module IfaceTests (tests) where

import           Config
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class        (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import           Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import           Development.IDE.Test          (configureCheckProject,
import           Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import           Language.LSP.Protocol.Types   hiding
                                               (SemanticTokenAbsolute (..),
                                                SemanticTokenRelative (..),
                                                SemanticTokensEdit (..),
import           Language.LSP.Test
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO.Extra               hiding (withTempDir)
import           Test.Tasty
import           Test.Tasty.HUnit

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Interface loading tests"
    [ --
    , ifaceErrorTest2
    , ifaceErrorTest3
    , ifaceTHTest

-- | test that TH reevaluates across interfaces
ifaceTHTest :: TestTree
ifaceTHTest = testWithExtraFiles "iface-th-test" "TH" $ \dir -> do
    let aPath = dir </> "THA.hs"
        bPath = dir </> "THB.hs"
        cPath = dir </> "THC.hs"

    aSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 aPath -- [TH] a :: ()
    _bSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 bPath -- a :: ()
    cSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 cPath -- c = a :: ()

    cdoc <- createDoc cPath "haskell" cSource

    -- Change [TH]a from () to Bool
    liftIO $ writeFileUTF8 aPath (unlines $ init (lines $ T.unpack aSource) ++ ["th_a = [d| a = False|]"])

    -- Check that the change propagates to C
    changeDoc cdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR $ TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument cSource]
      [("THC.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (4, 4), "Couldn't match expected type '()' with actual type 'Bool'")])
      ,("THB.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning, (4,1), "Top-level binding")])]
    closeDoc cdoc

ifaceErrorTest :: TestTree
ifaceErrorTest = testWithExtraFiles "iface-error-test-1" "recomp" $ \dir -> do
    configureCheckProject True
    let bPath = dir </> "B.hs"
        pPath = dir </> "P.hs"

    bSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 bPath -- y :: Int
    pSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 pPath -- bar = x :: Int

    bdoc <- createDoc bPath "haskell" bSource
      [("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning,(4,0), "Top-level binding")])] -- So what we know P has been loaded

    -- Change y from Int to B
    changeDoc bdoc [ TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument $
                        T.unlines [ "module B where", "y :: Bool", "y = undefined"]
    -- save so that we can that the error propagates to A
    sendNotification SMethod_TextDocumentDidSave (DidSaveTextDocumentParams bdoc Nothing)

    -- Check that the error propagates to A
      [("A.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (5, 4), "Couldn't match expected type 'Int' with actual type 'Bool'")])]

    -- Check that we wrote the interfaces for B when we saved
    hidir <- getInterfaceFilesDir bdoc
    hi_exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist $ hidir </> "B.hi"
    liftIO $ assertBool ("Couldn't find B.hi in " ++ hidir) hi_exists

    pdoc <- openDoc pPath "haskell"
      [("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning,(4,0), "Top-level binding")])
    changeDoc pdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument $ pSource <> "\nfoo = y :: Bool" ]
    -- Now in P we have
    -- bar = x :: Int
    -- foo = y :: Bool
    -- HOWEVER, in A...
    -- x = y  :: Int
    -- This is clearly inconsistent, and the expected outcome a bit surprising:
    --   - The diagnostic for A has already been received. Ghcide does not repeat diagnostics
    --   - P is being typechecked with the last successful artifacts for A.
      [("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning,(4,0), "Top-level binding")])
      ,("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning,(6,0), "Top-level binding")])
    expectNoMoreDiagnostics 2

ifaceErrorTest2 :: TestTree
ifaceErrorTest2 = testWithExtraFiles "iface-error-test-2" "recomp" $ \dir -> do
    let bPath = dir </> "B.hs"
        pPath = dir </> "P.hs"

    bSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 bPath -- y :: Int
    pSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 pPath -- bar = x :: Int

    bdoc <- createDoc bPath "haskell" bSource
    pdoc <- createDoc pPath "haskell" pSource
      [("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning,(4,0), "Top-level binding")])] -- So that we know P has been loaded

    -- Change y from Int to B
    changeDoc bdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument $
        T.unlines ["module B where", "y :: Bool", "y = undefined"]]

    -- Add a new definition to P
    changeDoc pdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument $ pSource <> "\nfoo = y :: Bool" ]
    -- Now in P we have
    -- bar = x :: Int
    -- foo = y :: Bool
    -- HOWEVER, in A...
    -- x = y  :: Int
    -- As in the other test, P is being typechecked with the last successful artifacts for A
    -- (ot thanks to -fdeferred-type-errors)
      [("A.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (5, 4), "Couldn't match expected type 'Int' with actual type 'Bool'")])
      ,("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning, (4, 0), "Top-level binding")])
      ,("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning, (6, 0), "Top-level binding")])

    expectNoMoreDiagnostics 2

ifaceErrorTest3 :: TestTree
ifaceErrorTest3 = testWithExtraFiles "iface-error-test-3" "recomp" $ \dir -> do
    let bPath = dir </> "B.hs"
        pPath = dir </> "P.hs"

    bSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 bPath -- y :: Int
    pSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 pPath -- bar = x :: Int

    bdoc <- createDoc bPath "haskell" bSource

    -- Change y from Int to B
    changeDoc bdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR . TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument $ T.unlines ["module B where", "y :: Bool", "y = undefined"]]

    -- P should not typecheck, as there are no last valid artifacts for A
    _pdoc <- createDoc pPath "haskell" pSource

    -- In this example the interface file for A should not exist (modulo the cache folder)
    -- Despite that P still type checks, as we can generate an interface file for A thanks to -fdeferred-type-errors
      [("A.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Error, (5, 4), "Couldn't match expected type 'Int' with actual type 'Bool'")])
      ,("P.hs", [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning,(4,0), "Top-level binding")])
    expectNoMoreDiagnostics 2