{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, PackageImports, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | In which a Haskell module is deconstructed into extensions and imports. module Data.HaskellModule.Parse (readModule) where import "mtl" Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.List import Language.Haskell.Exts import Text.Printf import Control.Monad.Trans.Uncertain import Data.HaskellModule.Base import Data.HaskellSource import Language.Haskell.Exts.Location locatedExtensions :: forall si. SrcInfo si => [ModulePragma si] -> Located [ExtensionName] locatedExtensions = fmap go . traverse annotated where go :: [ModulePragma si] -> [ExtensionName] go = concatMap extNames extNames :: ModulePragma si -> [ExtensionName] extNames (LanguagePragma _ exts) = map prettyPrint exts extNames OptionsPragma{} = [] -- TODO: accept "-XExtName" extNames _ = [] locatedImports :: forall si. SrcInfo si => [ImportDecl si] -> Located [QualifiedModule] locatedImports = fmap go . traverse annotated where go :: [ImportDecl si] -> [QualifiedModule] go = map qualify qualify :: ImportDecl si -> QualifiedModule qualify decl = (fullName decl, qualifiedName decl) fullName :: ImportDecl si -> String fullName = prettyPrint . importModule qualifiedName :: ImportDecl si -> Maybe String qualifiedName = fmap prettyPrint . importAs locatedModule :: forall si. SrcInfo si => si -> HaskellSource -> Maybe (ModuleHead si) -> Located (Maybe String) locatedModule srcInfo source maybeModuleHead = case moduleLine of Nothing -> return Nothing Just line -> do located ((getPointLoc srcInfo) {srcLine = line}) return (moduleName <$> maybeModuleHead) where isModuleDecl :: Either B.ByteString String -> Bool isModuleDecl (Left xs) = "module " `B.isPrefixOf` xs isModuleDecl (Right xs) = "module " `isPrefixOf` xs moduleLine :: Maybe Int moduleLine = fmap index2line $ findIndex isModuleDecl source moduleName :: ModuleHead si -> String moduleName (ModuleHead _ (ModuleName _ name_) _ _) = name_ -- line numbers start at 1, list indices start at 0. line2index, index2line :: Int -> Int line2index = subtract 1 index2line = (+ 1) -- | A variant of `splitAt` which makes it easy to make `snd` empty. -- -- >>> maybeSplitAt Nothing "abc" -- ("abc","") -- -- >>> maybeSplitAt (Just 0) "abc" -- ("","abc") maybeSplitAt :: Maybe Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) maybeSplitAt Nothing ys = (ys, []) maybeSplitAt (Just i) ys = splitAt i ys -- | Given n ordered indices before which to split, split the list into n+1 pieces. -- Omitted indices will produce empty pieces. -- -- >>> multiSplit [] "foo" -- ["foo"] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Just 0, Just 1, Just 2] "foo" -- ["","f","o","o"] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Just 0, Just 1, Nothing] "foo" -- ["","f","oo",""] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Just 0, Nothing, Just 2] "foo" -- ["","fo","","o"] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Just 0, Nothing, Nothing] "foo" -- ["","foo","",""] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Nothing, Just 1, Just 2] "foo" -- ["f","","o","o"] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Nothing, Just 1, Nothing] "foo" -- ["f","","oo",""] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Nothing, Nothing, Just 2] "foo" -- ["fo","","","o"] -- -- >>> multiSplit [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing] "foo" -- ["foo","","",""] multiSplit :: [Maybe Int] -> [a] -> [[a]] multiSplit [] xs = [xs] multiSplit (j:js) xs = ys1 : ys2 : yss where (ys:yss) = multiSplit js xs (ys1, ys2) = maybeSplitAt j ys -- | Given n ordered source locations, split the source into n+1 pieces. -- Omitted source locations will produce empty pieces. splitSource :: [Maybe SrcLoc] -> HaskellSource -> [HaskellSource] splitSource = multiSplit . (fmap . fmap) (line2index . srcLine) -- Due to a limitation of haskell-parse-exts, there is no `parseModule` -- variant of `readModule` which would parse from a String instead of a file. -- -- According to the documentation [1], only `parseFile` honors language -- pragmas, without which PackageImport-style imports will fail to parse. -- -- [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskell-src-exts- readModule :: FilePath -> UncertainT IO HaskellModule readModule f = do s <- lift $ readSource f r <- lift $ parseFile f case r of ParseOk (Module srcInfo moduleDecl pragmas imports decls) -> return $ go s srcInfo pragmas moduleDecl imports decls ParseOk (XmlPage {}) -> fail "The XmlSyntax extension is not supported" ParseOk (XmlHybrid {}) -> fail "The XmlSyntax extension is not supported" ParseFailed loc err -> multilineFail msg where -- we start with a newline to match ghc's errors msg = printf "\n%s:%d:%d: %s" (srcFilename loc) (srcLine loc) (srcColumn loc) err where go :: SrcInfo si => HaskellSource -> si -> [ModulePragma si] -> Maybe (ModuleHead si) -> [ImportDecl si] -> [Decl si] -> HaskellModule go source srcInfo pragmas moduleDecl imports decls = HaskellModule {..} where (languageExtensions, _) = runLocated (locatedExtensions pragmas) (moduleName, moduleLoc) = runLocated (locatedModule srcInfo source moduleDecl) (importedModules, importLoc) = runLocated (locatedImports imports) (_, declLoc) = runLocated (traverse annotated decls) sourceParts = splitSource [moduleLoc, importLoc, declLoc] source [pragmaSource, moduleSource, importSource, codeSource] = sourceParts