{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{- |
Module      : HaskBF.Tape
Description : Implement the brainfuck tape
Copyright   : (c) Sebastian Galkin, 2014
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : paraseba@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental

Provides a type and operations to implement the brainfuck tape. The tape has
the concept of a pointer, and the pointer can be incremented or decremented.


module HaskBF.Tape (
  Tape (Tape)
  , ExecutionError (errMsg, errTape)
  , rTape, wTape
  , inc, dec
  , right, left
  , BFExError
  , BFTape
  , blankTape
) where

import Data.Int
  ( Int8 )
import Control.Monad.Error
  ( Error, strMsg )

{- | Brainfuck tape. Constructor arguments correspond to
 -   1. left of the current pointer
 -   2. current pointed value
 -   3. right of the current pointer
 - The left part of the tape is reversed, so the first element of the list
 - is the rightmost position. The right list is normal order, its first element
 - is the leftmost one. -}
data Tape t = Tape [t] t [t]
  deriving (Show)

-- | Write element to the current position in the tape
wTape :: t      -- ^ The element to write
      -> Tape t -- ^ The tape
      -> Tape t -- ^ The modified tape
wTape b (Tape l _ r) = Tape l b r

-- | Read the pointed element
rTape :: Tape t -- ^ The tape
      -> t      -- ^ The element currently pointed by the pointer
rTape (Tape _ current _) = current

update :: (t -> t) -> Tape t -> Tape t
update f t = wTape (f $ rTape t) t

-- | Increment the currently pointed element
inc :: Num a
    => Tape a -- ^ The tape
    -> Tape a -- ^ The tape with the current position incremented
inc = update (+ 1)

-- | Decrement the currently pointed element
dec :: Num a
    => Tape a -- ^ The tape
    -> Tape a -- ^ The tape with the current position decremented
dec = update (+ (- 1))

{- | Type for execution errors, trying to move the tape beyond one of its
 - ends. The 'String' argument is the error message and the 'Tape' is in
 - the state right before the faulting operation -}
data ExecutionError a = ExecutionError {errMsg :: String, errTape :: Tape a}

-- | Move the pinter to the right
right :: Tape a  -- ^ The tape
      -> Either (ExecutionError a) (Tape a)
      {- ^ A new tape with its pointer pointing to the
       - element to the right of the pointer in the
       - original tape; or an execution error if the
       - tape to the right is exhausted -}
right t@(Tape _ _ []) =
  Left $ ExecutionError "Error trying to go right on an empty tape" t

right (Tape l c (r : rs)) = Right $ Tape (c : l) r rs

-- | Move the pinter to the left
left :: Tape a  -- ^ The tape
     -> Either (ExecutionError a) (Tape a)
     {- ^ A new tape with its pointer pointing to
      - the element to the left of the pointer in
      - the original tape; or an execution error if
      - the tape to the left is exhausted -}
left t@(Tape [] _ _) =
  Left $ ExecutionError "Error trying to go left on an empty tape" t

left (Tape (l : ls) c r) = Right $ Tape ls l (c : r)

constTape :: t -> Tape t
constTape b = Tape [] b (repeat b)

-- | Execution error type for basic Brainfuck tapes
type BFExError = ExecutionError Int8

-- | Brainfuck tapes type
type BFTape = Tape Int8

instance Error BFExError where
  strMsg s = ExecutionError s (Tape [] 0 [])

{- | A @(0 :: 'Int8')@ initialized, infinite 'Tape' pointing to its
 - leftmost position. An attemp to move the pointer left will result
 - in an error -}
blankTape :: BFTape
blankTape = constTape 0