Module      : MZinHaskell
Description : Integration of MiniZinc 2.0 in Haskell
Copyright   : (c) Some Guy, 2013
                  Someone Else, 2014
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : Klara Marntirosian <klara.mar@cs.kuleuven.be>
Stability   : experimental

This module integrates constraint solving programming through MiniZinc in Haskell.


module Interfaces.MZinHaskell (
  module Interfaces.MZAST,
  module Interfaces.FZSolutionParser,
  module Interfaces.MZPrinter,
) where

import Interfaces.Auxiliary
import System.Process
#ifdef unix
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.FilePath.Windows
import Interfaces.MZPrinter
import Interfaces.FZSolutionParser
import Interfaces.MZAST hiding (UserD, PrefBop)

-- | Interactively runs a model and outputs its solution(s). The function first prompts the user
-- for the paths of the file in which the represented MiniZinc model will be printed and the 
-- data file if required. Then asks the user to choose between supported solvers and the desired 
-- number of solutions (only one or all supported for now). Finally, it uses the chosen solver 
-- and parses the solution(s).
iTestModel :: MZModel -> IO ()
iTestModel m = do
  putStrLn "Enter MiniZinc model's filepath:"
  path <- getLine
  putStrLn "Is there a data file? If yes, provide its filepath:"
  dpath <- getLine
  putStrLn "Type \"fd\" for G12/FD solver or leave empty for choco solver."
  solver <- getLine
  putStrLn "Enter 0 to output all solutions."
  mode <- getLine
  testModel m path dpath solver mode

-- | Runs a model and parses its solution(s).
testModel :: MZModel -- ^ The model
  -> FilePath         -- ^ The path of the file in which the represented MiniZinc model will be printed
  -> FilePath         -- ^ The path of the data file if required, else an empty string
  -> String           -- ^ The chose solver ("fd" for the G12/FD built-in solver or empty string for choco3)
  -> String           -- ^ "0" for all solutions, empty string for the first solution
  -> IO ()
testModel m mzn dtf s n = do
  configuration <- parseConfig
  let mz_dir = case minizinc configuration of
                ""  -> addTrailingPathSeparator "."
                str -> addTrailingPathSeparator str
  let mfzn = spaceFix $ mz_dir ++ "mzn2fzn"
  let flatzinc = spaceFix $ mz_dir ++ "flatzinc"
  writeFile (mzn) (Prelude.show $ printModel m)
  readCreateProcess (shell (mfzn ++ mzn ++ dtf)) ""
  let (filename, _) = splitExtension mzn
  let opt = case n of
              "0" -> " -a "
              _   -> " "
  res <- case s of
          "" -> let antlr = antlr_path configuration
                    chocoParser = chocoparser configuration
                    chocoSolver = chocosolver configuration
                in readCreateProcess (shell $ "java -cp ." ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ chocoSolver ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ chocoParser ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ antlr ++ " org.chocosolver.parser.flatzinc.ChocoFZN" ++ opt ++ filename ++ ".fzn> " ++ filename ++ ".fzn.results.txt") ""
          _  -> readCreateProcess (shell $ flatzinc ++ opt ++ "-b fd " ++ filename ++ ".fzn > " ++ filename ++ ".fzn.results.txt") ""
  getSolution $ filename ++ ".fzn.results.txt"

-- | Writes the model's data file. The 'MZModel' of the argument must contain
-- only 'Assignment' items.
writeData :: MZModel -> IO ()
writeData m = do
  putStrLn "Enter MiniZinc datafile's filepath:"
  datapath <- getLine
  writeFile datapath (Prelude.show $ printModel m)