{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables
           , LambdaCase
           , FlexibleContexts
-- | Transform a syntax tree with ranges to a syntax tree that has range templates. Cuts the ranges of children
-- from the ranges of their parents and replaces it with placeholders.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.AnnTrf.RangeToRangeTemplate (cutUpRanges, fixRanges) where

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST

import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Reference hiding (element)
import Data.StructuralTraversal
import Control.Monad.State
import SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AnnTrf.RangeTemplate

-- | Creates a source template from the ranges and the input file.
-- All source ranges must be good ranges.
cutUpRanges :: forall node sema . StructuralTraversable node 
                 => Ann node (NodeInfo sema SpanInfo) 
                 -> Ann node (NodeInfo sema RangeTemplate)
cutUpRanges n = evalState (cutUpRanges' n) [[],[]]
  where cutUpRanges' :: StructuralTraversable node => Ann node (NodeInfo sema SpanInfo) 
                                                   -> State [[SpanInfo]] (Ann node (NodeInfo sema RangeTemplate))
        cutUpRanges' = traverseUp desc asc f
        -- keep the stack to contain the children elements on the place of the parent element
        desc = modify ([]:)
        asc  = modify tail
        -- combine the current node with its children, and add it to the list of current nodes
        f ni = do (below : top : xs) <- get
                  put ([] : (top ++ [ expandAsNodeInfo (ni ^. sourceInfo) below ]) : xs)
                  return (sourceInfo .- cutOutElem below $ ni)

-- | Modifies ranges to contain their children
fixRanges :: StructuralTraversable node 
          => Ann node (NodeInfo sema SpanInfo) 
          -> Ann node (NodeInfo sema SpanInfo)
fixRanges node = evalState (traverseUp desc asc f node) [[],[]]
  where -- keep the stack to contain the children elements on the place of the parent element
        desc = modify ([]:)
        asc  = modify tail
        f ni = do (below : top : xs) <- get
                  put ([] : (top ++ [ expandAsNodeToContain (ni ^. sourceInfo) below ]) : xs)
                  return (sourceInfo .- expandToContain below $ ni)

-- | Expand a list or optional node to contain its children
expandAsNodeInfo :: SpanInfo -> [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo
expandAsNodeInfo ns@(NodeSpan _) _ = ns
expandAsNodeInfo OptionalPos{_optionalPos = loc} sps = NodeSpan (RealSrcSpan (collectSpanRanges loc sps))
expandAsNodeInfo ListPos{_listPos = loc} sps = NodeSpan (RealSrcSpan (collectSpanRanges loc sps))

-- | Expand a simple node to contain its children
expandToContain :: [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo -> SpanInfo
expandToContain cont (NodeSpan sp) = NodeSpan (foldl1 combineSrcSpans $ sp : map spanRange cont)
expandToContain _ oth = oth

-- | Expand any node to contain its children
expandAsNodeToContain :: SpanInfo -> [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo
expandAsNodeToContain ns@(NodeSpan _) ls = expandToContain ls ns
expandAsNodeToContain oth ls = expandAsNodeInfo oth ls
-- | Cuts out a list of source ranges from a given range
cutOutElem :: [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo -> RangeTemplate
cutOutElem sps lp@(ListPos bef aft sep indented loc)
  = let wholeRange = collectSpanRanges loc sps 
     in RangeTemplate wholeRange [RangeListElem bef aft sep indented (getSeparators wholeRange sps)]
cutOutElem sps op@(OptionalPos bef aft loc) 
  = RangeTemplate (collectSpanRanges loc sps) [RangeOptionalElem bef aft]
cutOutElem sps (NodeSpan (RealSrcSpan sp))
  = RangeTemplate sp $ foldl breakFirstHit (foldl breakFirstHit [RangeElem sp] loc) span
  where (loc,span) = partition (\sp -> srcSpanStart sp == srcSpanEnd sp) (map spanRange sps)
        breakFirstHit (elem:rest) sp 
          = case breakUpRangeElem elem sp of
             -- only continue if the correct place for the child range is not found
              Just pieces -> pieces ++ rest
              Nothing -> elem : breakFirstHit rest sp
        breakFirstHit [] sp = error ("breakFirstHit: didn't find correct place for " ++ show sp)

collectSpanRanges :: SrcLoc -> [SpanInfo] -> RealSrcSpan
collectSpanRanges (RealSrcLoc loc) [] = realSrcLocSpan loc
collectSpanRanges _ [] = error "collectSpanRanges: No real src loc for empty element"
collectSpanRanges _ ls = case foldl1 combineSrcSpans $ map spanRange ls of RealSrcSpan sp -> sp
-- | Cuts out all elements from a list, the rest is the list of separators
getSeparators :: RealSrcSpan -> [SpanInfo] -> [RealSrcSpan]
getSeparators sp infos@(_:_:_)
  = mapMaybe getRangeElemSpan (cutOutElem infos (NodeSpan (RealSrcSpan sp)) ^. rangeTemplateElems)
-- at least two elements needed or there can be no separators
getSeparators sp _ = []
-- | Breaks the given template element into possibly 2 or 3 parts by cutting out the given part
-- if it is inside the range of the template element. Returns Nothing if the second argument is not inside.
breakUpRangeElem :: RangeTemplateElem -> SrcSpan -> Maybe [RangeTemplateElem]
breakUpRangeElem (RangeElem outer) (RealSrcSpan inner)
  | outer `containsSpan` inner 
  = Just $ (if (realSrcSpanStart outer) < (realSrcSpanStart inner) 
              then [ RangeElem (mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanStart outer) (realSrcSpanStart inner)) ]
              else []) ++
           [ RangeChildElem ] ++
           (if (realSrcSpanEnd inner) < (realSrcSpanEnd outer) 
              then [ RangeElem (mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanEnd inner) (realSrcSpanEnd outer)) ]
              else [])
breakUpRangeElem outer inner = Nothing