{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase
           , TupleSections
           , FlexibleContexts
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.CLI (refactorSession) where

import System.Directory
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Reference

import GHC
import HscTypes as GHC
import Module as GHC
import GHC.Paths ( libdir )

import Language.Haskell.Tools.PrettyPrint
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Perform
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.GetModules
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Session

import Debug.Trace

tryOut = refactorSession [ "-dry-run", "-one-shot", "-module-name=Language.Haskell.Tools.AST", "-refactoring=OrganizeImports"
                         , "-package", "ghc", "src/ast", "src/backend-ghc", "src/prettyprint", "src/rewrite", "src/refactor"]

refactorSession :: [String] -> IO String
refactorSession args = runGhc (Just libdir) $ flip evalStateT initSession $
  do lift $ initGhcFlags
     workingDirsAndHtFlags <- lift $ useFlags args
     let (htFlags, workingDirs) = partition (\f -> head f == '-') workingDirsAndHtFlags
     if null workingDirs then return usageMessage
                         else do initializeSession workingDirs htFlags
                                 runSession htFlags
  where initializeSession :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> RefactorSession Ghc ()
        initializeSession workingDirs flags = do
          moduleNames <- liftIO $ concat <$> mapM getModules workingDirs
          lift $ useDirs (concatMap fst moduleNames)
          lift $ setTargets $ map (\mod -> (Target (TargetModule (GHC.mkModuleName mod)) True Nothing)) 
                                  (concatMap snd moduleNames)
          liftIO $ putStrLn "Compiling modules. This may take some time. Please wait."
          lift $ load LoadAllTargets
          allMods <- lift getModuleGraph
          mods <- lift $ forM allMods loadModule
          liftIO $ putStrLn "All modules loaded. Use 'SelectModule module-name' to select a module"
          modify $ refSessMods .= Map.fromList mods
          liftIO $ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
          when ("-dry-run" `elem` flags) $ modify (dryMode .= True)

        loadModule :: ModSummary -> Ghc ((FilePath, String, IsBoot), TypedModule)
        loadModule ms = 
          do mm <- parseTyped ms
             let modName = GHC.moduleNameString $ moduleName $ ms_mod ms
                 wd = srcDirFromRoot (fromJust $ ml_hs_file $ ms_location ms) modName            
             liftIO $ putStrLn ("Loaded module: " ++ modName)
             return ((wd, modName, case ms_hsc_src ms of HsSrcFile -> NormalHs; _ -> IsHsBoot), mm)

        runSession :: [String] -> RefactorSession Ghc String
        runSession flags | "-one-shot" `elem` flags
          = let modName = catMaybes $ map (\f -> case splitOn "=" f of ["-module-name", mod] -> Just mod; _ -> Nothing) flags
                refactoring = catMaybes $ map (\f -> case splitOn "=" f of ["-refactoring", ref] -> Just ref; _ -> Nothing) flags
             in case (modName, refactoring) of 
                  ([modName],[refactoring]) ->
                    do performSessionCommand (LoadModule modName)
                       command <- readSessionCommand (takeWhile (/='"') $ dropWhile (=='"') $ refactoring)
                       performSessionCommand command
                  _ -> return usageMessage
        runSession _ = runSessionLoop

        runSessionLoop :: RefactorSession Ghc String
        runSessionLoop = do 
          actualMod <- gets (^. actualMod)
          liftIO $ putStr (maybe "no-module-selected" (\(_,m,_) -> m) actualMod ++ ">")
          cmd <- liftIO $ getLine 
          sessionComm <- readSessionCommand cmd
          liftIO . putStrLn =<< performSessionCommand sessionComm
          doExit <- gets (^. exiting)
          when (not doExit) (void runSessionLoop)
          return ""

        usageMessage = "Usage: ht-refact [ht-flags, ghc-flags] package-pathes\n"
                         ++ "ht-flags: -dry-run -one-shot -module-name=modulename -refactoring=\"refactoring\""

data RefactorSessionCommand 
  = LoadModule String
  | Exit
  | RefactorCommand RefactorCommand
  deriving Show

readSessionCommand :: Monad m => String -> RefactorSession m RefactorSessionCommand
readSessionCommand cmd = case splitOn " " cmd of 
    ["SelectModule", mod] -> return $ LoadModule mod
    ["Exit"] -> return Exit
    _ -> do actualMod <- gets (^. actualMod)
            case actualMod of Just (wd,m,_) -> return $ RefactorCommand $ readCommand (toFileName wd m) cmd
                              Nothing -> error "Set the actual module first"

performSessionCommand :: RefactorSessionCommand -> RefactorSession Ghc String
performSessionCommand (LoadModule mod) = do fnd <- gets (find (\(_,m,hs) -> m == mod && hs == NormalHs) . Map.keys . (^. refSessMods))
                                            if isJust fnd then modify $ actualMod .= fnd
                                                          else liftIO $ putStrLn ("Cannot find module: " ++ mod)
                                            return ""
performSessionCommand Exit = do modify $ exiting .= True
                                return ""
performSessionCommand (RefactorCommand cmd) 
  = do RefactorSessionState { _refSessMods = mods, _actualMod = Just act@(_, mod, _) } <- get
       res <- lift $ performCommand cmd (mod, mods Map.! act) (map (\((_,m,_),mod) -> (m,mod)) $ Map.assocs (Map.delete act mods))
       inDryMode <- gets (^. dryMode)
       case res of Left err -> return err
                   Right resMods -> performChanges inDryMode resMods
  where performChanges False resMods = do 
          mss <- forM resMods $ \case 
            ContentChanged (n,m) -> do
              let modName = semanticsModule $ m ^. semantics
              ms <- getModSummary modName (isBootModule $ m ^. semantics)
              let isBoot = case ms_hsc_src ms of HsSrcFile -> NormalHs; _ -> IsHsBoot
              Just (workingDir,_,_) <- gets (find (\(_,m,b) -> m == n && b == isBoot) . Map.keys . (^. refSessMods))
              liftIO $ withBinaryFile ((case isBoot of NormalHs -> toFileName; IsHsBoot -> toBootFileName) workingDir n) 
                                      WriteMode (`hPutStr` prettyPrint m)
              return $ Just (n, workingDir, modName, isBoot)
            ModuleRemoved mod -> do
              Just (workingDir,_,_) <- gets (find (\(_,m,b) -> m == mod) . Map.keys . (^. refSessMods))
              liftIO $ removeFile (toFileName workingDir mod)
              modify $ refSessMods .- Map.delete (workingDir, mod, IsHsBoot) . Map.delete (workingDir, mod, NormalHs)
              return Nothing
          lift $ load LoadAllTargets
          forM_ (catMaybes mss) $ \(n, workingDir, modName, isBoot) -> do
              -- TODO: add target if module is added as a change
              ms <- getModSummary modName (isBoot == IsHsBoot)
              newm <- lift $ parseTyped ms
              modify $ refSessMods .- Map.insert (workingDir, n, isBoot) newm
              liftIO $ putStrLn ("Re-loaded module: " ++ n)
          return ""
        performChanges True resMods = concat <$> forM resMods (liftIO . \case 
          ContentChanged (n,m) -> do
            return $ "### UModule changed: " ++ n ++ "\n### new content:\n" ++ prettyPrint m
          ModuleRemoved mod ->
            return $ "### UModule removed: " ++ mod)

        getModSummary name boot
          = do allMods <- lift getModuleGraph
               return $ fromJust $ find (\ms -> ms_mod ms == name && (ms_hsc_src ms == HsSrcFile) /= boot) allMods