-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 NOTE On enforcing determinism

   The tests below use two mechanisms to enforce deterministic LSP sequences:

    1. Progress reporting: waitForProgress(Begin|Done)
    2. Diagnostics: expectDiagnostics

    Either is fine, but diagnostics are generally more reliable.

    Mixing them both in the same test is NOT FINE as it will introduce race
    conditions since multiple interleavings are possible. In other words,
    the sequence of diagnostics and progress reports is not deterministic.
    For example:

    < do something >
    expectDiagnostics [...]

    - When the diagnostics arrive after the progress done message, as they usually do, the test will pass
    - When the diagnostics arrive before the progress done msg, when on a slow machine occasionally, the test will timeout

    Therefore, avoid mixing both progress reports and diagnostics in the same test

module Main (main) where

import qualified HieDbRetry
import           Test.Tasty
import           Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun

import           AsyncTests
import           BootTests
import           ClientSettingsTests
import           CodeLensTests
import           CompletionTests
import           CPPTests
import           CradleTests
import           DependentFileTest
import           DiagnosticTests
import           ExceptionTests
import           FindDefinitionAndHoverTests
import           GarbageCollectionTests
import           HaddockTests
import           HighlightTests
import           IfaceTests
import           InitializeResponseTests
import           LogType                      ()
import           NonLspCommandLine
import           OpenCloseTest
import           OutlineTests
import           PluginSimpleTests
import           PositionMappingTests
import           PreprocessorTests
import           ReferenceTests
import           RootUriTests
import           SafeTests
import           SymlinkTests
import           THTests
import           UnitTests
import           WatchedFileTests

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- We mess with env vars so run single-threaded.
  defaultMainWithRerun $ testGroup "ghcide"
    [ OpenCloseTest.tests
    , InitializeResponseTests.tests
    , CompletionTests.tests
    , CPPTests.tests
    , DiagnosticTests.tests
    , CodeLensTests.tests
    , OutlineTests.tests
    , HighlightTests.tests
    , FindDefinitionAndHoverTests.tests
    , PluginSimpleTests.tests
    , PreprocessorTests.tests
    , THTests.tests
    , SymlinkTests.tests
    , SafeTests.tests
    , UnitTests.tests
    , HaddockTests.tests
    , PositionMappingTests.tests
    , WatchedFileTests.tests
    , CradleTests.tests
    , DependentFileTest.tests
    , NonLspCommandLine.tests
    , IfaceTests.tests
    , BootTests.tests
    , RootUriTests.tests
    , AsyncTests.tests
    , ClientSettingsTests.tests
    , ReferenceTests.tests
    , GarbageCollectionTests.tests
    , HieDbRetry.tests
    , ExceptionTests.tests