{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module PackagePluginSpec where import Control.Monad ( forM_ ) import qualified Data.Aeson as Json import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes import Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Package import System.FilePath import System.Directory import Test.Hspec import TestUtils main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "Package plugin" packageSpec testdata :: FilePath testdata = "test" "testdata" "addPackageTest" testPlugins :: IdePlugins testPlugins = pluginDescToIdePlugins [packageDescriptor "package"] cabalProject :: [FilePath] cabalProject = ["cabal-lib", "cabal-exe"] hpackProject :: [FilePath] hpackProject = ["hpack-lib", "hpack-exe"] packageSpec :: Spec packageSpec = do cwd <- runIO getCurrentDirectory describe "Find correct package type" $ do forM_ hpackProject $ \hpack -> it ("hpack project find package.yaml (\"" ++ hpack ++ "\")") $ do let fp = testdata hpack packageType <- findPackageType fp packageType `shouldBe` HpackPackage (fp "package.yaml") forM_ cabalProject $ \cabal -> it ("hpack project find cabal file (\"" ++ cabal ++ "\")") $ do let fp = testdata cabal packageType <- findPackageType fp packageType `shouldBe` CabalPackage "add-package-test.cabal" it "Find no project description if none is present" $ do let fp = cwd testdata "invalid" packageType <- findPackageType fp packageType `shouldBe` NoPackage it "Throws exception if path is invalid" $ do let fp = testdata "unknownPath" findPackageType fp `shouldThrow` anyIOException describe "Add the package to the correct file" $ do it "Adds package to .cabal to executable component" $ withCurrentDirectory (testdata "cabal-exe") $ do let fp = cwd testdata "cabal-exe" uri = filePathToUri $ fp "add-package-test.cabal" args = AddParams fp (fp "AddPackage.hs") "text" act = addCmd args textEdits = List [ TextEdit (Range (Position 0 0) (Position 7 27)) $ T.concat [ "cabal-version: >=1.10\n" , "name: add-package-test\n" , "version:\n" , "license: BSD3\n" , "maintainer: luke_lau@icloud.com\n" , "author: Luke Lau\n" , "build-type: Simple\n" , "extra-source-files:\n" , " ChangeLog.md" ] , TextEdit (Range (Position 10 0) (Position 13 34)) $ T.concat [ " main-is: AddPackage.hs\n" , " default-language: Haskell2010\n" , " build-depends:\n" , " base >=4.7 && <5,\n" , " text -any" ] ] res = IdeResultOk $ WorkspaceEdit (Just $ H.singleton uri textEdits) Nothing testCommand testPlugins fp act "package" "add" args res it "Add package to .cabal to library component" $ withCurrentDirectory (testdata "cabal-lib") $ do let fp = cwd testdata "cabal-lib" uri = filePathToUri $ fp "add-package-test.cabal" args = AddParams fp (fp "AddPackage.hs") "text" act = addCmd args textEdits = List [ TextEdit (Range (Position 0 0) (Position 7 27)) $ T.concat [ "cabal-version: >=1.10\n" , "name: add-package-test\n" , "version:\n" , "license: BSD3\n" , "maintainer: luke_lau@icloud.com\n" , "author: Luke Lau\n" , "build-type: Simple\n" , "extra-source-files:\n" , " ChangeLog.md" ] , TextEdit (Range (Position 10 0) (Position 13 34)) $ T.concat [ " exposed-modules:\n" , " AddPackage\n" , " default-language: Haskell2010\n" , " build-depends:\n" , " base >=4.7 && <5,\n" , " text -any" ] ] res = IdeResultOk $ WorkspaceEdit (Just $ H.singleton uri textEdits) Nothing testCommand testPlugins fp act "package" "add" args res it "Adds package to package.yaml to executable component" $ withCurrentDirectory (testdata "hpack-exe") $ do let fp = cwd testdata "hpack-exe" uri = filePathToUri $ fp "package.yaml" args = AddParams fp (fp "app" "Asdf.hs") "zlib" act = addCmd args res = IdeResultOk $ WorkspaceEdit (Just $ H.singleton uri textEdits) Nothing textEdits = List [ TextEdit (Range (Position 0 0) (Position 32 0)) $ T.concat [ "copyright: 2018 Author name here\n" , "maintainer: example@example.com\n" , "dependencies:\n" , "- zlib\n" , "- base >= 4.7 && < 5\n" , "name: asdf\n" , "version:\n" , "extra-source-files:\n" , "- README.md\n" , "- ChangeLog.md\n" , "author: Author name here\n" , "github: githubuser/asdf\n" , "license: BSD3\n" , "executables:\n" , " asdf-exe:\n" , " source-dirs: app\n" , " main: Main.hs\n" , " ghc-options:\n" , " - -threaded\n" , " - -rtsopts\n" , " - -with-rtsopts=-N\n" , "description: Please see the README on GitHub at \n" ] ] testCommand testPlugins fp act "package" "add" args res it "Add package to package.yaml to library component" $ withCurrentDirectory (testdata "hpack-lib") $ do let fp = cwd testdata "hpack-lib" uri = filePathToUri $ fp "package.yaml" args = AddParams fp (fp "app" "Asdf.hs") "zlib" act = addCmd args res = IdeResultOk $ WorkspaceEdit (Just $ H.singleton uri textEdits) Nothing textEdits = List [ TextEdit (Range (Position 0 0) (Position 25 0)) $ T.concat [ "library:\n" , " source-dirs: app\n" , " dependencies:\n" , " - zlib\n" , " - base >= 4.7 && < 5\n" , "copyright: 2018 Author name here\n" , "maintainer: example@example.com\n" , "name: asdf\n" , "version:\n" , "extra-source-files:\n" , "- README.md\n" , "- ChangeLog.md\n" , "author: Author name here\n" , "github: githubuser/asdf\n" , "license: BSD3\n" , "description: Please see the README on GitHub at \n" ] ] testCommand testPlugins fp act "package" "add" args res it "Do nothing on NoPackage" $ withCurrentDirectory (testdata "invalid") $ do let fp = cwd testdata "invalid" args = AddParams fp (fp "app" "Asdf.hs") "zlib" act = addCmd args res = IdeResultFail (IdeError PluginError "No package.yaml or .cabal found" Json.Null ) testCommand testPlugins fp act "package" "add" args res