{- Bench history A Shake script to analyze the performance of HLS over the git history of the project Driven by a config file `bench/config.yaml` containing the list of Git references to analyze. Builds each one of them and executes a set of experiments using the ghcide-bench suite. The results of the benchmarks and the analysis are recorded in the file system with the following structure: bench-results ├── <git-reference> │ ├── ghc.path - path to ghc used to build the binary │ └── haskell-language-server - binary for this version ├─ <example> │ ├── results.csv - aggregated results for all the versions │ └── <git-reference> | └── <HLS plugin> │ ├── <experiment>.gcStats.log - RTS -s output │ ├── <experiment>.csv - stats for the experiment │ ├── <experiment>.svg - Graph of bytes over elapsed time │ ├── <experiment>.diff.svg - idem, including the previous version │ ├── <experiment>.log - ghcide-bench output │ └── results.csv - results of all the experiments for the example ├── results.csv - aggregated results of all the experiments and versions └── <experiment>.svg - graph of bytes over elapsed time, for all the included versions For diff graphs, the "previous version" is the preceding entry in the list of versions in the config file. A possible improvement is to obtain this info via `git rev-list`. To execute the script: > cabal/stack bench To build a specific analysis, enumerate the desired file artifacts > stack bench --ba "bench-results/HEAD/results.csv bench-results/HEAD/edit.diff.svg" > cabal bench --benchmark-options "bench-results/HEAD/results.csv bench-results/HEAD/edit.diff.svg" -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wno-orphans #-} import Control.Lens (preview, (^.)) import Control.Monad.Extra import Data.Aeson (Value (..), encode) import Data.Aeson.Lens import Data.Default import Data.Foldable (find) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (unpack) import Data.Yaml (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (toJSON), decodeFileThrow) import Development.Benchmark.Rules hiding (parallelism) import Development.Shake (Action, Change (ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput), CmdOption (Cwd, StdinBS), RuleResult, Rules, ShakeOptions (shakeChange, shakeThreads), actionBracket, addOracle, askOracle, command, command_, getDirectoryFiles, liftIO, need, newCache, shakeArgsWith, shakeOptions, versioned, want) import Development.Shake.Classes import Experiments.Types (Example (exampleName), exampleToOptions) import GHC.Exts (toList) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import HlsPlugins (idePlugins) import qualified Ide.Plugin.Config as Plugin import Ide.Types hiding (Config) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO.Error (tryIOError) configPath :: FilePath configPath = "bench/config.yaml" configOpt :: OptDescr (Either String FilePath) configOpt = Option [] ["config"] (ReqArg Right configPath) "config file" binaryName :: String binaryName = "haskell-language-server" -- | Read the config without dependency readConfigIO :: FilePath -> IO (Config BuildSystem) readConfigIO = decodeFileThrow instance IsExample Example where getExampleName = exampleName type instance RuleResult GetExample = Maybe Example type instance RuleResult GetExamples = [Example] shakeOpts :: ShakeOptions shakeOpts = shakeOptions{shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput, shakeThreads = 0} main :: IO () main = shakeArgsWith shakeOpts [configOpt] $ \configs wants -> pure $ Just $ do let config = fromMaybe configPath $ listToMaybe configs _configStatic <- createBuildSystem config case wants of [] -> want ["all"] _ -> want wants hlsBuildRules :: MkBuildRules BuildSystem hlsBuildRules = MkBuildRules findGhcForBuildSystem binaryName projectDepends buildHls where recordDepends path = need . map (path </>) =<< getDirectoryFiles path ["//*.hs"] projectDepends = do recordDepends "src" recordDepends "exe" recordDepends "plugins" recordDepends "ghcide/session-loader" recordDepends "ghcide/src" recordDepends "hls-graph/src" recordDepends "hls-plugin-api/src" need =<< getDirectoryFiles "." ["*.cabal"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Config buildSystem = Config { experiments :: [Unescaped String], configurations :: [ConfigurationDescriptor], examples :: [Example], samples :: Natural, versions :: [GitCommit], -- | Output folder ('foo' works, 'foo/bar' does not) outputFolder :: String, buildTool :: buildSystem, profileInterval :: Maybe Double, parallelism :: Natural } deriving (Generic, Show) deriving anyclass (FromJSON) createBuildSystem :: FilePath -> Rules (Config BuildSystem) createBuildSystem config = do readConfig <- newCache $ \fp -> need [fp] >> liftIO (readConfigIO fp) _ <- addOracle $ \GetExperiments {} -> experiments <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetVersions {} -> versions <$> readConfig config _ <- versioned 1 $ addOracle $ \GetExamples{} -> examples <$> readConfig config _ <- versioned 1 $ addOracle $ \(GetExample name) -> find (\e -> getExampleName e == name) . examples <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetBuildSystem {} -> buildTool <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetSamples{} -> samples <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetConfigurations{} -> do Config{configurations} <- readConfig config return [ Configuration confName (encode $ disableAllPluginsBut (`elem` confPlugins)) | ConfigurationDescriptor{..} <- configurations ] configStatic <- liftIO $ readConfigIO config let build = outputFolder configStatic buildRules build hlsBuildRules benchRules build (MkBenchRules (askOracle $ GetSamples ()) benchHls warmupHls "haskell-language-server" (parallelism configStatic)) addGetParentOracle csvRules build svgRules build heapProfileRules build phonyRules "" binaryName NoProfiling build (examples configStatic) whenJust (profileInterval configStatic) $ \i -> do phonyRules "profiled-" binaryName (CheapHeapProfiling i) build (examples configStatic) return configStatic disableAllPluginsBut :: (PluginId -> Bool) -> Plugin.Config disableAllPluginsBut pred = def {Plugin.plugins = pluginsMap} where pluginsMap = Map.fromList [ (plugin, def { Plugin.plcGlobalOn = globalOn}) | PluginDescriptor{pluginId = plugin} <- plugins , let globalOn = -- ghcide-core is required, nothing works without it plugin == "ghcide-core" -- document symbols is required by the benchmark suite || plugin == "ghcide-hover-and-symbols" || pred plugin ] IdePlugins plugins = idePlugins mempty newtype GetSamples = GetSamples () deriving newtype (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show) type instance RuleResult GetSamples = Natural -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buildHls :: BuildSystem -> ProjectRoot -> OutputFolder -> Action () buildHls Cabal root out = actionBracket (do projectLocalExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist projectLocal when projectLocalExists $ liftIO $ do void $ tryIOError $ removeFile (projectLocal <.> "restore-after-benchmark") renameFile projectLocal (projectLocal <.> "restore-after-benchmark") liftIO $ writeFile projectLocal $ unlines ["package haskell-language-server" ," ghc-options: -eventlog -rtsopts" ] return projectLocalExists) (\projectLocalExists -> do removeFile projectLocal when projectLocalExists $ renameFile (projectLocal <.> "restore-after-benchmark") projectLocal ) $ \_ -> command_ [Cwd root] "cabal" ["install" ,"haskell-language-server:exe:haskell-language-server" ,"--installdir=" ++ out ,"--install-method=copy" ,"--overwrite-policy=always" ] where projectLocal = root </> "cabal.project.local" buildHls Stack root out = command_ [Cwd root] "stack" ["--local-bin-path=" <> out ,"build" ,"haskell-language-server:haskell-language-server" ,"--copy-bins" ,"--ghc-options=-rtsopts" ,"--ghc-options=-eventlog" ] benchHls :: Natural -> BuildSystem -> [CmdOption] -> BenchProject Example -> Action () benchHls samples buildSystem args BenchProject{..} = do command_ ([StdinBS configuration] ++ args) "ghcide-bench" $ [ "--timeout=300", "--no-clean", "-v", "--samples=" <> show samples, "--csv=" <> outcsv, "--ghcide=" <> exePath, "--select", unescaped (unescapeExperiment experiment), "--lsp-config" ] ++ exampleToOptions example exeExtraArgs ++ [ "--stack" | Stack == buildSystem ] warmupHls :: BuildSystem -> FilePath -> [CmdOption] -> Example -> Action () warmupHls buildSystem exePath args example = do command args "ghcide-bench" $ [ "--no-clean", "-v", "--samples=1", "--ghcide=" <> exePath, "--select=hover" ] ++ exampleToOptions example [] ++ [ "--stack" | Stack == buildSystem ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ConfigurationDescriptor = ConfigurationDescriptor { confName :: String , confPlugins :: [PluginId] } deriving Show instance FromJSON ConfigurationDescriptor where parseJSON (String s) = pure $ ConfigurationDescriptor (unpack s) [PluginId s] parseJSON o@Object{} = do let keymap = o ^. _Object matchKey = preview _String . toJSON case toList keymap of -- excuse the aeson 2.0 compatibility hack [(matchKey -> Just name, Array values)] -> do pluginIds <- traverse parseJSON values pure $ ConfigurationDescriptor (unpack name) (map PluginId $ toList pluginIds) other -> fail $ "Expected object with name and array of plugin ids: " <> show other parseJSON _ = fail "Expected plugin id or object with name and array of plugin ids"