight . snd) <$> getConnectedPeers
    let (_,ms) = splitAt (length hs `div` 2) $ sort hs
    return $ fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe ms

-- Set the network height to the median height of all peers.
updateNetworkHeight :: NodeT STM ()
updateNetworkHeight = writeTVarS sharedNetworkHeight =<< getMedianHeight

getPeers :: NodeT STM [(PeerId, PeerSession)]
getPeers = do
    peerMap <- readTVarS sharedPeerMap
    lift $ mapM f $ M.assocs peerMap
    f (pid, sess) = (,) pid <$> readTVar sess

getConnectedPeers :: NodeT STM [(PeerId, PeerSession)]
getConnectedPeers = filter (peerSessionConnected . snd) <$> getPeers

-- Returns a peer that is connected, at the network height and
-- with the best score.
getPeersAtNetHeight :: NodeT STM [(PeerId, PeerSession)]
getPeersAtNetHeight = do
    -- Find the current network height
    height <- readTVarS sharedNetworkHeight
    getPeersAtHeight (== height)

-- Find the best peer at the given height
getPeersAtHeight :: (BlockHeight -> Bool)
                 -> NodeT STM [(PeerId, PeerSession)]
getPeersAtHeight cmpHeight = do
    peers <- filter f <$> getPeers
    -- Choose the peer with the best score
    return $ sortBy s peers
    f (_, p) =
        peerSessionConnected p &&       -- Only connected peers
        isJust (peerSessionScore p) &&  -- Only peers with scores
        cmpHeight (peerSessionHeight p) -- Only peers at the required height
    s (_,a) (_,b) = peerSessionScore a `compare` peerSessionScore b

-- Send a message to a peer only if it is connected. It returns True on
-- success.
trySendMessage :: PeerId -> Message -> NodeT STM Bool
trySendMessage pid msg = do
    sessM <- tryGetPeerSession pid
    lift $ case sessM of
        Just PeerSession{..} ->
            if peerSessionConnected
                then writeTBMChan peerSessionChan msg >> return True
                else return False -- The peer is not yet connected
        _ -> return False -- The peer does not exist

-- Send a message to a peer only if it is connected. It returns True on
-- success. Throws an exception if the peer does not exist or is not connected.
sendMessage :: PeerId -> Message -> NodeT STM ()
sendMessage pid msg = do
    PeerSession{..} <- getPeerSession pid
    if peerSessionConnected
        then lift $ writeTBMChan peerSessionChan msg
        else throw $ NodeExceptionPeerNotConnected $ ShowPeerId pid

-- Send a message to all connected peers.
sendMessageAll :: Message -> NodeT STM ()
sendMessageAll msg = do
    peerMap <- readTVarS sharedPeerMap
    forM_ (M.keys peerMap) $ \pid -> trySendMessage pid msg

getNetworkHeight :: NodeT STM BlockHeight
getNetworkHeight = readTVarS sharedNetworkHeight

misbehaving :: (MonadLoggerIO m)
            => PeerId
            -> PeerHost
            -> (PeerHostScore -> PeerHostScore)
            -> String
            -> NodeT m ()
misbehaving pid ph f msg = do
    sessM <- atomicallyNodeT $ do
        modifyHostSession ph $ \s ->
            s{ peerHostSessionScore =  f $! peerHostSessionScore s
             , peerHostSessionLog   = msg : peerHostSessionLog s
        getHostSession ph
    case sessM of
        Just PeerHostSession{..} -> do
            $(logWarn) $ formatPid pid ph $ unlines
                [ "Misbehaving peer"
                , unwords [ "  Score:", show peerHostSessionScore ]
                , unwords [ "  Reason:", msg ]
            when (isHostScoreBanned peerHostSessionScore) $
                disconnectPeer pid ph
        _ -> return ()

{- Run header tree database action -}

-- runHeaderTree :: MonadIO m => ReaderT L.DB IO a -> NodeT m a
-- runHeaderTree action = undefined

{- Utilities -}

raceTimeout :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
            => Int
               -- ^ Timeout value in seconds
            -> m a
               -- ^ Action to run if the main action times out
            -> m b
               -- ^ Action to run until the time runs out
            -> m (Either a b)
raceTimeout sec cleanup action = do
    resE <- race (liftIO $ threadDelay (sec * 1000000)) action
    case resE of
        Right res -> return $ Right res
        Left _ -> fmap Left cleanup

formatPid :: PeerId -> PeerHost -> String -> Text
formatPid pid ph str = pack $ concat
    [ "[Peer ", show $ hashUnique pid
    , " | ", peerHostString ph, "] ", str